Productive Magazine #4

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From the Editor

Working Effectively from Home, making Dreams Come True By Michael Sliwinski, Editor


t is my great pleasure to give you

from home, including yours truly. That’s

this fourth issue of Productive!

why there’s always a challenge of balance

Magazine. I know, I know, we have

between work and private life. The two

procrastinated with this one and

boundaries blend and very often it’s hard to

released it later than expected, but it is

draw the lines between the two.

finally here, on your screens. Enjoy.

popular blogs on the Internet, Zen Habits The main rationale behind working from

Because of so many things happening in

home is not a way to save money. It is

beautiful island of Guam or from San

my private life, ie. my responsibilities as a

mostly a lifestyle choice and I love it. I fell in

Francisco (OK, not yet, but he is moving

father and our move to a new apartment,

love with the concept when I was in college

there this year!). We also have Stephanie

the time I had left to work has been used to

writing my final thesis on Teleworking

Dickinson, one of the most famous home-

focus on my company, my web app - Nozbe

(Telecommuting). This is why the theme

office workers on the planet, author of „The

and the new web app that we are going

of this issue of Productive! Magazine is

30-Second Commute:A Non-Fiction Comedy

to release this year. Let’s hope it’s the last

„working from home” and we have great

about Writing and Working From Home”.

delay in the Productive! Magazine history.

experts to help me tell more about the subject.

Now on to this issue’s theme. Let’s start with my own company - no, we don’t have a physical „central office”. Everyone works

directly from his home office on the


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To cover the theme of productivity of the self-employed home-worker, we’ve got

First off, we’ve got über-blogger Leo Babauta who writes one of the most

Art Carden’s review of the New York Times bestseller „The Four-Hour Workweek”

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