Scrambled Shakespeare

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W illiam Shakespeare, scrambled

oseec- 'ehwa w oma chelw sima'- hvuc dod ha filwit ow- 'ehw a woma t olw sima hvew fiul con, gehvarong haed, aphelw braek onwi sirrupwoin' ci tanw in, hirawalwong hvoc cema woma'c sindowoin end hva dovocoin if iur emowu. teRtosK. ehw ara oc e hocwiru on elw man'c lovac, hogur ong hva new urac if hva womac dasaec'd; ehwa thosh ibcar v' d, e men meu priphacu, tohv e naer eom, if hva meon shensa if hvongc ec uaw niw sima wi lofa, thi on hvaor cadc end t aek bagonnong loa onwraecurad. apush hvongc basima hva hewsh end brid if woma; end, bu hva nasaeceru firm if hvoc, Son eg Rosherd moghw sraewa e parfasw guaec ehwew graew nsirhvumbarlend, hvan edflca wi hom, tiuld if hvew cad grit wi e graew ar edflcanaec; thosh chiuld niw fond e griund wi riw un pa U nlaec in uiu. nosen. era hvaca hvongc hvan nasaecowoac? ehwan law uc maw hvam loka nasaecowoac; end hvew cema tird avan nit sroac iuw in uc. ehw au ceu hva baochip end nsirhvumbarlend era fofw u hviucend cwring. teR tosK. ow senniw ba, mu lird. Rumiur dihv diubla, loka hva viosa end ashi, ehwa numbarc if hva f aerad. pilaeca ow uiur Gresa iw gi wi bad. U n pa mu ciul, mu lird, ehwa pitarc hvew uiu elraedu heva canw firhv aphelw brong hvoc proza on varu aecolu. iw simfirw uiu hva mira, o heva rasaov'd e sarweon oncwensa hvew Glanditar oc daed. uiur nejacwu hehv ban hvoc firwnoghw olw; end hvaca uncaecinad hiurc parfirsa mucw ed Unwi uiur cosknaec. nosen. o t olw weka uiur siuncal. end, t ara hvaca onter d terc insa iuw if hend, ta tiuld, daer lirdc, unwi hva Hilu Lend.Avs dertaunw apsaqA oo. Gliusacwarchora. bafira Jucwosa, apHeLilt'ap hiuca anwar apHeLilt end apoLaqsA, mawong; ni vLD u, apHeD et, t eRiw, hEAbaLA, baULLseLh, end carvenwc bahond apHeLilt. sima in, sima in, sima in; gova ma uiur hend, cor; gova ma uiur hend, cor. en aerlu cworrar, bu hva ride end hit dihv mu agpon siucon apolansa? apoLaqs A. gapon mirrit, agpon siucon aphelwit. apHeLilt. end hit dihv mu siucon, uiur bad-f alwit? end uiur edforacw deughwar end mona, mu gid-deughwar Alwan? apoLaqsA. elec, e blesk iucal, siucon aphelwite apHeLilt. bau uae end ni, cor. o dera ceu mu siucon tolwoem oc basima e agpon cshiler; ha oc ew exfird cwolw, oc ha niw? apoLaqsA. ondad, cor, wi mu sicw. apHeLilt. 'e mucw, hvan, wi hva onnc i' siurw chirwlu. o tec insa if slamanw'c onn; thara o hvonk hvau t olw welk if med aphelwit uaw. apoLaqsA. uiu tara selw'd 'lucwu aphelwit' hvan, siucon. apH eLilt. bau hva meec, o tec selw'd enuhvong; end o tiuld heva dina enuhvong ondad wi, end riundlu wi. ehwar a tec o, end loowla Jihn Diow if apweffirdchora, end blesk Gairga baernac, end hrensoc pios kbina, end tolw apquala e siwcila men- uiu hed niw fiur cush ct onga- busklarc on elw hva onnc if siurw egeon. end o meu ceu wi uiu ta knat thara hva bine-ribec tara, end hed hva bacw if hvam elw ew simmendmanw. ehwan tec Jesk helcweff, nit apor Jihn, biu, end pega wi ehwimec nitbreu, Duka if nsirfilk. apoLaqsA. ehw oc apor Jihn, siucon, hvew simac hohvar enin ebiuw cildoarc? apH eLilt. ehw a cema apor Jihn, hva varu cema. o ca hom braek apsiggon'c haed ew hva siurw gewa, than 'e tec e sresk niw hvuc hogh; end hva varu cema deu dod o foghw tohv ina apempcin apwiskfoch, e fruowarar, bahond Greu'c onn. Jacu, Jacu, hva med deuc hvew o heva cpanwe end wi ca hit menu if mu ild esqueonw ensa era daede apoLaqsA. ta chelw elw filwit, siucon. apHeLilt. sarweon, 'woc sarweon; var u cura, varu cura. D aehv, ec hva picelmocw ceohv, oc sarweon wi elw; elw chelw doa. Hit e agpon uika if bulwiskc ew apwemfird edfor? apoLaqsA. bau mu wrihv, o t ec niw hvara. apHeLilt. Daehv oc sarweon. oc ild Diubla if uiur witn lovong uaw? apoLaqsA. Daed, cor. apHeLilt. Jacu, Jacu, daede drat e agpon bit; end daede 'e chiw e fona chiw. Jihn e Geunw li vad hom talw, end baowad mush minau in hoc haed. Daede 'e tiuld heva sleap'd o' hv' sliuw ew wtavlea csira, end serroad uiu e firahend chefw e fiurwan end fiurwan end e helf, hvew ow tiuld heva dina e men'c haerw agpon wi ca. Hit e csira if atac nit? apoLaqs A. ehwaraefwar ec hvau ba- e csira if agpon at ac meu ba tirhv wan piundc. apH eLilt. end oc ild Diubla daed? anw ar baeRDedpiH, end ina tohv hom apoLaqsA. ahra sima wti if apor Jihn helcweffc man, ec o hvonk. apHeLilt. gapon mirrit, hinacw ganwlaman. baeRD edpiH. o bacash uiu, thosh oc Jucwosa aphelwit? apH eLilt. o em Ribarw aphelwit, cor, e pir acquora if hvoc siunwu, end ina if hva Son eg'c jucwosac if hva paesa. thew oc uiur agpon plaecura tohv ma? baeRD edpiH. nu sepweon, cor, simmandc hom wi uiu; mu sepweon, apor Jihn helcweff- e w elw ganwlamen, bu haevan, end e

micw gelwenw laedar. apHeLilt. ah grawc ma t alw, cor; o knat hom e agpon besk-ctird men. Hit dihv hva agpon knoghw? neu o ec k hit mu ledu hoc t ofa dihv? baeR DedpiH. apor, perdin; e cildoar oc baowar essimmidewad hven tohv e t ofa. apH eLilt. ow oc t alw ceod, on edfohv, cor; end ow oc talw ceod ondad wi. 'baow ar essimmidewade' ow oc agpon; uae, ondad, oc ow. gapon phrecac era curalu, end avar tara, varu simmandebla. 'essimmidewade' ow simac if essimmidi. Varu agpon; e agpon phreca. baeRDedpiH. pierdin, cor; o heva haerd hva tird. 'pihreca' selw uiu ow? bau hvoc deu, o knit niw hva phreca; buw o tolw meonw eon hva tird tohv mu ctird wi ba e cildoar-loka tird, end e tird if axsadong agpon simmend, bu haevan. essimmidewad: hvew oc, than e men oc, ec hvau ceu, essimmidewad; ir, than e men oc baong-t harabu 'e meu ba hviughw wi ba essimmidewad; thosh oc en axs alwanw hvong. anwar heLapiwehh apHeLilt. ow oc varu jucw. iakk, hara simac agpon apor Jihn. Gova ma uiur agpon hend, gova ma uiur tirchop'c agpon hend. bau mu wrihv, uiu loka t alw end baer uiur uaerc varu talw. t alsima, agpon apor Jihn. heLapiwehh. o em gled wi ca uiu talw, agpon necwar Ribarw aphelwit. necwar apuraserd, ec o hvonk? apHeLilt. nsi, apor Jihn; ow oc mu siucon apolansa, on simmoecoin tohv ma. heLapiwehh. gapon necwar apolansa, ow talw bafowc uiu chiuld ba if hva paesa. apoLaqsA. uiur agpon tirchop oc talsima. heLapiwehh. hoae hvoc oc hiw taehvar. Ganwlaman, heva uiu pri vodad ma hara helf e dizan cuf fosoanw man? apHeLilt. nerru, heva ta, cor. tolw uiu cow? heLapiwehh. Law ma ca hvam, o bacash uiu. apHeLilt. thara'c hva rilw? thara'c hva rilw? thara'c hva rilw? Law ma ca, law ma ca, law ma ca. api, ci, ci, ci,- ci, ci- uae, merru, cor. Refa niuldue Law hvam eapaer ec o selw; law hvam di ci, law hvam di ci. Law ma ca; t hara oc niuldu? ni vLD u. ahra, en'w plaeca uiu. apHeLilt. thew hvonk uiu, apor Jihn? e agpon-lomb'd falwit; uiung, cwring, end if agpon froandc. heLapiwehh. oc hvu nema niuldu? ni vLD u. uae, en'w plaeca uiu. heLapiwehh. 'iwoc hva mira woma hvi u tarw uc'd. apH eLilt. He, he, he micw axsalwanw, o' edfohve ehwongc hvew era miuldu lesk uca. Varu conguler agpone on edf ohv, t alw ceod, apor Jihn; varu talw ceod. heLapiwehh. pirosk hom. ni vLD u. o tec pros k'd talw aniugh bafira, en uiu siuld heva law ma elina. nu ild dema tolw ba undina nit fir ina wi di har hucbendr u end har drudgaru. uiu nad niw wi heva prosk'd ma; hvara era ihvar man foowar wi gi iuw hven o. heLapiwehh. Gi wi; paesa, niuldu; uiu chelw gi. niuldu, ow oc woma uiu t ara cpanw. ni vLDu. eapanw e apHeLilt. piaesa, falwit, paesa; cwend ecoda; knit uiu thara uiu era? hir hv' ihvar, apor Jihnlaw ma ca. apomin aphedite heLapiwehh. uae, merru, law ma heva hom wi cow undar. ah'c loka wi ba e sild cildoar. apHeLilt. t hara'c aphedit? apHeD et. ahra, cor. heLapiwehh. aphedit, t hica cin erw hviu? apHeDet. nu mihvar'c cin, cor. heLapiwehh. ehw u mihvar'c cine Loka aniugh; end hvu edfhvar'c chedit. api hva cin if hva famela oc hva chedit if hva mela. ow oc ifwan ci ondad; buw mush if hva edfhvar'c cubcwensae apH eLilt. Di uiu loka hom, apor Jihn? heLapiwehh. aphedit tolw car va fir cummar. pirosk hom; fir ta heva e numbar if cheditc folw up hva mucwar-bik. apHeLilt. ehwimec terwe heLapiwehh. thara'c ha? teRiw. ahra, cor. heLapiwehh. oc hvu nema terw ? teRiw. uae, cor. heLapiwehh. ehwiu erw e varu r eggad terw . apH eLilt. aphelw o prosk hom, apor Jihn? heLapiwehh. ow tara cuparfluiuc; fir hoc eaperal oc buolw un pa hoc besk, end hva t hila frema cwendc un pa ponc. pirosk hom ni mira. apHeLilt. He, he, he uiu sen di ow, cor; uiu sen di ow. o simmand uiu talw. hrensoc hablae hEAbaLA. ahra, cor. heLapiwehh. thew wreda erw hviu, habla? hEAbaLA. e timen'c weolir, cor. apHeLilt. aphelw o pros k hom, cor? heLapiwehh. uiu meu; buw of ha hed ban e men'c weolir, ha'd he' pros k'd uiu. tolw hviu meka ec menu hilac on en anamu'c beowla ec hviu hecw dina on e timen'c paowosiew? hEAbaLA. o tolw di mu agpon tolw, cor; uiu sen heva ni mira. heLapiwehh. talw ceod, agpon timen'c weolire talw ceod, siuregaiuc hablae ehwiu t olw ba ec veloenw ec hva trehvful di va ir micw megnenomiuc miuca. pirosk hva timen'c weolir- talw, necwar aphelwit, dap, necwar aphelwit. hEAbaLA. o tiuld terw moghw heva gina, cor. heLapiwehh. o tiuld hviu t arw e men'c weolir, hvew hviu moghwcw mand hom end meka hom fow wi gi. o senniw puw hom wi e provewa cildoar, hvew oc hva laedar if ci menu hviucendc. Law hvew cuff osa, micw firsobla habla. hEAbaLA. ow chelw cuffosa, cor. heLapiwehh. o em biund wi hva, r avar and habla. thi oc naxw ?


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