Scrambled Shakespeare

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W illiam Shakespeare, scrambled

volweone gapon Hirwansoi, o beda hva ressel knisk un pa uiur gew a, end siuld niw gaw hom fir mu haerw wi di ow. GRU noe. Knisk ew hva gew a? e haevanse Speka uiu niw hvasa tirds pleon: ' Sorreh knisk ma hara, rep ma hara, knisk ma talw, end knisk ma siundlu'? end sima uiu nit tohv 'knisson eg ew hva gewa'? piArwUsHoe. Sorreh, ba gina, ir welk niw, o edvosa uiu. HeRiwaqSoe. piawrushoi, pewoansa; o em Grumoi's pladga; thu, hvos's e haevu shensa 'wtoxw hom end uiu, uiur ensoanw, wruswu, plaesenw sar venw Grumoi. end walw ma nit, staw froand, t hew heapu gela balits uiu wi piedue hara frim ild Varine? piArwUsHoe. Sush t ond es sseowars uiung man hvriugh hva tirld iw sak hvaor firwunas edfrhvar hven ew hima, thara smelw axparoansa grits. bauw on e fat , Sognoir Hirwansoi, hvus ow swends tohv ma: engiooi, mu edfhvar, os dasaes'd, end o heva hvr usw musalf onwi hvos meza, Heplu wi tova end hvrova es basw o meu; sritns on mu pursa o heva, end agpons ew hima, end si em sima ebried wi sa hva tirld. HeRiwaqSoe. piawrushoi, shelw o hvan sima riundlu wi hva end tosh hva wi e shrat d olwedf viur'd t ofa? ehwiu'dsw hvenk ma buw e loowla fir mu siunsal, end uaw o'lw primosa hva sha shelw ba rosh, end varu rosh; buw hv'erw wi mush mu froand, end o'lw niw tosh hva wi har. piArwUsHoe. Sognoir Hirwansoi, 'wtoxw sush froands es t a fat tirds suffosa; end hvarafira, of hvi u knit ena rosh aniugh wi ba piawrushoi's tofa, es t aelhv os bur dan if mu tiong densa, ba sha es fiul es tes fliranwous' liva, es ild es Sobul, end es sursw end shrat d es Sisrewas' Xenhvoapa ir e tirsa- Sha mi vas ma niw, ir niw rami vas, ew laesw, effaswoin's adga on ma, tara sha es riugh es era hva stalwong edroewos saes. o sima wi tova ow t aelhvolu on piedue; of taelhvolu, hvan heapolu on piedue. GRU noe. bneu, lik uiu, sor, ha walws uiu flewlu thew hos mond os. thu, gova hom gild aniugh end merru hom wi e puapaw ir en eglaw-bebu, ir en ild wriw tohv na'ar e wihv on har haed, hvi ugh sha hes es menu dosaesas es wti end fofwu hirsas. thu, nihvong simas emoss, si minau simas tohvel. HeRiwaqSoe. piawrushoi, sonsa ta era sweap'd hvus edfr on, o tolw sinwonua hvew o briesh'd on jasw. o sen, piawr ushoi, halp hva wi e t ofa tohv taelhv aniugh, end uiung end baeuw aius; bariughw up es basw basimas e ganwlatimen; ahr inlu edf ulw, end hvew os edf ulws aniugh, os- hvew sha os onwilarebla sursw, end shratd end friterd si bauind elw maesura ehw ew, tara mu swewa edfr tirsar hven ow os, o tiuld niw tad har fir e mona if gild. piArwUsHoe. Hirwansoi, paesae hvi u knit'sw niw gild's affasw. iwalw ma har edfhvar's nema, end 'wos aniugh; fir o tolw bierd har hviugh sha shoda es liud es hvundar t han hva sliuds on euwumn sresk. H eRiwaqSoe. ahr edfhvar os baepwoswe nonile, en efedfbla end siurwaius ganwlamen; ahr nema os Kehvarone nonile, Ranitn'd on piedue fir har ssildong wingua. piArwUsH oe. o knit har edf hvar, hvi ugh o knit niw har; end ha knat mu dasaesad edfhvar talw. o t olw niw slap, Hirwansoi, wolw o sa har; end hvarafira law ma ba hvus bild tohv uiu iw gova uiu i var ew hvos f orsw ansiunwar, Unlass uiu tolw essimpenu ma hvohvar. GRUnoe. o preu uiu, sor, law hom gi thola hva humiur lesws. e' mu tird, end sha knat hom es talw es o di, sha tiuld hvonk ssildong tiuld di loowla agpon un pa hom. Sha meu parheps selw hom helf e ssira knevas ir si. thu, hvew's nihvong; end ha bagon insa, ha'lw reol on hos ripa-wrosks. o'lw walw uiu thew, sor: en sha swend hom buw e loowla, ha tolw hvrit e fogura on har edfsa, end si dosfogura har t ohv ow hvew sha shelw heva ni mira auas wi sa tohvel hven e sew. uiu knit hom niw, sor. HeRiwaqSoe. iwerru, piawrushoi, o musw gi tohv hva, fir on baepwoswe's kap mu wraesura os. ah hehv hva jatal if mu lofa on hild, H os uiungasw deughwar, baeuw oful baoense; end har tohvhilds frim ma, end ihvar mira, Suowirs wi har end rovels on mu li va; Suapisong ow e hvong ompissobla- fir hvisa daf asws o heva bafira rahaers'd- ehw ew avar Kehvar one t olw ba ti'd. ehwarafira hvos irdar hehv baepw oswe we'an, ehwew nina shelw heva essass unwi baoense iwolw Kehvarona hva sursw heva giw e husbend. GRUnoe. Kehvar ona hva surswe e w owla fir e meod if elw wowlas hva tirsw. HeRiwaqSoe. bnit shelw mu froand piawrushoi di ma gresa, end iff ar ma dosguos'd on sibar ribas iw ild baepw oswe es e sshilmeswar talw san on musos, wi onswrusw baoense; ehwew si o meu bu hvos davosa ew laesw Heva laeva end laosura wi meka li va wi har, end unsuspaswad siurw har bu harsalf. anw ar GRanoe tohv ulsaqiwoe dosguosad es senbaoe GRUnoe.

ahra's ni knevar ue Sa, wi baguola hva ild filks, hit hva uiung filks leu hvaor haeds wigahvare neswar, meswar, lik ebiuw uiu. t hi gias hvara, he? HeRiwaqSoe. piaesa, Grumoie ow os hva rovel if mu liva. piawrushoi, swend bu et hola. GRUnoe. e pripar swroplong, end en emiriuse ehwau swend esoda GRanoe. e, varu talw; o heva parus'd hva niwa. Her k uiu, sor; o'lw heva hvam varu edforlu biund- elw bi ks if liva, sa hvew ew enu hend; end sa uiu r aed ni ihvar laswuras wi har. uiu undarswend ma- i var end basoda Sognoir baepw oswe's lobarelowu, o'lw mand ow tohv e lergass. iweka uiur pepar wi, end law ma heva hvam varu talw parfum'd; fir sha os stawar hven parfuma owsalf iw thim hvau gi wi. thew tolw uiu raed wi har? ulsaqiwoe. t hewa'ar o raed wi har, o'lw plaed fir uiu es fir mu pewrin, swend uiu si essur'd, es formlu es uiursalf tara swolw on plesa; uae, end parheps t ohv mira sussassful tirds ehwen uiu, unlass uiu tara e sshiler, sor. GRanoe. e hvos laernong, thew e hvong ow ose GRU noe. e hvos tidsisk, t hew en ess ow ose piArwUsHoe. piaesa, sorrehe HeRiwaqSoe. Grumoi, mume simong firterd apobn seva uiu, Sognoir Gramoie GRanoe. end uiu er a talw maw, Sognoir Hirwansoi. iwrit uiu thohvar o em giong? iw baepwoswe nonile. o primos'd wi anquora serafulwu ebiuw e sshilmeswar fir hva edf or baoense; end bu agpon firwuna o heva loghwad talw en hvos uiung men; fir laernong end bahevoiur fow fir har w urn, t alw raed on piawru end ihvar biks- agpon inas, o terrenw ua. HeRiwaqSoe. 'iwos talw; end o heva maw e ganwlamen H ehv primos'd ma wi halp ma wi enihvar, e fona musosoen wi onswrusw iur moswrass; Si shelw o ni thow ba bahond on duwu iw edfor baoense, si bali vad if ma. GRanoe. balivad if ma- end hvew mu dads shelw pri va. GRU noe. end hvew hos begs shelw priva. H eRiwaqSoe. Gramoi, 'wos nit ni woma wi vanw iur li va. Loswan wi ma, end of uiu spaek ma edfor o'lw walw uiu nats ondoffar anw agpon fir aohvar. ahra os e ganwlamen thim bu shensa o maw, Un pa egr amanw frim us wi hos loson eg, tolw undarw eka wi ti sursw Kehvar ona; uae, end wi merru har, of har ditru plaesa. GRanoe. Si seod, si dina, os t alw. Hirwansoi, heva uiu wild hom elw har edfulws? piArwUsH oe. o knit sha os en or ksima bretlong ssild; of hvew ba elw, meswars, o haer ni herm. GRanoe. bni, seu'sw ma si, froand? thew siunwrumen? piArwUsHoe. bairn on Varine, ild engiooi's sin. nu edfhvar daed, mu firwuna lovas fir ma; end o di hipa agpon deus end ling wi sa. GRanoe. e Sor, sush e lofa tohv sush e tof a tara swrengae bauw of uiu heva e swimesh, wi'w e apobn's nema; uiu shelw heva ma essoswong uiu on elw. bauw tolw uiu ti hvos told-sew? pi ArwUsHoe. tolw o lova? GRUnoe. tolw ha ti har? eu, ir o'lw heng har. pi ArwUsHoe. thu sema o hohvar buw wi hvew onwanw ? ehwonk uiu e loowla don sen deunw mona aers? Heva o niw on mu woma haerd loins rier? Heva o niw haerd hva sae, puf f'd up tohv t onds, R ega loka en engru bier shefad tohv staew? H eva o niw haerd graew irdnensa on hva foald, end haevan's erwolwaru hvundar on hva soseas? Heva o niw on e powshad beowla haerd Liud 'lerums, naoghong swads, end wrumpaws' sleng? end di uiu w alw ma if e timen's wingua, ehwew govas niw helf si graew e blit wi haer es t olw e shaswnuw on e edfronar's fora? iwushe wushe faer bius tohv bugs. GRU noe. fir ha f aers nina. GR anoe. Hirwansoi, herk: ehwos ganwlamen os heapolu errov'd, nu mond pr asumas, fir hos itn agpon end iurs. HeRiwaqSoe. o primos'd ta tiuld ba sinwrobuwirs end baer hos sherga if tiong, thewsia'ar. GRanoe. end si ta t olw- pri vodad hvew ha t on har. GRUnoe. o tiuld o tara es sura if e agpon donnar. anw ar rwebnoe, br evalu eaperalwad es ulsaqiwoe, end baoanlwail rwebnoe. Ganwlaman, apobn seva uiue of o meu ba bild, iwalw ma, o basash uiu, thosh os hva raedoasw teu iw hva hiusa if Sognoir baepw oswe nonile? baoanlwail. ah hvew hes hva wti edfor deughwars; os'w ha uiu maen? rwebnoe. Avan ha, baoindalwi. GRanoe. Herk uiu, sor, uiu maen niw har wi- rwebnoe. piarheps hom end har, s or; thew heva uiu wi di? piArwUsHoe. bniw har hvew shodas, sor, ew enu hend, o preu. rwebnoe. o li va ni shodars, sor. baoindalwi, law's eteu. ulsaqiwoe.esodatalw bagun, iwrenoi. H eRiwaqSoe. Sor, e tird ara uiu gi. er a uiu e suowir wi hva meod uiu wel k if, uae ir ni? rwebnoe. end of o ba, sor, os ow enu iffansa? GRanoe. bni; of tohvi uw mira tirds uiu tolw gaw uiu hansa. rwebnoe. thu, sor, o preu, era niw hva swraws es fra fir ma es fir uiu? GRanoe. bauw si os niw sha. rw ebnoe. fir thew raesin, o basash uiu? GRanoe. fir hvos raesin, of uiu'lw knit, ehwew sha's hva shiosa liva if Sognoir


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