2nd edition of the Autism Advocate

Page 32

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Health and Wellness for Adults

O b e si t y, d iab e t e s an d h i g h b loo d pr e ss u r e aff ec t ag in g A m e rican a d u lt s at a l armin g rat e s . By Linda Walder Fiddle, Esq.

Not surprisingly, adults with developmental challenges, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), are even more at risk for these diseases because they often lead sedentary lives, take medications that increase weight gain and do not often have access to recreational exercise. In

Quality of Life = Fitness + Fun

communities throughout the United States, baseball, bowling, basketball and soccer programs for children with ASD are thriving. Recreational activities that promote fitness, such as horseback riding,

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Addresses Health and Wellness for Adults on the Spectrum

swimming, yoga, rock climbing and even ice hockey, are creating wonderful opportunities for children on the autism spectrum to stay fit and socialize. For adults with ASD, however, the fitness ball has

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been dropped. The Daniel Jordan Fiddle

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