MPLSzine - The Beauty Issue

Page 48

Attitude is a big part of it. If you look nice but you’re kind of a jerk, that can take away from your general aesthetic. If you’re a nice guy and you’re kinda schlubby, that could maybe make you look a little better. I think your demeanor, coupled with your presentation, really go a long way. I wear a beard because it’s easier to maintain than having to shave everyday. Now that I’m cruising into adulthood at full speed, I feel like there’s a certain feeling of being distinguished. It’s not quite lumberjack, but it’s not quite James Lipton.


Digital Radio Producer South Minneapolis It kind of runs the gamut, you can find people who really enjoy to dress kind of more classy, or people who really just don’t give a fuck and really like to flaunt their Grizzly Adams style. Personally, I sort of run between those lines of not wanting to shave and conform to anyone’s standards, because I am who I am. I really don’t think that there’s one way or another to be like, “All right, you’re gonna be mansome today, so here are the top ten rules that you have to follow.” I feel like those rules are meant to be broken. Follow your own rules. -DANIEL HOFFSTROM, 23 Filmmaker Northeast Minneapolis 48 MPLSzine // BEAUTY

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