2012 Christmas Greetings Issue

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My favorite Christmas memory is going to Florida to see my great-grandma

My favorite Christmas memory was when I was five or six and my aunt gave me and my sister a secret present. Inside was a DSI!!! I could not believe my eyes! It was a DSI with a game! Ever since I got it, I have never let it out of my sight, except for when I go to sleep. It has been four or five years since I got ti, and I never stopped getting DS g ames. I want it to be C h r i s t m a s e v e r y d ay, because it is my favorite holiday. Austin Clemensen (fourth grade)

My favorite Christmas memory was last Christmas I got a Hot Wheels game. I loved it. It was cool. I started the game. Another Christmas I got a Wii from mom and dad. I got a leverman from dad. I love them. Santa gave me the game. Reese Bailey (second grade)

My favorite Christmas memory is going to Florida to see my great grandma Betty. First we had to go to Tennesse for one night at my grandma Susan's house,then pick her up. We rode through Georgia overnight. In the morning, we got to F lorida. We arrive at grandma Betty's house. We stayed there for a week. One day we got to go to the beach. One day my dad caught a lizard because my grandma has lots of lizards at her house. We opened all our presents on Christmas Eve. Julia Weyers (third grade)

My favorite Christmas memory is when I got a helicopter from my mom, I shot it at my sister. It was fun. I can shoot two missles out of the helicopter. It can shoot in the air when it is flung. It came with targets. I got a Nintendo g ame called Indiana Jones, the real game. I also got some army guys from mom and dad. Korbin Hubbard (fourth grade) My favorite Christmas memory is when I got a wrestling guy from my dad. I got a board game from my mom. I got a video game and a movie. I went to my grandma's house, and my cousins were there, too. We ate turkey, corn, p o t at o e s, s t u f f i n g a n d cake. Caden Hunt (second grade)

My favorite Christmas Memory is when I was seven and I was asleep and heard a noise. I got up and went downstairs. I saw that the cookies were gone! I ran into my mom and dad's room and said,"Mom, Dad, the cookies are gone!" and Dad said,"How did that happen?" Then I was the presents under the tree. The presents we opened the next day. We had waffles for breakfast and the looked in our stockings. I loved my presents. What I'd really like this year thous, is some tiger bedding and some journals. Kylie Geleneau (fourth grade)


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