Morningside Master's Report 2015-2016

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MASTER'S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016

Morningside College at The Chinese University of Hong Kong was established in 2006 with generous donations from the Morningside Foundation and Morningside Education Foundation Limited for the purpose of accommodating 300 students on a fully residential and communal dining basis. The Morningside College Master’s Report is published annually and is circulated to all members of the University and College communities. General correspondence concerning the Report should be sent to the College Office, Morningside College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong, or by e-mail to 香港中文大學晨興書院於2006年在晨興基金會及晨興教育基金有限公司的慷慨捐助下 正式成立,為300名學子提供一個全宿共膳的學習環境。


晨興書院每年均出版《院長報告》,派發予大學和書院的所有成員。有關本報告的一般查 詢,請致函香港新界沙田香港中文大學晨興書院辦公室,或電郵至。












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MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016

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MASTER'S MESSAGE 院長致辭 We are now in the tenth year since Morningside College was founded. Students joined the College for the first time six years ago. We are nevertheless celebrating our tenth anniversary. We invited more guests to our Burns supper than we usually have, and Auld Lang Syne was more vigorous. But the high spot of the year was the Gala Dinner, held at the Asia Society Hong Kong Center in May. We had two speeches, by GERALD CHAN and me, splendid music making by a quartet from the Philadelphia Orchestra, and then from the pianist Ernest So, and finished with a suitable cake for my then imminent eightieth birthday. The mood was of great good cheer, as we looked to making the next ten years of the College as good as its first years in operation have been. Many of these good things were due to Professor JANNY LEUNG, who retired from CUHK this summer, and is now Founding Master of a new College, Shaw College, in CUHK-Shenzhen. Janny has been Dean of Students, Warden, and Deputy Master since the very beginning. She has set high standards for us in her care for students, from admission to graduation. We hope to see her often, back at dinner or other events. Earlier in the year we lost our former Fellow, David Parker. He died in Australia, and had not been able to come back for the beginning of the General Education course in the autumn term, as he hoped. We and the English Department, which he had headed, held a memorial meeting in College. It was humbling to hear what he had done in his lifetime. We miss him. We have a new Dean of Students, and a new Warden, and a new Deputy Master – three people for a change. The Dean of Students is Professor COLIN GRAHAM, who otherwise deals with Accidents and Emergencies at the Prince of Wales Hospital, and displays his fine


Glasgow accent reading Burns at the Burns Supper. The Associate Master, Professor ANN HUSS, has taken on the responsibilities of Warden and moved, with Pilot her friendly and handsome dog, into the Warden’s Flat at the top of the Tower. Professor SIMON HAINES, the current Chairman of the English Department, has become Deputy Master. Some other Fellows have been honoured. Professor LIU PAK WAI was made an Honorary Fellow of the University, recognizing his immense services to the University over many years. Professor ROSSA CHIU received a Croucher Award, to let her concentrate wholly on research for a period. Our students have also proved their mettle in various ways. Two of them were in the CUHK women’s 8+ rowing team that took gold at the 1st All China Universities Rowing Championships in Beijing early in the year. 57 of the 300 are on the Master’s List for having an exceptionally high grade average (over 3.5). Many others just missed. Most of our students evidently work hard, and play well. And, I am delighted to say, they look as though they are enjoying themselves. Argument seems to be very much alive, but apparently friendly, as it should be.

晨興書院創辦至今十載,雖於六年前方開始收生,但 無損十周年誌慶之意義。今年彭斯之夜邀請的嘉賓較 往年多,《友誼萬歲》的歌聲更為嘹亮激昂,但全年高 潮是我們假座亞洲協會香港中心舉行的慶祝晚宴。當 晚陳樂宗博士和本人先後致辭,再由費城交響樂團四 位樂手及鋼琴家蘇顯亮分別演奏精湛音樂,壓軸戲是 一個應時蛋糕,預祝本人八十生辰將至。是晚氣氛熱 烈歡騰,我們盼望為晨興書院打造媲美過去的未來十 年。

獲頒裘槎基金獎,讓她在一段時間內可完全專注於研 究。我們的學生亦各展所長。其中兩人為中大女子八 人划艇隊的成員,該划艇隊於本年初在北京舉行的首 屆全國大學生賽艇錦標賽中奪金。而在本院三百名院 生中,有五十七人獲得院長榮譽狀(學年平均績點達 3.5或以上),另有許多同學僅差少許便可上榜。大部 分院生顯然努力學習而又不忘娛樂,我很高興地說, 他們看來樂在其中。同學的爭論非常熱烈,但似乎都 能做到應有的君子之爭。

十年建樹中,許多有賴梁美兒教授之努力。她今年夏 天從中大榮休,現為香港中文大學(深圳)逸夫書院 的創院院長。梁教授自晨興書院創辦起一直擔任輔導 長、舍監兼副院長,由收生至畢業禮,處處對學生關 懷備至,為我們建立了優良典範。我們希望她多回本 院,跟我們晚膳或出席其他活動。 我們於本年度較早時痛失前院務委員大衛帕克教授。 他在澳洲逝世,未能一如所願回來為秋季通識教育課 程開班。我們和他曾任系主任的英文系仝人在本院為 他舉行追悼會,聽其一生舉措令人自愧不如,對他深 切懷念。

部份院務委員獲頒殊榮。廖柏偉教授獲中大頒授榮 譽院士銜,以表揚他對大學的卓越貢獻。趙慧君教授


MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016

新輔導長、新舍監和新副院長分別由三人擔任,現已 走馬上任。輔導長為簡家廉教授,他在威爾斯親王醫 院意外及急救醫學科臨床行醫,在彭斯之夜展露出他 優美的格拉斯哥口音朗誦彭斯詩歌。舍監一職由協理 院長何素楠教授兼任,她與其和藹可親的狗兒Pilot已 遷入高座頂層的舍監宿舍。副院長由現為英文系系主 任的SIMON HAINES教授出任。

Professor Sir James Mirrlees | 莫理斯教授



YEAR GPA OF 3.5 OR ABOVE 學年平均績點達3.5或以上 CHAN Adrienne Ho Ting 陳澔庭 Medicine 醫學

GONG Yaoyu 龔耀宇 Cell and Molecular Biology 細胞及分子生物學

HUI Ming Hon 許明翰 Medicine 醫學

CHAN Ka Wai 陳珈慧 Medicine 醫學

HAN Joon Hee 韓俊熙 Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程

JEONG Jintaek 鄭震澤 Hotel & Tourism Management 酒店及旅遊管理學

CHEUNG Chi Hin 張誌顯 Physics 物理

Benjamin HESTEVOLD Psychology 心理學

JIA Bowen 賈博文 Cell and Molecular Biology 細胞及分子生物學

CHU Nga Yee Jessica 朱雅頤 Laws 法學士 CHUN Yicttone Krissy 秦亦彤 Medicine 醫學

HO Chun Yin 何俊延 Pharmacy 藥劑 HO Sze Man 何思敏 Medcine 醫學

JIANG Yilin 蔣怡琳 Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程 KAM Pui Man 甘佩雯 Earth System Science 地球系統科學

CHUNG Yan Kei Emily 鍾欣琪 Journalism and Communication 新聞與傳播學

HU Weiyi 胡瑋伊 Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 系統工程與工程管理學

FOK Kar Hong Nicholas 霍嘉康 Medicine 醫學

HUANG Sumeng 黄穌萌 Global Economics & Finance 環球經濟與金融

LAM Chun Yin 林俊彥 Physics 物理

FUNG Sze King Harry 馮思敬 Medicine 醫學

HUANG Weiting 黄偉庭 Engineering 工程學

LAM Tin Wai Julia 林天慧 Medicine 醫學

FUNG Tsz Kwan Rachel 馮芷君 Government and Public Administration 政治與行政學

HUANG Yuebin 黃悅斌 Mathematics 數學

LAU Ho Yin 劉浩賢 Global Economics & Finance 環球經濟與金融


KWOK Wai Lim William 郭維廉 Quantitative Finance 計量金融學

LI Haocheng 李昊騁 Mathematics and Information Engineering 數學與信息工程學 LI Ruicheng 李瑞誠 Global Economics & Finance 環球經濟與金融 LI Zihao 李梓豪 Engineering 工程學 LIAO Zhiwei 廖芷惟 Engineering 工程學 LIU Calvin Tsun Wai 廖俊煒 Medicine 醫學

MOK Kit Shun Kevin 莫傑舜 Medicine 醫學 Radhika NARANG Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程 NG Hau Chuen 吳孝銓 Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis/Quantitative Finance 保險、金融與精算學/計量金融學 Sean Patrick O'REILLY Laws 法學士 Salome Jerusha A. A. PERERA 張明慧 Hotel & Tourism Management 酒店及旅遊管理學 Ayesha PRAJAPATI Science 理學 QI Shuxin 齊姝欣 Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程 QU Weien 曲維恩 Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程

Jyoti SHARMA English 英文 Shreenidhi SUBRAMANIAM Medicine 醫學 TANG Hoi Lam 鄧愷琳 Psychology 心理學 TANG Long Ching Lusanda 鄧朗晴 Medicine 醫學 Phoebe Nicole TANNER 陳劻晴 Medicine 醫學 TOH Chew Day 卓周蝶 Laws 法學士 WANG Peiyi 王沛怡 Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程 WONG Yuk 黃旭 Engineering 工程學


XUE Yun 薛云 Quantitative Finance 計量金融學 YAN Ming 閆明 Computer Science 計算機科學 YIP Kwok Cheong 葉國鏘 Quantitative Finance 計量金融學 YU Chun Lung 余俊龍 Computer Science 計算機科學 YUAN Jiayi 袁珈易 Professional Accountancy 專業會計學 ZHANG Qixiao 張綺瀟 Quantitative Finance 計量金融學 ZHAO Hongsheng 趙宏生 Architectural Studies 建築學 ZHI Xiaoying 智曉穎 Engineering 工程學

MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016

LOONG Chi Wang 龍智弘 Medicine 醫學

THE COLLEGE 書院簡介 “As I perused the various college websites, the name “Morningside” caught my eye… Somehow, things look a little brighter in the morning, and that’s not just because the sun is up. With mornings, there comes a sense of expectation, anticipation, and hope.”


BENJAMIN HESTEVOLD (PSYCHOLOGY), DINNER FOR FAMILIES OF THE CLASS OF 2016, 13 APRIL 2016 Morningside College has quiet, sun-filled spaces for reading, writing, and reflection. There are also common rooms where students socialize and learn from each other. There are jam sessions in the band room and table tennis matches in the fitness room. Communal dinners are often sweetened with musical performances and talks by College Fellows. Distinguished Visitors lunch with students and enlighten University audiences. The Master invites first-year students into the Lodge for afternoon tea. Resident Tutors gather floor mates for evening chats over sweet soup. This is just an extract of life in this College; details of a few specific events are included below. The tradition of Formal Hall dinners continued as usual in 2015-16. Guest speakers included College Fellow and Director of the Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) Professor EMILY CHAN; University of Hong Kong philosophy Professor


ALEXANDRA COOK, who spoke on Rousseau and botany; Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor Professor FUNG TUNG, who performed several pieces on the pipa; and Dr JOSIE ZHOU, a leader in cultural conservation in Asia. In March 2016, The Independent’s Middle East correspondent ROBERT FISK spent a week in College. Fisk, who has spent the last thirty years reporting from Beirut, delivered a dinner talk entitled “Don't believe what you read in the papers: The 'Islamic State', Syria and the Middle East”, and a public lecture titled “Reporting the Middle East: the Arab awakening and life after the ‘Islamic State’”. Both criticized the current narrative of ISIS. That same week, Harvard Professor MICHAEL SANDEL stopped by to chat with students. Though a professor of political philosophy in the US, Sandel easily found common ground with Morningside students during a conversation about how market-oriented values impact education.

In April, the sociologist, activist, and politician FAN YUN of National Taiwan University arrived to share her insights into Taiwanese politics, social movements, and NGO work with the college community. A week later, we welcomed the families of the Class of 2016 at a celebratory dinner and award ceremony. Class speakers KELVIN CHOY and BENJAMIN HESTEVOLD both fondly reflected on their original reasons for choosing Morningside and how the College grew to eventually take on much

more meaning in their lives through the space, friends, and opportunities it provided. The College encourages Kelvin, Benjamin, and all Morningside alumni to stay in touch and visit us often.

「當我瀏覽各書院的網站時,『晨興』這個名稱抓住我的目 光……晨光之下,事物總來得明亮一點,不單因為旭日東昇, 而是清晨帶來了期待、冀盼和希望。」 BENJAMIN HESTEVOLD(心理學)於2016年4月13日畢業班家長晚宴暨頒獎典禮畢業致辭

一如傳統,2015至2016年度繼續舉行高桌晚宴。演講 嘉賓包括書院院務委員兼CCOUC災害與人道救援研究 所所長陳英凝教授、香港大學哲學系教授曲愛麗博士 (講題為盧梭和植物學)、香港中文大學協理副校長馮 通教授(演奏琵琶),以及亞洲文化保育領袖周進博士。 2016年3月,《獨立報》中東記者ROBERT FISK到訪書 院一星期。Fisk在貝魯特採訪近三十年,他的晚餐演 講以「不要盡信報章新聞:伊斯蘭國、敘利亞和中東地 區」為題,而公開講座題目則為「報導中東:伊斯蘭國 後的阿拉伯覺醒與生活」;兩者均批評現行報章對伊斯 蘭國的描述。同一星期,哈佛大學米高·桑德爾教授來 校短聚。雖然身為美國政治哲學教授,他對市場導向 的價值觀如何影響教育的看法,引起晨興學生的共鳴。 今年4月,社會學家、公民運動與政治家,國立台灣 大學教授范雲蒞臨本校,與師生分享她對台灣政治、 社會運動和公民組織的見解。一星期後,我們邀請了 2016畢業班及其家人出席慶祝晚宴暨頒獎典禮。於典 禮上,畢業生代表蔡君恒和BENJAMIN HESTEVOLD 分別致辭,簡述他們選擇晨興的初衷,以及分享書院 裡的空間、朋友和所提供的機會如何為他們的人生寫下 重要的一頁。 書院鼓勵君恒、Benjamin及所有舊生與晨興保持聯繫, 並經常抽空來訪。


MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016

晨興書院提供寧靜熙陽的環境,供閱讀、寫作和思考; 同學亦可在學生共享室交流學習;在音樂室即興奏樂, 或在健身室打乒乓球。書院共膳常有音樂表演助興,或 院務委員的專題演講。傑出訪問學者與學生午膳,為大 學師生啟迪思維。院長邀請一年級學生到其宿舍共進下 午茶,宿舍導師與宿友晚上吃甜湯閒聊。這些都是晨 興書院生活的點滴,下列簡述過去一年重點活動。



In order to ensure a diverse incoming class in 2015, College Fellows interviewed over 300 students, either by phone or in person in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Shenzhen. 69 students (22% of those interviewed) were admitted. While JUPAS DSE and Mainland intake remained stable relative to 2014, International student intake increased by 111% (from 9 in 2014 to 19 in 2015). Non-JUPAS Year 1 and Senior Year intake decreased by 23% and 75% respectively. The 2015 student-intake-by-faculty pie chart is much more evenly partitioned than that of last year. Medicine student intake was cut in half, while Engineering student intake tripled (from 6% in 2014 to 19% in 2015). Minor variances were noted in other Faculties. Close to HK$2.3m in Scholarships and Financial Aid was awarded to deserving students this year, just slightly below last year’s allocation. Admission Scholarships, awarded for top academic performance at entrance to the University – and renewed for students who continue to achieve top marks while studying at CUHK – increased again in 2015-16, evidence that, alongside the large number of students on the Master’s List this year, indicates that Morningsiders continue to take their studies very seriously. 為確保2015年度取錄學生的多元性,書院共甄選超過 300名學生,並透過電話或親身在香港、北京或深圳 接受書院院務委員面試。最終共取錄69名學生,佔面 試總人數百分之二十二。與2014年度數字比較,透過 香港中學文憑考試成績經大學聯招辦法收取的學生人 數,以及取錄的內地新生人數相約,海外新生人數則 增加百分之一百一十一(由2014年度9人增至2015年度 19人),非聯招收取的一年級及高年級學生人數分別減 少百分之二十三及百分之七十五。 若以新生所屬學院而言,2015年度的收生比例較去年 度更為平均。醫學院新生人數減半,工程學院人數比 例則上升兩倍(由2014年度百分之六增至2015年度百 分之十九),其他學院的收生比例略有增減。本年度書 院合共提供近230萬港元的獎學金及資助予合資格的學 生,僅略低於去年。書院特設入學獎學金,作為嘉許 成績優異的新生和於入學後繼續取得卓越成績的入學 獎學金得獎學生。於2015至16年度頒發的入學獎學金 再次高於去年,加上每年眾多學生獲得院長榮譽狀, 證明晨興書院有不少用心向學的學生。

CHART 1: 圖表1:

(TOTAL COUNT 總人數 - 69)

International 國際 (i) 36%

China 中國內地 19%

Hong Kong 香港本地 45%

CHART 2: 圖表2:

(i) Countries of origin include: Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, South Korea, Swaziland,Taiwan, United Kingdom and United States (i) 國家包括澳洲、 巴西、加拿大、印度、 印尼、馬來西亞、尼泊 爾、南韓、斯威士蘭 、 台灣、英國和美國

2015 ADMITTEES - BY FACULTY 2015 新生 – 按學院計 (TOTAL COUNT 總人數 - 69)

Interdisciplinary Arts China Studies 跨學科 4% 文學院 中國研究 4% 4%

Science 理學院 10% Social Science 社會科學院 12% Medicine 醫學院 15%

Business Administration 工商管理學院 25%

Engineering 工程學院 19%

Education 教育學院 1%

Law 法律學院 6%

CHART 3: 圖表3:

SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL AID 2015-2016 2015-2016獎學金及資助

Admission Scholarships Scholarships and (New Awards) Financial Aid for 入學獎學金 Exchange [新頒發] 交流獎學金及資助 23% 27% Scholarships and Awards 獎學金及獎項 14%

Financial Aid for Learning Activities 助學金 (ii) 2%


2015 ADMITTEES - BY NATIONALITY 2015新生 – 按國籍計

Admission Scholarships (Renewed Awards) 入學獎學金 [續頒發] 19% (ii) Learning Activities include academic conferences and service learning trips

Financial Aid for Hostel Fees 住宿助學金 15%

(ii) 資助活動包括學 術會議及社區服務學 習計劃

MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016




Morningside College’s Student Union (MCSU), led by President BRYONY BAR (Year 2, English) during Term 1, represented students on College Committees and advocated on their behalf. In Spring 2016, students elected new Executive and Representative Councils, with TIFFANY CHAN (Year 1, Medicine) as the new Student Union President. It has become a tradition for the incoming Student Union to coordinate photo day for the graduands, and this year was no different as the Class of 2016 donned their caps and gowns for photos with the Master, Fellows, family, and friends. Congratulations to the Class of 2016! Music continued to fill the College dining hall during communal dinners. NICOLE TANNER (Medicine), YOLANDA ZHU (Integrated BBA), CHEONG DAEYOUNG (Integrated BBA), VERONICA MA (Insurance, Finance & Actuarial Analysis), JESSICA CHU (Laws), ELOISA DAMULO (Integrated BBA), ANNIKA BHARWANI (Medicine) and FARRAH TAM (Medicine) entertained classmates with contemporary vocals and piano solos during the year. The College held its fourth campus-wide photography competition in March 2016; competition themes were Current, Disruption and Refuge. Undergraduates from all nine colleges were invited to submit photographs. The panel of judges included Morningside Fellow and Professor of Communication SASKIA WITTEBORN and local


professional photographers JOSH TAM and DAVID WONG. Finalists from around the campus joined Morningsiders for communal dinner and an awards ceremony on 17 March. YEUNG TSZ YAN of Lee Woo Sing College took First Prize in the “Current” category and was awarded the Grand Prize for his fantastic photo “Refuge”. Last year’s Grand Prize winner, New Asia student LEE SAI MAN, had a very good showing again this year – Lee took home First Prize in the “Disruption” category, Second Prize in the “Refuge” category, and the Students’ Choice Prizes in the “Current” and “Disruption” categories. We were happy to welcome him back to Morningside this year. Last, but not least, Morningsider XUE YUN took First Prize and Students’ Choice Prize in the “Refuge” category. Submissions by Morningside students will be showcased in the 2017 Morningside Calendar. On 13 April 2016, the families of the Class of 2016 joined the Master, Fellows, and students of Morningside at an awards ceremony held during communal dinner. Achievement, Service, and Spirit Awards were presented, as well as awards for academic excellence. LUSANDA TANG (Medicine) received an Achievement Award. Spirit Awards were presented to MATTHEW CHAN (Medicine), KELVIN CHOY (Sociology), TRIVORAMAI JIRALERSPONG (Biomedical Engineering), JEREMIAH LAU (Integrated BBA), TED LEE (Chinese Studies), and ANSON MA (Cultural Management). Service Awards are detailed on page 14.

晨興書院學生會於第一個學期在主席巴樂怡(英文二年 級)的領導下,代表學生參與書院各委員會事務。 在2016年春季,學生選出了新一屆學生會幹事會及代 表會,並由陳正思(醫學一年級)擔任新一屆學生會主 席。按照傳統,新一屆學生會負責籌辦應屆畢業班的 拍照日,今年也不例外。2016年的準畢業生戴上四方 帽、穿上畢業袍,與院長、院務委員、親友一起留下 倩影。謹此恭賀2016年畢業班!

於2016年3月,書院舉辦了第四屆書院攝影比賽,主題 分別為「當下」、「突破」和「避難所」。 比賽歡迎九 間書院的本科生參加。評審團成員包括晨興書院院務 委員及新聞與傳播學院賽詩雅教授、專業攝影師譚喬希 及黄俊強。頒獎典禮於3月17日舉行,比賽入圍者與晨 興人共膳晚餐。和聲書院的楊子欣奪得「當下」主題 項目的冠軍,並以其傳神之照「避難所」奪得總冠軍大 獎。去年的總冠軍得主新亞書院的李世文今年再度超越 群倫,分別囊括「突破」和「避難所」主題項目的冠軍 和亞軍,並奪得「當下」和「突破」兩個主題項目的 「學生之選」獎項;「避難所」主題項目的冠軍和「學 生之選」獎項則由晨興的薛云奪得。晨興學生的參賽 作品將於2017年晨興書院月曆中刊載。 於2016年4月13日,2016年畢業班的家長與院長、院 務委員及同學一起出席共膳晚宴暨頒獎典禮。頒發的 獎項包括卓越成就獎、優異服務獎、傑出貢獻獎,以 及學術優異獎。卓越成就獎的得主為鄧朗晴(醫學)。 傑出貢獻獎的得主為陳雋(醫學)、蔡君恒(社會學) 、TRIVOR AMAI JIR ALERSPONG(生物醫學工程)、 劉天証(工商管理學士綜合課程)、李玄載(中國研究) 及馬立苗(文化管理)。優異服務獎得主詳情請參閱第 14頁。


MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016

本學年在宴會廳的共膳活動,依舊充滿著悠揚樂韻。陳 劻晴(醫學)、朱中亞(工商管理學士綜合課程)、鄭大 永(工商管理學士綜合課程)、馬玺淇(保險、金融與 精算學)、朱雅頤(法學士)、 ELOISA DAMULO(工商 管理學士綜合課程) 、ANNIKA BHARWANI(醫學)和 譚欣茵(醫學)為同學獻唱當代聲樂及表演鋼琴獨奏。

General Education & Exchange 通識教育及交流計劃


GENERAL EDUCATION Sixty-nine first-year students completed the College General Education Freshman Seminar, Current Dilemmas and Their Histories (GEMC1001), in Fall 2015. Fifty-five students enrolled in the Service Learning course (GEMC3001). Both courses are supervised by the Dean of General Education, ANN HUSS, in collaboration with the Fellows and Junior Fellows. Tutorial instruction was provided by Morningside’s Junior Fellows NORA BRITTON (Connecticut College, BA, 2014), RASHON CLARK (University of Pennsylvania, MA, 2011) and NATHAN FABER (University of Washington, BA, 2015).

and YAN LIANKE (Dreams of Ding Village). The College’s Exploring Hong Kong’s Cultural Resources Programme continued to provide subsidies to Morningside students to take advantage of the multitude of cultural activities on offer in Hong Kong. The Junior Fellows took small groups of students to a variety of performances, including music, dance, and drama performances during the Hong Kong Arts Festival and films during the Hong Kong International Film Festival. The Junior Fellows also coordinated a weekly Film Club on Wednesday evenings for Morningside film buffs.

In 2015, the College General Education Committee named the Best Essay Prize for the late Professor David Parker, in recognition of his contributions to the design and teaching of GEMC1001. This year’s David Parker General Education Best Essay Prize was awarded to TIFFANY CHAN (Medicine). The competition judge, Professor SIMON HAINES, commented that Tiffany “wrote a very thorough and well-researched essay on the Brazilian cancer drug dilemma.” Congratulations to Tiffany! Morningside’s Writers Series continued into its fourth year, with visits from MICHAEL MEYER (In Manchuria), CHAN KOONCHUNG (The Fat Years),

通識教育 2015年秋季共有69位一年級學生修畢書院通識教育新 生研討課程《當今困境及其歷史背景》 (GEMC1001), 另有55名學生報讀《服務學習》 (GEMC3001)課程。 兩個課程均由通識教育主任何素楠教授負責,並由多 位院務委員及通識教育導師協助課程的進行。課程的 導修課則由通識教育導師貝娜拉(2014年康涅狄格學院 文學士)、柯駱祥(2011年賓夕法尼亞大學碩士)及林 亦琛(2015年華盛頓大學文學士)負責。 2015年度,書院通識教育委員會把最佳通識教育論文 獎以已故David Parker教授冠名,以表彰他對設計和 講授GEMC1001課程所作出的貢獻。陳正思(醫學)榮 獲今年的David Parker教授通識教育優秀論文獎,評審


SIMON HAINES教授認為陳同學「就使用巴西抗癌藥物 所面對的困境作出了深入研究,並寫出一篇分析透徹 的文章」。恭喜陳同學! 晨興訪問作家項目進入第四年,今年的訪者包括梅英 東(《東北遊記》) 、陳冠中(《盛世—中國2013年》) 和閻連科(《丁庄夢》)。書院繼續舉行香港文化資源 探索計劃,資助晨興學生參與各種各樣的文化活動。 通識教育導師伴同小組學生觀賞各項表演,包括香港 藝術節裏的音樂、舞蹈和戲劇節目,以及香港國際電 影節的電影。通識教育導師亦為書院的電影迷舉辦電 影欣賞會,每週三晚播放電影。


“My experience… at Princeton has highlighted the importance of equipping myself with a global mindset as I pursue my career in medicine.” NICHOLAS FOK (MEDICINE), MORNINGSIDE-WHITMAN EXCHANGE, 2015 In 2015-16, 20 Morningsiders spent one or two semesters on College and/or University-wide exchange programmes on four continents. While Morningside students were studying abroad, the College hosted 53 students from 18 countries. Five Morningsiders – SOPHIE CHEN (Quantitative Finance), NICHOLAS FOK (Medicine), ZEPHYR GONG (Integrated BBA), MANNIE KAM (Earth System Science), and TED LEE (Chinese Studies) – spent one week at Princeton University in late September 2015 on the College’s short-term exchange programme with Whitman College. Sophie wrote in an e-mail to the College how grateful she was “for this precious opportunity to experience life in a top Ivy League school and communicate with the most talented and smartest students”. She also highlighted how

inspiring it was for her “to talk with students who do not want to work in finance, but with ambitions to change something.” This annual exchange programme is short, but obviously impactful. Five Whitman students visited us in Hong Kong in March 2016. MISAKO BENSO, NICHOLAS FERNANDEZ, JEAN LEE, LAUREN RICHARDSON, and MATTHEW SILBERMAN attended classes, cultural events, communal dinners, and volunteered alongside their Morningside buddies. This short-term exchange programme will continue in Fall 2016 when KEN CHENG (Computer Science), TRIVORAMAI JIRALERSPONG (Biomedical Engineering), ANSON MA (Cultural Management), SEAN O’REILLY (Laws), and KATTIE PENG (Medicine) travel to the Princeton campus in September.

「參加普林斯頓大學短期交流計劃,讓我體會到一個全球思維 對像我這樣的實習醫生在尋求解決方案時有多麼的重要。」 霍嘉康(醫學),晨興惠特曼學院2015年交流計劃學生 於2015至16年度,20位晨興學生參與書院及/或大學 發。」一年一度的交流計劃雖然短但是顯然甚有其影 舉辦為期一至兩個學期的交流計劃,足跡遍佈四大洲。 響力。 與此同時,書院亦接待來自18個國家的53位交流生。 五名惠特曼學院的學生於2016年3月來訪。MISAKO 五名晨興學生,包括陳文琦(計量金融學)、霍嘉康 BENSO、 NI C H O L A S F E R N A ND E Z、 JE A N L EE、 (醫學)、龔子豪(工商管理學士綜合課程)、甘佩雯 LAUREN RICHARDSON及 M AT T HE W SILBERMAN (地球系統科學)及李玄載(中國研究) ,參加了由本書 在大學裏上課、出席文化活動及共膳晚宴,並與晨興 院與惠特曼學院合辦的短期交流計劃,他們於2015年 友伴一同當義工。活動將於2016年秋季續辦,鄭棣中 9月底遠赴普林斯頓大學逗留一星期。陳文琦在致書院 (計算機科學)、T R I V O R A M A I JIRALERSPONG( 生 、馬立苗(文化管理)、SE AN O’REILLY 的電郵中說,「很高興有這個寶貴機會到一所頂級常 物醫學工程) 春藤盟校體驗生活 , 並與其極富才華和穎智的學生交 (法學士)及彭旭(醫學)將於9月到普林斯頓大學作交 流。」她並指出與一群「不以金融業為事業目標,而矢 流。 志要為世界帶來改變的學生交談給她帶來了重大的啟


MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016




Over fifty Morningside students completed non-profit service projects as part of the College’s General Education program in 2015-16. They contributed more than 2000 hours of service work, with projects in Senegal, the Philippines, Laos, Malaysia, and Indonesia, as well as Hong Kong and the mainland. The College organized two service learning trips, both building on community connections established in the previous year. The first project sent 18 Morningsiders to a rural village in Renhua County, Guangdong, where they created a library for local children. Part of the project involved visiting a nearby library that Morningsiders had created the previous year and interviewing the village leadership about its use. On another service trip students visited The University of York for two weeks, touring local nonprofit organizations and studying the context of

service in the United Kingdom. This is the second year that Morningside has partnered with the Centre for Global Programmes at The University of York for a service learning program. In 2015-16, Medicine students CHAN KA WAI and HARRY FUNG received the Morningside College Service Award in recognition of their service to others. Ka Wai performed an eight week internship at Heart to Heart Community Center, a mainland NGO in Kunming that serves migrant children; Ka Wai also participated in the Ethnic Minority Health Project, a medical intervention project organized by Oxford University and CUHK in Yunnan. Harry not only leads service activities as Vice President of Medical Outreachers, but also volunteers for various social organizations – tutoring, working at food banks, and taking part in hospital visits.

醫科學生陳珈慧和馮 思 敬 憑著對服務的熱忱,榮獲 2015至16年度晨興書院優異服務獎。珈慧在「雲南連心 社區照顧服務中心」進行了八星期實習,該中心是內 地一個非政府組織,為昆明的流動人口子女提供服務; 珈慧同時也參加了牛津大學和中大在雲南合辦的醫療 書院以去年經驗為本,舉辦了兩個社區服務學習計劃。 介入項目「少數民族健康計劃」。思敬不僅擔任「醫 首個計劃下,18位學生前往廣東省仁化縣一條鄉村為 心」副會長統籌各項服務活動,同時亦在多個社會組 當地兒童建造圖書館,並造訪鄰近一個由本院同學去 織當義工,提供補習、在食物銀行工作及參與醫院探 年建造的圖書館及就其使用情況訪問村領導人。另一 訪等義務工作。 個計劃的學生則前往英國約克大學進行兩星期的學習, 參觀當地的非牟利機構及了解英國的社會服務模式。 這是晨興書院第二年與約克大學國際項目中心提供服 務學習計劃。 2015至16年度,超過五十名晨興書院學生在本院通識 教育計劃下參與各項非牟利社會服務,獻出逾二千小 時執行義務工作,服務地區包括塞內加爾、菲律賓、 老撾、馬來西亞、印尼、香港和內地。

“…we noticed the seriousness of pollution in the area. Maybe the service trip is already having [an] influence [on] us, by encouraging us to care more about society, and to increase a sense of responsibility.” 「⋯我們注意到當地污染嚴重。也許此行已令我 們有所感悟,鼓勵我們更關心社會,有更大的 責任感。」 YANG SENSEN (YEAR 2, PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANCY), STUDENT PARTICIPANT, SHAOGUAN TRIP 楊森森( 專業會計學二年級 ) ,韶關服務團之 學生


“…most college students like me have been struggling for their studies, or even relationships, but if our experience at university is very short…why shouldn’t we grasp those opportunities to enrich our life? Learning outside the classroom is fun and it can be more valuable than sitting in the lecture hall.” 「⋯大部份大學生像我一樣,為學業甚至感情事 而苦惱愴徨,但既然大學生涯苦短⋯⋯何不抓 緊機會來充實自己的生活?課堂以外的學習來 得有趣,可能比坐在講堂更有價值。」 YIP CHUN KIT (YEAR 2, GLOBAL STUDIES), STUDENT PARTICIPANT, SHAOGUAN TRIP 葉俊傑( 全球研究課程二年級 ),韶關服務團 之學生

「⋯準備課堂的過程中,我覺得自己也有得著。 有些人會認為,義教者因著幫助別人而獲得滿 足感,但依我來看,義教者也是獲得別人幫助 的受惠者。我相信,這是學生和義教者建立和 諧關係的基礎。」 “A deep impression was left on me by another student. He was extremely active to answer every question when we talked about…music or animals. However, I saw him looking outside the window as we discussed economic theories. It occurred to me that maybe not everyone had a gift or interest in study. This thought totally changed my opinions on education reform, even on my own project… it was then that I realized that the teaching content or style may not be most important. It is the inner motivation of the students to learn that should be placed first.” 「另一名學生給我留下深刻的印象。當我們討論 音樂或動物時,他踴躍回答每一條問題;但談 到經濟理論時,我看見他眈望窗外。由此我意 識到,每個人的學習天賦或興趣不盡皆然。這 個想法徹底改變了我對教育改革甚至對自身專 題習作的看法⋯⋯我當下明白到,教學內容或 風格並非至要所在,首要的是學生的內在學習 動機。」 HUANG ZHOU (YEAR 2, IBBA), VOLUNTARY TEACHING SERVICE IN SHIMEN COUNTY, HUNAN 黃舟( 工商管理學士綜合課程二年級 ) ,湖南省 石門縣義教服務計劃



MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016

“…during the preparation of classes, I felt myself learning as well. Some may think during voluntary teaching, volunteers aim to achieve a sense of satisfaction from helping others. From my point of view, volunteers are also the ones that get others’ help. I believe it is the foundation for students and voluntary teachers to build a harmonious relationship.”



Under the guidance of Morningside’s devoted Physical Education Lecturer TANG TSZ MING, students competed in athletics, badminton, basketball, football, rowing, swimming, tennis, and volleyball in 201516. Several Fun Days were also organized – archery, hiking, Wing Chun, wood ball, and yoga. A year of athletic achievements came to a close on 11 April 2016 when student-athletes celebrated the year’s successes and expressed their gratitude at the College’s first Annual Athletics Dinner.

在體育部鄧子銘講師悉心的領導下,晨興學生於2015 至16年度分別參與田徑、羽毛球、籃球、足球、划 艇、游泳、網球及排球比賽,並舉辦一系列運動同樂 日,主題分別為射箭、遠足、詠春拳、木球和瑜珈。 於2016年4月11日,書院舉行首屆年度體育運動員晚 宴,學生運動員一同慶祝過去一年的佳績並向書院仝 人致謝,為全年的體育成就落下帷幕。

FACILITIES & INFRASTRUCTURE 設備及基本設施 A shiny new copper commemorative plaque was mounted on the wall of the Student Common Room to replace the white marble plaque that had been damaged. The inscription, a statement by College benefactors Dr. Ronnie C. Chan and Dr. Gerald L. Chan, remains the same: “We want Morningside College to stand as a reminder that the most fundamental missions of the University are to teach young people so that they may be of service to society; to form their minds with rich, diverse and challenging ideas; and to provide them with a liberal education that will equip them to become the leaders of tomorrow.” Just outside the Student Common Room where the plaque hangs, new celebratory banners have been installed on the lampposts lining the patio. The banners, in Morningside colors, mark the 10th Anniversary, 2006-2016.


學生共享室裏牆上掛了一塊新銅匾,取代破損的白色 大理石匾。該創校誌由書院捐助人陳啟宗博士和陳樂 宗博士撰寫,內容保特不變: 「大學之道,歸根結底,乃為培育青年人使其濟民;賦 予博學睿見使其進德;提供通才教育使其成為明日之 棟樑。晨興書院肇基伊始,立此為本,以誌不忘。」 學生共享室對外的廣場燈柱上,張掛了新的晨興專色 慶賀橫幅,慶祝書院從2006年至2016年的10週年紀 念。

MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016



COLLEGE INCOME 2015-2016 (Total: 2.8m) 2015-16年度書院收入 [總額: 280萬元]

Due to poor investment market performance, income fell by 64% from $7.8m in 2014-15 to $2.8m in 2015-16. Income from Government subvention and donation and matching grants rose slightly to $3.4m and $0.6m respectively, reflecting a 7% and 17% increase over last year.


收入 由於投資市場表現欠佳,2015至16年度收入減至280 萬元,較2014至15年度之780萬元,下跌百分之六十 四。政府資助和捐款及配對補助金分別輕微增加至340 萬元和60萬元,較去年分別上升百分之七和百分之十 七。


Other Income 其他收入 16%

Donations and Matching Grants Received 捐款及配對補助金 21%

Government Subvention 政府資助 63%

COLLEGE EXPENDITURE 2015-2016 (Total: 11m) 2015-16 年度書院支出 [總額: 1,100萬元]

Total expenditure increased over the past year from $10m to $11m (10.8%), including increases of $0.5m in College operation, $0.2m in scholarships and financial aid awarded, $0.2m in General Education programmes and College life activities, and $0.4m in the organization of the Distinguished Visitors Programme. The increase was offset by a decrease in Exchange Programme sponsorship (-$0.2m).

Scholarships and Financial Aid 獎學金及資助 19.6% College Operation 書院營運開支 70.7%

支出 去年支出總額由1,000萬元增至1,100萬元,上升百分 之十點八。支出增加主要由於書院營運開支增加50萬 元、獎學金及資助撥款增加20萬元、通識教育課程和 書院生活活動經費增加20萬元,以及傑出訪問學者項 目籌辦費用增加40萬元。年內交流計劃資助費用下降 20萬元,抵消了部份支出的增幅。


Exchange Programmes 交流計劃 0.9% College Life Activities 書院生活活動 1.1% General Education Programmes 通識教育課程 3.4% Distinguished Visitors Programme 傑出訪問學者項目 4.3%



The College’s primary objective when managing capital is to safeguard the College’s ability to continue as a going concern and to maintain a strong financial base to support the development of the College. To this end, the College invested in financial instruments which include funds held by the University that are managed in accordance with relevant financial management policies and practices.

書院的主要理財目標是確保書院可持續營辦,並建構 穩健的財務基礎以支持往後的發展。故此,書院投資 的基金均符合大學的金融管理政策及常規,其中包括 大學所持有的基金。 由於2015至16年度投資氣侯未如理想,書院的留本基 金錄得180萬元投資虧損。計入收入280萬元及開支 1,100萬元後,今年基金總金額由1.253億元降至1.171 億元,其淨減幅為820萬元,即百分之六點五。

Summary of College Operation and Scholarships Funds Balance as of 30 June 2016 (i) 書院營運及獎學金基金摘要﹙截至2016年6月30日止﹚ (i) College Operation 書院營運

Scholarships 獎學金

HK$ (thousands) 以千元計













RESTRICTED FUNDS 專用基金 Endowment Funds 留本基金 Other Restricted Funds 其他專用基金 Capital Fund 資產基金 OTHER FUNDS 其他基金 Operating Reserves 經營儲備 (ii) TOTAL FUNDS 基金總金額


(i) Hostel funds and provision costs are excluded. 不包括宿舍基⾦金及撥備。 (ii) Operating reserves from government subvention are included. 包括政府資助的營運儲備。



To ensure that Morningside College is able to focus on meeting the responsibilities of continuing to provide a residential learning environment conducive to the all-round development of its students, further effort must be made to solicit other streams of income. To this end, the Alumni and Development Committee is taking advantage of events surrounding the 10th anniversary of the founding of the College to engage with stakeholders in more meaningful ways. The College will also take a prudent approach to spending in light of the unstable investment climate.

為確保晨興書院能專注履行責任,持續提供卓越的教 育及住宿環境以促進學生的全面發展,書院會進一步 致力開源。為此,校友及書院發展委員會把握書院創 辦十週年的盛事,銳意向持份者進行籌募。同時,鑑 於投資環境不穩定,書院亦會審慎管理開支。


MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016

Due to the unfavourable investment climate for 2015-16, the College experienced a disappointing year during which a $1.8m investment loss was recorded for endowed funds. With income of $2.8m and expenditure of $11m, total funds decreased from $125.3m to $117.1m, representing a net decrease in fund balance of $8.2m, i.e. a 6.5% drop, this year.



MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016




The College is bound by The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance (“the Ordinance”), Statutes, and Council resolutions.

書院須遵依《香港中文大學條例 》﹙「條例」﹚、《香港 中文大學規程》及大學校董會的決議。


The College is governed by the Constitution of Morningside College (“the Constitution”), approved by the Council on 16 November 2010.

書院受2010年11月16日經大學校董會批准通過的《晨 興書院章程》﹙「章程」﹚管轄。 如章程條文與上述條例、規程或議決有所抵觸者,則 以大學的條例、規程及議決為準。

The Ordinance prevails in the event of any inconsistency with the provisions of the Constitution.



A Committee of Overseers of the College was appointed by the Council, upon the nomination of the Vice-Chancellor. The committee is bound by the Written Provision of the Committee of Overseers of Morningside College.

大學校董會就校長提名為書院設立院監會。委員會須 遵依晨興書院院監會的書面規定以執行其職務。 院監會在每一學年的: (1) 開始前審議書院於該學年的預算,並提交大學校 董會批准;

The Committee of Overseers, annually, (1) before the beginning of each academic year, endorses the proposed budget of the College for the academic year, and submits it to the Council for approval;

(2) 學年完結後,按大學校董會決定的格式和時間, 向其呈交經審計的書院年度帳目。

(2) after the end of each academic year, prepares and submits to the Council the audited accounts of the College, in such form and at such times as the Council may determine.



Dr Gerald L. Chan (Chairman) Mr Daniel Auerbach Ms Leonie Ki (Vice Chairman) Dr Anthony Neoh Professor Jesús Seade Dr Alex K. Yasumoto Professor Sir James Mirrlees (ex-officio)

陳樂宗博士 ﹙主席﹚ 歐柏德先生 紀文鳳女士 ﹙副主席﹚ 梁定邦博士 施雅德教授 康本健守博士 莫理斯教授 ﹙當然成員﹚


MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016




The Assembly of Fellows is constituted and regulated 院務委員會乃依照「香港中文大學條例 」規程16的2B in accordance with the Ordinance (Statute 16, 2B), the 條組成並受其監管,而校長則具最終權力執行有關條 terms of which are enforceable ultimately by the Vice 文。院務委員會可自行任命其成員。 Chancellor. The Assembly of Fellows is self-appointing.



The Assembly of Fellows sets the strategic direction of the College and regulates its administration and the management of its finances. It meets regularly under the chairmanship of the Master and is advised by its Committees.

院務委員會負責制訂書院的策略性路向、監管書院的 行政及管理財務,並會定期舉行會議。院務委員會由 書院院長擔任主席,下設多個委員會提供諮詢意見。

The Assembly of Fellows assists the Master with:

(1) 為書院的學生安排導修課、教牧輔導及其他形式的 教育課程;

(1) arranging tutorial instruction, pastoral counseling and other forms of education; (2) the provision and supervision of residential accommodation for students at the College; and (3) the maintenance of discipline within the College. The Assembly of Fellows normally meets three times a year. Committees of the Assembly of Fellows develop policies for approval by the full Assembly of Fellows and subsequently monitor their implementation. The duties and membership of the Committees are described in detail in the Terms of Reference for each Committee, kept on record by the College Secretary. The Committees and their 20152016 Chairpersons were:


(2) 提供及監管書院內的學生宿舍;及 (3) 維持書院紀律。 院務委員會通常每年舉行三次會議,負責審批轄下委 員會提交的草擬政策,並於審批後監督其執行有關 政策。每個委員會的《職權範圍》均詳列其職責及組 成,由書院的院務主任存檔。各委員會及2015-16年度 的主席名單詳列如下:

Admissions and Financial Aid | 入學及學生資助

Janny M.Y. Leung | 梁美兒

Alumni and Development | 校友及書院發展

Rossa W.K. Chiu | 趙慧君

College Life | 書院生活

Carmen Wong | 黃嘉雯

Dining and Residence | 膳食及住宿

Ann Huss | 何素楠

Finance | 財務

Sir James Mirrlees | 莫理斯爵士

General Education | 通識教育

Ann Huss | 何素楠

Nominating | 提名

Colin A. Graham | 簡家廉

Student Discipline | 學生紀律

David C. Donald | 蕭大偉

Visitors | 傑出訪問學者項目

Simon Haines



Emily Ying-yang Chan 陳英凝

Public Health and Primary Care 公共衛生及基層醫療學院

Nelson Chen 陳丙驊

Architecture 建築學院

Lawrence Yam-leung Cheung 張欽良

Linguistics and Modern Languages 語言學及現代語言系

Julie Chu Lee Chiu 趙茱莉 (fr/由1.2016起)

General Education Foundation Programme 通識教育基礎課程

Rossa W.K. Chiu 趙慧君

Chemical Pathology 化學病理學系

David C. Donald 蕭大衛

Faculty of Law 法律學院

Murat Es (fr/由10.2015起)

Geography and Resource Management 地理與資源管理學系

Colin A. Graham 簡家廉

Emergency Medicine 意外及急救醫學教研部

Simon Haines

English 英文系

Leo Ou-fan Lee 李歐梵

Faculty of Arts 文學院

Janny M.Y. Leung 梁美兒

Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 系統工程與工程管理學系

Benny Kok Wai Lim 林國偉 (fr/由10.2015起)

Cultural and Religious Studies 文化及宗教研究系

Pak-wai Liu 廖柏偉

Institute of Global Economics and Finance 全球經濟及金融研究所

Emma MacPherson

Electronic Engineering 電子工程學系

Urs Maurer (fr/由5.2016起)

Psychology 心理學系

Sir James Mirrlees 莫理斯爵士

Distinguished Professor-at-Large 博文講座教授

Edward Y.Y. Ng 吳恩融 (until/至1.2016)

Architecture 建築學院

Carmen Poon 潘頌欣

Surgery 外科學系

Jack Linchuan Qiu 邱林川

Journalism and Communication 新聞與傳播學院

Anthony Man-cho So 蘇文藻

Systems Engineering and Engineering Management 系統工程與工程管理學系

Suzanne Ho Wai So 蘇可蔚

Psychology 心理學系

Anthony J. Spires 安子杰

Sociology 社會學系

Saskia Witteborn 賽詩雅

Journalism and Communication 新聞與傳播學院

Carmen Wong 黃嘉雯

Public Health and Primary Care 公共衛生及基層醫療學院

Xi Chao 習超

Faculty of Law 法律學院

Yau Shing-tung 丘成桐

Distinguished Professor-at-Large 博文講座教授

AFFILIATED FELLOWS 特邀院務委員 Dr Cheung Man Biu, Robin 張文彪博士

Honorary Consultant, Department of Educational Administration and Policy, Faculty of Education 教育學院教育行政與政策學系名譽顧問

Prof Frank Ching 秦家驄教授

Journalist, South China Morning Post; Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of History / Centre for Chinese Studies, CUHK 南華早報專欄作家、中文大學歷史系及中國研究中心客座副教授

Prof Gabriel Lau 劉雅章教授

Director, Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability, CUHK AXA Professor of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK 香港中文大學環境、能源及可持續發展研究所所長 香港中文大學AXA安盛地理與資源管理學教授

Mr Dick Lee 李明逵先生

Retired Commissioner of Police 前警務處處長

Dr Rebecca Lee Lok Sze 李樂詩博士

Founder and Director, Polar Museum Foundation 極地博物館基金始創人兼總監

Mr Perry So 蘇柏軒先生 (until/至2.2016)

Associate Conductor, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 香港管弦樂團副指揮

The Honorable Anna Wu Hung-yuk 胡紅玉議員

Chairperson, Competition Commission and Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority 競爭事務委員會主席及強制性公積金計劃管理局主席 25

MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016


WITH GRATITUDE 鳴謝 The College is part of the structure of the University. Material interdependencies between the College and the University arise as a consequence of this relationship. The College is grateful for the support of:



Academic Links, Office of 學術交流處

C.W. Chu College 敬文書院

S.H. Ho College 善衡書院

Admissions and Financial Aid, Office of 入學及學生資助處

Estates Management Office 物業管理處

Security and Transport Office 保安及交通事務處

Independent Learning Centre 自學中心

Shaw College 逸夫書院

Information Services Office 資訊處

Student Affairs, Office of 學生事務處

Information Technology Services Centre 資訊科技服務處

Summer Programmes, Office of 暑期課程辦公室

Alumni Affairs Office 校友事務處 Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellors’ Offices 協理副校長室 Audio-Visual Services Unit 視聽服務組

United College 聯合書院

Bursary 財務處

Institutional Advancement, Office of 拓展及籌募處

Campus Development Office 校園發展處

Lee Woo Sing College 和聲書院

Campus Planning and Sustainability Office 校園規劃及可持續發展處

New Asia College 新亞書院

University General Education, Office of 大學通識教育部

Personnel Office 人事處

University Health Services 大學保健處

Pro-Vice-Chancellors’ Offices 副校長室

University Library System 大學圖書館

Provost’s Office 常務副校長室

Vice-Chancellor’s Office 校長辦公室

Registry 教務處

Wu Yee Sun College 伍宜孫書院

Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research (CLEAR) 學能提升研究中心 Chung Chi College 崇基學院 Communications and Public Relations Office 傳訊及公共關係處


University Dean of Students, Office of the 大學輔導長辦公室


Your generosity enables us to continue to provide a transformative residential college experience for all Morningside students. THANK YOU. 全賴閣下慷慨解囊,我們才可為晨興學生提供一個非凡的書院生活體驗。 特申謝忱。 * in alphabetical order * 按英文字母排列


MA STER’S REPORT 院長報告 2015-2016

Mr. George Ka Ki Chang 張家騏先生 Professor Lawrence Cheung Yam Leung 張欽良教授 Dr. Julie Chiu Chu Lee 趙茱莉博士 Professor Rossa Chiu Wai Kwun 趙慧君教授 Ms. Shally Fan Shui Yan 范瑞欣女士 Mr. Elliot Justin Fung Yi Tuk 馮以德先生 Professor Colin Alexander Graham 簡家廉教授 Professor Ann Louise Huss 何素楠教授 Ms. Leonie Ki Man Fung 紀文鳳女士 Professor Lawrence J. Lau 劉遵義教授 Professor Janny Leung May Yee 梁美兒教授 Ms. Barbara Li Chi Yan 李智恩女士 Dr. Yvonne Loong Chi Wan 龍志溫博士 Ms. Alice Mak Mei Kuen 麥美娟女士 Professor Sir James Alexander Mirrlees 莫理斯教授 Mrs. Vanessa So-Cheung Lai Ying 蘇張麗影女士 Professor Suzanne So Ho Wai 蘇可蔚教授 Professor Samuel Sun Sai Ming 辛世文教授 Dr. Kristof Van Den Troost 溫祺德博士 Ms. Amy Tsui Yee Mei 徐綺薇女士 Professor Xi Chao 習超教授 Professor Kenneth Young 楊綱凱教授 Miss Rebecca Yue Lok Man 余洛雯小姐



COLLEGE OFFICERS 書院主管人員 SIR JAMES MIRRLEES, PhD Cambridge Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences Distinguished Professor-at-Large Master

莫理斯爵士,劍橋大學博士 諾貝爾獎經濟學獎得主 博文講座教授 院長

JANNY M.Y. LEUNG, PhD MIT Professor of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management Deputy Master, Dean of Students and Warden

梁美兒教授,麻省理工學院博士 系統工程與工程管理系教授 副院長,輔導長兼舍監

ANN HUSS, PhD Columbia University Associate Master and Dean of General Education

何素楠教授,哥倫比亞大學博士 協理院長兼通識教育主任

DORA DAI, MBA College Secretary

戴佩華女士, 工商管理碩士 院務主任

COLLEGE STAFF 書院辦公室職員 Agnes Fung Executive Officer

馮德慧 行政主任

Brian Lee Executive Officer

李仲仁 行政主任

Christine Wong Executive Officer (until October 2015)

黃景琳 行政主任 ﹙任職至2015年10月﹚

Vanessa Fan Executive Officer

樊芷霖 行政主任

Hazel Sin College Project Executive

冼詠心 書院項目主任

Jessica Yeung College Project Executive

楊幗軒 書院項目主任

Joyce Tang Personal Assistant to the Master

鄧敏儀 院長助理


Isabella Wong Project Assistant (until August 2015)

黃嘉明 項目助理 ﹙任職至2015年8月﹚

Ming Chan Project Assistant (until October 2015)

陳俊銘 項目助理 ﹙任職至2015年10月﹚

Vicky Jim Project Assistant

詹凱盈 項目助理

Ruby Fung General Clerk

馮惠珊 文員

Carmen Lam General Clerk

林嘉敏 文員

Edith Wong General Clerk (P.T.)

黃嘉卿 兼職文員

©Morningside College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016 ©香港中文大學晨興書院2016版權所有

CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS 通訊地址 General Office Maurice R. Greenberg Building Morningside College The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shatin, New Territories Hong Kong, S.A.R. The People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區 新界沙田香港中文大學晨興書院 格林伯格樓書院辦公室

Tel 電話: 852.3943.1406 Fax 傳真: 852.2603.6159 E-mail 電郵:

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