1965 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri

Page 186




So it was suggested that the incoming Grand Master might want to appoint a special committee to make a study of this problem and come up with specific recommendations on the different problems. We conferred with the Committee on Ways and Means as to how much should be paid and what should be paid into it, how it should be financed. After discussion we came up with what we thought was the best way to get this really into action and that was to adopt this with a tail tied on it so that no one should have any vested right in it, so it would have to be worked out. This is, you might say, merely an effort to get the matter moving. That is why we put this in there, so that we can really get to work and find a way to adopt a suitable, satisfactory pension plan, rather than to appoint another committee to make a report. Some one said the best way to路 get the show on the way is to start, and that is why we recommended this. I call attention again that by the tail tied on it that no person has any vested right in it. When you get the pension plan you want, if you want to finalize it you can do so at that time. I want to point out that we took this into consideration. The present indications are that, even as written here, it is not going to be effective for the next five years, so if this is adopted it can be studied, it can be reviewed and re-modified before it goes into effect and we start using it five years from now. This is the unanimous thought of our committee. R. W. BROTHER MOONEY: It isn't pleasant for me to find myself in disagreement-even on a point on which we might well disagree-with my very warm friend, for whom I have a high regard-Brother Murray. I think the Brethren might as well know the background for this resolution. One of the first experiences I had in the Grand Lodge line occurred when Most Worshipful Brother Reader's health was such he couldn't continue to go on. At that time I believe he had served seventeen years. It wasn't possible for him to continue even in that particular year, so it was necessary for the Grand Master at that time to obtain somebody for his office, and Brother Elmer was appointed as and still continues to be Grand Secre.tary. It was also necessary for the Grand Master to think about some provision being made for Brother Reader. I believe he did have some social security benefits at that time and I think that he also had a retirement benefit from his church; I am not sure about that. It was mentioned at that time that, prior to his retirement, Most Worshipful Brother Ittner retired and received half of his salary, and this was done for him back there years ago. It was also done [or Most Worshipful Brother Reader when he retired from this Grand Lodge by the Ways and Means Committee, through your support. He was paid half his salary at the time he retired. I don't find any fault with that. I was appalled at the fact that we were confronted with the matter in the middle of the year, when we didn't have a stated policy particularly advising the Grand Master what should be done. This resolution was worked out in the Grand Lodge line at a meeting. I believe it was' signed by six or more in the progressive line and was designed, not to cost this Grand Lodge more money, but to provide a standard by which we could act if an emergency did arise and would know what your thinking was on the matter.

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