1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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He render€d only four decision's which determined local questions, and were all approved by the Committee on Jurisprudence. NEW MASONIC TEMPLE.

The sum of $220,000 has been so far raised for the purpose of building a Temple that shall in every way meet t.he needs of the Fraternity and favorably compare with the splendid architecture of the many public and private edifices in Washington City. "It is expected that the corner-stone of th€ new edifice will be laid by the first of May next, and that means will be found to proceed without interruption in the erection of the structure," says the Grand Master. The Grand Master thus closes this excellent address: Sentiment enters into the warp and woof of our being. It compelled the Institution of Masonry; it makes for good 01' ill as wisely or unwisely used. It is with feelings of deep appreciation that I come to the sayings of these final words, Deep sentiment prompts me to say to you, my Brethren. that all through the journey, which began I,ast St. .John·s Day and which eUlls in a few days with the reCllrreI!ce of that anniversary, I have felt. your presence and, yoU!' warm handclasp, You have been my buckler and shield: my help in every need. If there be any glory attaching to my stewardship, if there be any achievement out of the ordinary, to you all honor, to you all praise, I have no fears for the future of our beloved Institution. It is so much a part of our national life, its teachings have I1nconsriOllsly so woven themselv\~s into the best that there is in our community, that those who are to follow me need but be guided by the prayer of one of the wise ones of , earth, "Lord, teach me to do my duty lovingly and willingly." and the days will be bright forever. :FIN ANCIAJ,.

The Grand Treasu rBr reports: Balance December 12, 1905 ",." Received sinee " , Disbursed



, ,., $ 7,299 80 ,., .. " .. ,... 11,696 67


$18,996 47 , . ,. 11,114 89

Balance December 13, 1906. :: '.. , .... , .. , , , , , .. , , , , .. ,$ 7,881 58 INTERNA'rIONAL BUREAU OF l\{ASONIC INTERCOURSK

The Committee on Foreign Correspondence made the following report, in which we heartily concur: 'WASHINGTON, ')'0

the Grand Master, Grand Lodge, F . ..1. A. M"

D. C., October 24, 1906. District ot Oolumbia:

. Your Committee on Correspondence, to 'whom you have referred the communications of M. W. Bro. Ed. Quartier-Ie-Tente, of the International' Bureau of Masonic Intercourse, begs leave to report that in the opinion of yom' committee it would be very desirable to be in full communication with

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