1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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The report of Grand Treasurer shows: Balance on hand, as per report of 1905 Received from Grand Secretary ~

.Total Disbursements


$22,255 49 ,....... 13,039 50 $35,294 99 ; . . . . . . . .. 10,383 31

September 18, 1906, balance on hand in General Fund .. , . $24,911 68 Balance on hand in Library Fund ~ ........... 380 34 $25,292 02 FOREIGN RECOGNITION.

Upon the recommendation of the Committee' on Correspondence, the Grand Lodge of Alberta was recognized, while that of the Grand L.0dge of Queenstown was postponed. NECROLOGY.

From the report of the Committee on Necrology we feel constrained to make the following extracts: 0, death! We know when moons shall wane, , When summer birds from far shall cross the sea, 'When Autumn's hue shall tint the golden grain, But who shall teach us when to look for thee.

'" was '"not done, * yet '"his column '" His work is '"broken, l\{oul'n ,ye and weep, for ye cherished his worth. Let every tear-drop be sympathy's tokenLost to the Brotherhood, lost to the earth. His epitaph: A Mason true and good; Sincere in friendship, ready in relief, Discreet in trusts, faithful in Brotherhood, Tender in sympafhy, and kind' in grief. ORATION.

Brother John B. Haffy, Grand Orator, delivered an oration whieh we wish we had the space to copy in full. He certainly proved himself a Grand Orator. We must be content with the following extract:


Its spread is not the result of armed conquest or even peaceful missionary work; neither the swol'd nor the missionary has ever been employed to gain for, it a single adherent; it has ever been the promoter of education, the preserver of history and literature and the friend' of liberty. "Without aggressiveness 01' organized Interference, by its own intel'nal constitution and by its action upon its own members, it exerts an influence which places it at the head of the conservative, and yet progressive forces of civilization; it attacks no fOl'm of government, but supports all existing political institutions,"

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