1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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would, if true, make' it obligatory upon the Grand Lodge of 'rexas to discontinue an interchange of Grand Representatives, and withdraw the Fraterml.l recognition heretofore cxtended to that Grand Lodge. . A reputable Mason, a member of Eagle Pass Lodge, No. 626, who is' sojourning in that country, writes me: "In my opinion, there is only one Lodge worldng- under this Jurisdictlon worthy of recognition by our Gl'Hl.Id Lodge, and this is TOlTeOIl Lodge, No.8, it being an English-speaking Lodge, worl_ing the York Rite; and taking for its model our Lodge at Eagle Pass. The other Bodies of this .Jurisdiction are really not Masonic,' either in fact or intentions," He had visited several Lodges, and they did not even require that he be examined or vouched for. They do not display the Great Light on the altar, and confer the "degrees" upon boys sixteen years of age, .although thc Constitution of the Gmnd Lodge "Renito Juarez" requires that ~ candidate must be twenty-one years of age. Some of these Lodges practice other irregularities subversive of the principles of Masonry, as I am 路advised hy reliable Brethren from Texas.

On this subject we copy the REPORT OF

To the Most




Gra'/1:a Lodoe ot Texas:

Your CommIttee on' Ji'ol'eigp .COl'l'espondence 'have very carefully considered that portion of the Address of the Most Worshipful Grand Master "touching the Grand Lodge Benito Juarez, State of Coahuila, Mexico," and do not agree with the Grand Mastel' that on account of irregulal'ities reported 10 him. )'ecog-nition herctofore extended to the Grand Lodge Benito .lual'ez ShOll路ld be withdrawn. That there have been some slight i1't'egularities in some of the Lodges is true, but. the organic law of the Grand Lodge condemns them, and your committee has ilTefutable evidence that. th'cy have been COl'l'ect.ed, will not be permitt.ed, and will not again OCCUl'. 'l'his is all we can demand. Your committee is convinced that our Brethren of Coahuila are making every effort to practice pure. Ancient Craft Masonr~', .and we. believe that the recog-nition of t.he Grand Lodge of Texas should not be withdrawn, but that, instead, we should heIR our weaker and younger sister to bold up her hands in her effort.s 1.0 do good. ' Frater,nally submitted, M.





S. A. B.





Cornmittee. SA~


The Texas Masons heard a call for help, They looked across a continent and above ~the wrecked and ruined homes of California they behelrl:a sign of distress, and true to the unselfish teaching of Masonry they flew to the relief of the Brethren. Within a few hours after the first reports of the catastrophe EI Paso Lodge, No, 130, wired, "Draw on. EI Paso Lodge for $150 for relief of the California sufferers," Beaumont Lodge, No 286, wired directly to Grand Master of California asking him to draw on that LOd&e for $150, Other Lodges were just as liberal and as anxious to extend relief. In response to' Grand Master's request the Grand Secretary received $10,248.90, remitting from time to time to the Grand Master of California until he had remitted $8.000, when he was advised

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