1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 179




The City of Canton as the place and the third Wednesday of October, 1907, was agreed on as the time of the next meeting of the Grand Lodge. FOREIGl'\ mWOGl'\ITION.

l}pon the recommendation of the Committee on Foreign Corre-. spondence, the M. W. Grand Lodge of Alberta was accorded official recognition, with an exchange of Grand Representatives. REPOHT ON CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION.

M. W. Bro. Wm. B. Melish presented a report on this subject, from which we quote: All days and years and centuries are not the same, either in interest or importance. Each period has its own character, its peculiar glory and limitations. In the cycle of the centuries each has a place peculiarly its own, and is indissolubly linked with the movements and men that have made its history. It is the spirit of the century, however, that is thus significant and lives eternally in the anna is of the ages. Not all the movements and mutations of the last century stand out as contributing forces to human welfare. 'l'he careful observer will note some things of seeming loss and retrogression, which appear in the record like blots upon an otherwise fair page, • but, in the general summing up, the story told of Ohio Masonry is one of advanee all along the line. Our great Fraternal Structure, standing in the name of the ~raiJ.f1 Architect and I Mastel' of the Vniverse' for the uplift of humanity, is being slowly but surely i·eared. In sunshine and in shadow the worl, of the builders goes forward. . "The new age stands as yet, Half built against the sky, Open to every threat . Of storms that clamor by. While scaffolding veils the walls, And dim dust floats and falls, As, moving to and fro, . Their tasks th!,! Masons ply." The struggles of th(; early Fl'eemasons of Ohio, their loyalty to the Fraternity during the years of persecution, the glorious record of the past, and memories of those of tl1e workmen who have spread the cement of Brotherly love, shoald all be fittingly commemorated. "The shadows lengthen, years and centuries go, The fathers do their work and then retire." The past is their:;;, the future ours, and we must learn and teach. Oh, may our record be like theil·s. They had no model, but they left us one. We submit the following- recommendations: First. That the celebl':ltion of the one hundredth anniversary of the organization of this Grand Lodge be llad in 1908, in connection with the Annual Communication of the M.· W.·· .Grand Lodge and under its aut.\)oL·ity.

The report was adopted arrd Committee of Arrangements appointed. NECROLOGY.

From, this report we copy: These ever-recurring scenes of parting should teach us to be more faithful to those who still remain. Al1 our mourning' is in vain, except as it teaches

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