1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 175




meet but to combat t.hat unfounded charge. Based upGn the ground-work of Charity, it has been my endeavor to impress_ upon the members of the Craft, as well as upon those who are not of our household, that we are true and sincere belfevel's In "the Brotherhood of Man." Realizing that the charge, also unfounded, has been made that Freemasonry Interferes with religion. it has ever been my answer to this serious and, as I have stated, most unfounded accusation, by stating we interfere with the religion of no man, or any class of men. It is true, gl'andly, nobly, sublimely true, and I am proud to record it, that every clwdidate seeking admission to our Order must openly profess his belief in the Great God who rules thIs universe and whose name we, as Masons, hanoI' ad adore, before he can gain admission, and his 'belief, as well, hi "The Fatherhood of God." This far we go and no further, and who is there among the Christian .people of our land, we care not to what church or denomination they belong, that must not of necessity respect our belief and hanoI' our principles. True, it may be that we do not all and always live up to our highly cherished principles, but none the less there they are, and upon these foundation stones has been reared the Freemasonry of which, today, we are members. 'Ve ask no candidate to' what particular religion or church he belongs; that is a matter of belief and conscience, but having received his avowal of trul"t in the great "1 Am" is what we require and is the best proof that the applicant is a fit and proper subject to receive the mysteries of Masonry as known and practiced among us. Such is Our position and such OUI' answer to th,ese groundless charges made against us and our l~raternlty, and it bebooves us all to meet with kindness but rebut with firmness and decision these false accusations against what we hold so justly dear, the Masonic Institntion. Brethren. it is a goodly heritage committed to our eal'c, and as "true and trusty" Masons guard it well. . FlNA?'lCES.

1905, June 9, to balance eash on hand Received of Grand Secretary Debits C'redits

$2,180 35 7,804 14


: ,.,

Balance on hand June 8, 1906


$9,984 49 7,608 94 $2,375 55


Upon the recommendation of the Special Committee, to whom the subject was referred at the last Communication, the Grand Lodge of Porto Rico was recognized. GRAND LODGE OF CAN ADA (IN ONTAIUO).

The following resolution was adopted: 'l'ha.t the Grand Lodge of Nova. Scotia place itself in communication with the other Grand Lodges ill Canada, outside of O::J.tario, and request them to unite with us in urging the Grand Lodge of Canada, in Ontario, to change its name to one which will lead to less misapprehension among foreign Granrl Lodges.

From the repox:t of the Committee on Grand Master's Address we take the following: MASONIC HOME.

If there is one thing beyond another in which our Grand Master is deeply

interested, it is the establishment of a Masonic Horne for poor and distressed Bl'other Masons. For this laudable and praiseworthy object he has, to use

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