1907 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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which, with characteristic complacency, asks the .Grand Lodge of North Carolina to abandon the time-honored doctrines of the Craft and adopt instead the transcendentalism of France and Italy and Germany. Your committee respectfully recommends that the request of the Swiss Grand Lodge Alpina be denied. BROTHER S. H. ROUNTREE.

Resolutions adopted by St. John's Lodge, No.4, upon the death of Brother S.' iI. Rountree, known in his neighborhood as the "Grand Old Mason," were presented and spread on the records of the Grand Lodge, and a picture of him inserted in the ~roceedings. PROTECTION OF DAGGHTERS AND SISTERS.

The following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, It is the duty of all Master Masons to provide care and' protection for the wives, daughters, sisters and mothers of other Master Masons, when such fact of relationship is made known to them; and WHEREAS, Many of the daughters and sisters of Master Masons are often absent from home and in' strange iands, where their Masonic identity is unknown; now, therefore, be it Re8ollvedJ, By the Grand Lodge' of North Carolina, that whenever it shall be made to appear to the Secretary of a Subordinate Lodge that the wife,. sister, daughter or mother of a member thereof is sojourning within anotherJurisdiction, and the related' member of said Subordinate Lodge shall so: request, it shall be the duty of said Secretary to immediately certify such fact to the Secretary of the Lodge having Jurisdiction over said wife, sister, mother or daughter, whose duty it shall be to acquaint the members of his路 Lodge with such fact, to the end that they may offer to such wife, sister, daughter or mother that degree of care and protection to which they are entitled under our Masonic laws and customs.


An Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge was held at. Oxford Saturday mornlng, June 23, 1906, for the purpose of observing the ceremonies incident to St. John's Day. An appropriate and eloquent Address' was delivered by Col. Solomon Gallert. The following suggestions, coming from an "old bachelor," show that he is not "case hardened," and are worthy of c.onsideration: Another suggestion Is Inspired by the presence of so many women today. Soon after assuming his offlce, our Most Worshipful Grand Master did me the honor to appoint me Deputy Grand Mastel' for the Masonic District In which I reside. In considering what I could, do for the most good of Masonry in my Masonic District, I came to the conclusion that the "good of the Order" and the best Interests of Masonry could best be subserved by Interesting the wives, daughters and sweethearts of Masons In the social, benevolent and charitable work of the Order. My suggestion of this to the various Lodges in my District met with a hearty response, and the plan suggested was the establishment of a Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star at every point where a Masonic Lodge was situated in the District. And this matter is so much suggested by the sight of these women here today, that I want to suggest that sucll a course, in my opinion, would be of value to the Fraternity all over the State. Being an unmarried man myself, perhaps I am at liberty to say more upon this particular subject than any other man present, because, from appearances, I can say almost without hesitancy that I am the only old bachelor on the hill. Although:

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