1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 72




every Grand Lodge in the world does and says.. However, witllout any further preface, we shall proceed with our Europ~an to\lr; ENGLAND.

'Ve are favored with copies of the printed Transactions of this most ancient of Grand Lodges, at its several stated and special nommunications during the year 1868 ; and, accompanying them, we have notice of the sudden death I of the V. W. Wm. Gray Clarke, for many years Grand Secretary. At the annual Grand Festival held on the 29th of April, 1868, Grand l\rlaster the Earl of Zetland presided, and was for the twentyfifth time proclaimed Grand Master of Masons. At the quarterly communication on the 3d of June, 1868, the M. W. Bro. again presided.. The Board of Benevolence reported donations made to sundry applicants, and recommended others to the special care of the Grand Lodge; the sums thus disposed 0 for the quarter ending in May, amounted to about $4,000. The report of the Board of General Purposes led to a lengthy and interesting debate, especially to us on this side of the water,

where the mooted questions would bave been settled with very little argument. The first question was, the arraignment of the Master of a Lodge for having initiated seven candidates on one and the same day. During the discussiQn came up incidentally the propriety or impropriety of obligating more than one candidate at a time. The Grand Master deemed it highly inexpedient to obligate more than one candidate at a time. No action was taken on this incidental question, but the Lodge was suspended for its violation of the Constitution. Another Lodge was under complaint for having elected its Master at an emergent communication; but this error was condoned. A long debate followed on the propriety of legalizing life memberships in Lodges by one payment; the most noteworthy feature was the determination of several of the speakers to interpret the Oonstitution as they thought it ought to be, instead of as it reallyis. The principle of life membership appeared to meet with considerable favol, and the matter was finally referred back to the Boa;rd to present an amendment in proper form. An especial Grand Lodge was held on the 17th of J" une, for the purpose of laying a corner-stone. We have heard some discussion of late as to the propriety of forming Masonic pro<Yessions on occasions other than ful1e~als, right in front, or the Grand Master at

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