1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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suspended, aud 142 uied, out of a total melnbership of 6,099, who remain to battle for the principles of life, as Masonically taught.

M. W. Bro. Samuel M. Todd was elected Grand ~Iaster, and R. W. Bro. James C. Batchelor, M. D. (L. box 872.), re-elooted Grand Secretary; both of New Orleans. Turning north,vard again, we conle to the Grand Lodge of

l\IISSI8SIPPI, Which met at Jackson, on the 18th of January last, M. W. Bro. Thos. S. Gaithright, Grand Master, presiding over 182 Lodges represented, out of 255 011 the roll. The annual address is an interesting paper, and beautifully expressed. One great error into ,vhich Bro. l\Iackey's jurisprudence has led Lodges is, in stating that when a petition is reported ul1favorably upon it is not to be balloted 011, and the address completely settles that heresy by the following: H I have decided that when 8l non-affiliated Mason applies for Iuembership in any Lodge, or where a profane applies for initiation, and the conlmittee of investigation reports unfavorably, the Master is in error to rule that the party is rejected. If this be the proper view, many Lodges are doing wrong. I hold that the ballot must be spread in all cases. If an unfavorable report rejects, a favor.. able one elects. I decide that applications can be decided only by seoret ballot. Our by-laws say that if a petition be roferred and the committee report unfavorably, it cannot be ;withdrawn. How can you withdraw what is rejeeted? or what is the propriety of contemplating the withdrawal of a petition already rejected '? The regulation contemplates a ballot." It appears a case came before the Grand Master involving the status of an elected and installed officer of a Lodge, and he de!cided that the Worshipful :l\Iaster could depose him and put another in his place, and that by parity of reasoning the Grand Master could depose an elected officer of the Grand Lodge. As to the powers of the Worshipful Master, we can not agree with our M. W. brother that that officcr possesses such power, unless he prefexs charges against him, either in the Lodge or to the Grand Master. If in the Lodge, the charges must be acted upon and the verdict of the brethren ascertained; and if before the Grand Master, he must also see that the brother is charged and tried. If the officer is "entirely incompetent," that inoon'1p~tt)noy must be decided upon.


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