1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

Page 386





'rIle following proposed aluelldnlent& were read the third tilne, as prescribed by the laws of the Grand Lodge, and ordered printed with the Proceedings: 1st, That paragraphs 1 and 2 of article xx. be bO unlended Ub to allow the BY-LA ,vs of the Grand Lodge to be uluended after being l'ead 011 tvvo several days, and adopted by a two-third vote of tho Lodges present and represented. ~d.

Resolved, rI'hat Section one (1) of Article one (1) of the

I~y . .

Laws of the Grand I.Jodge be alnended to read as follows: An Annual Conlmunication of this Grand Lodge shall be held in the city of St. Louis, on the second Tuesday of October in each )"ear, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. ; provided that the l)tace of meeting may be changed ,vhenever a lllajority of the Graud Lodge shall deem it expedient. 3d. An Annual Conlnlunicatioll of this Grand Lodge bhall ho held in the city of St. Louis, on the fourth Monday in -ftfaV of each year t commencing at 10 o'clock A. l\L; provided, that the place of meeting Inay be changed whenever tt r.najority of the Grand Lodge shall deelu it expedient.


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