1869 Proceedings - Grand Lodge of Missouri, Volume 2 - Appendixes

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1869.J Tate



Vohl, W H Van Lewvan, Isaac N White, Richard Willman, Richard E White, G W Woolsey, Geo E Wood, James White, A E Wyatt, Solomon Wyatt, J1', A L Williams, R N Brickham, E L Clark, John D Dopf.

wariz, Wm C

DIMITTED.-Jos Sellers, Ephraim Reed, Jacob McEwin, Benj Collins, E Small. SUSPENDED.-A A


DIED.-John P Hope, John Lewis.




Co.-Chartered Oct. 19, 1867.

Stated meetings, first and third Saturdays in each month. OFFIOERS.

Joel Yancey, JJ,Iaster. L. M. Pettet, Sen. Warden. Rush Byrne, Jun. Warden. L. Rubottom, Treasurer. B. C. Hughes, Secretary.

A. McBride, Senior Deacon. John Pipkin, Junior Deacon. G. W. Creasy, ~fen. Steward. G. T. Lee, Jun. Steward. John H. Edgar, Tyler.

MEl\lBERs.-James A Atkins, John M Alexander R W Alexander, Rush Byrne, C A Bennett, R E Buehler, S J Brumlow, T G Atchison, W W Bunyard, D C Bugg, James Bunyard, G W

Creath, William Creasy, Andrew Carter, B F Carter, J P Camp, G W Creasy, A A Duncan, 0 D Dalton, I M Dalton, J ames Daniel, D D Emmons, John H Edgar, Jno Fissel, L M Farris, Christopher Gross, B C Hug-hes, J B Huggans, Benjamin Holmes, S A Harris, oCHolmes, W W Hunter, John Hunter, Patrick Harmon, Sam'l Raney, W F Lewis, G T Lee, B F Montgomery, J P McFarland, Alexander McBride, we Moss)... Thomas McGhee, J M McAdams, A McAlister, T G Malugaw, P ts Moss, A R L Meador F C Neely, L M Pettit, John Pipkin, L H Linnville, James A Park, L Rubottom, John H Polly,.T P Rubottom, J F Short, M A Taylor, A E Williams, W B Wilson, T B Wilson, John L Miller, P L Powers, Joel Yancey. DIMITTED.-C W Miller, A T Sheppard, L L Lewis.

DIED.-James T Sutton.


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