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Summer Safety

Water Safety Death from drowning is always a shocking tragedy and is usually completely preventable. Unfortunately, though, this is something that occurs every summer. Parents need to remember that even good swimmers should not swim alone, but should have a “buddy”. Also, a lifeguard or another adult needs to watch swimming children at all times. Younger children should be more closely supervised – never more than an arm’s length away. It cannot be overemphasized that a parent should never leave a child alone in or near a pool, even for a Continued on page 7

By: Freddy Schwartz, MD For many, summertime conjures up images of warm weather, outdoor activities, BBQs, and fun vacation time. In the Pediatric Emergency Department, however, summer is the peak time for serious illnesses such as dehydration, near-drowning, burns, and head trauma. Although these are all potentially life-threatening conditions, in most cases they are preventable and can be avoided by careful supervision. This article will review these common summer diagnoses, including how they can be prevented, and when to seek medical care.

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Welcome to ModiInfo’s first full-color edition, while giving added interest to the reader. We believe that full-color will provide added value to our advertisers and further promote their businesses. Special welcome to all the new families who have moved to the area from within Israel and all parts of the world. We hope that as an English speaker this magazine eases your adjustment and keeps you well informed. The thousands of printed copies of ModiInfo can be found in Modiin, Hashmonaim, Nof Ayalon, Mevo Modiim, Shoham, Beit Shemesh and olim centers in Jerusalem. You can also find us on the web at www.modiinfo.com .

Dehydration is prevalent this time of year. Mostly, it is the result of prolonged exposure to warm weather. Another contributing factor in young children is certain viruses (eg. Coxsackie) whose peak incidence is summertime, resulting in the child restricting his fluid intake. Because a child’s body-surface-area is greater than an adult’s, children are at greater risk of becoming dehydrated. Before physical activity children should be well hydrated and drinking should be enforced. Signs of dehydration include dry mouth, crying without tears, and fatigue. More advanced indicators include dark and then decreased urine output, and lethargy. It is important to recognize the early signs of dehydration; if untreated, serious medical consequences and even death can occur.

Thank you for your continued support. We wish you a happy and safe summer!

Treatment revolves around proper rehydration. Move the child to a cool environment and have him drink plenty of cool fluids. The choice of fluid is generally less important than the amount. If your toddler will resist taking Pedialyte and will happily guzzle juice, do not fight with him. Remember that frozen ices and ice cream count as fluids too. The key to successful rehydration in infants is giving frequent, small sips. How often? Enough so that they remain alert and produce clear urine.

Daniella Hellerstein and Caryn Meltz, 052-6404-414, 052-3868-768 info@modiinfo.com Graphics by Ellen Perlis 08-971-6012 ModiInfo is an independently owned, advertiser supported publication distributed monthly to Modiin and the surrounding neighborhoods. ModiInfo welcomes all articles and ads but reserves the right to edit or reject submissions. The views expressed by writers and contributors are not necessarily those of ModiInfo. ModiInfo is not responsible for facts or claims made by ads or authors, nor for any typographical errors. Work produced by ModiInfo is the property of ModiInfo and may not be reproduced without consent.

If your baby has not passed urine for eight hours, or if your child is lethargic, seek immediate medical care. Often, intravenous fluids are necessary.

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