Montessori Monitor Spring 2013

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Students from Millhopper Montessori Raise Funds for Oxfam The second and third grade class at Millhopper Montessori School has spent the first half of the school year studying different countries in Africa. As part of our studies, we decided to raise money to purchase animals through the Oxfam organization to donate to an African Family. The students did special jobs around their houses and sold artwork to raise the funds. By the time they were finished, the class had raised $468 in total. With these funds, the students then worked in small groups to decide what animals to purchase within the budget. After presenting each plan, a final decision was made to buy at least two of each kind of animal; sheep, cows, goats, pigs and a dozen chickens with the hope that the pair may have an opportunity to have offspring in the future. The cooperative learning experience and sense of accomplishment have, hopefully, created memories that will last a lifetime.


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