BC SPCA Tuxes & Tails Gala - Kai's story

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Photo Credit: John Welch PhoDOGraphy

Kai’s Story In early September 2013, a mother and her five young pups were surrendered to the care of the BC SPCA. All of the dogs were victims of severe neglect and were suffering from extreme malnourishment. Staff at the BC SPCA jumped into action to rehabilitate and save the lives of all six members of the family. While their mother stabilized more quickly, the pups had contracted Campylobacter, a potentially lethal bacterial infection. After a trying two weeks in quarantine all of the littermates survived the sickness, but were still struggling with the critical lack of nutrients they had received. The puppies’ systems were weak and stressed, and they all developed acute cases of mange. Persistent medical care and attention from the staff and volunteers at the BC SPCA Victoria Branch lead to a healthy and remarkable recovery of all five puppies. At four months of age they were finally stable enough to be put up for adoption and find their forever homes. Kai, our 2014 Tuxes & Tails mascot, was one of those five puppies. Tumbling over enormous feet, Kai charges toward the new people coming to meet him. A suspected lab and terrier cross, Kai’s black coat curls down his spine and his chest is streaked with a charming dash of white. Kai slides to a clumsy halt before crashing into his visitors. He eagerly kisses each of them and shows them how well he has learned to sit – not his only trick, he’s fully leash trained and is on his way to being house broken. While he’s thrilled to meet new friends, Kai’s manners are remarkable; he’s a true little gentleman. His eyes are circled in bare skin, the only remaining spots to regrow hair after an awful bout of mange. At just five months old, Kai has been subjected to more cruelty, and has survived greater sickness and hardship then many people will experience in a lifetime. But still, his eyes are filled with joy, life, love, and most astonishingly, trust. It’s in these eyes that we can begin to understand the power of a safe shelter and read a silent bow of gratitude to the BC SPCA.

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