NWC Yearbook 1985-1986

Page 42

Conference Champs

hom I. lo r.: D. lbumler, . T.rcptow, T. Koc • M. Se'll no¥r, 'r. llansirn, ,B. • "t:mtad •• I. \.'on'l!Jcylen. ll'. &:mibal, •OC'p .•


The Trojan golf ~n , r~ing W1 11:1.4-1 record ~nd v.inni.ng the co r~ ritl.e b) a cuuple \lrok~. u l'L"r V icerbo. pcrhaps tud [[s be t wJl r'l!L~ ab' u•u 11\e Troj;m" weR- It'd by Mark Sclloow. v.flo fo•ished ~nd iP ~onf~ wo11ld hi i,r~ Hnishcd Inst hod ii nom beett fot hi"I a\ CT"-40 po:I mi.Ill pafonn:llltt [n tht ~ ruuud. O thN aU-t-onfeRncc goHer. wtte M I(: Von Dcyllc'n. dtC' loM JC!fticw, :uul &in ··d on't prom>um·c Lbe K .. Kjen3bd. Brin lt;nn; hr "oo.Jd b:a -e round when he" dro\lc a b:i11 450 ymds on the first llok: e un"a mention downhill road :it the leh or Ute fllirway whkh helped otn liuJ(' Other pb,-cn 11D hdpcd .out m n:mettdcn1 y drui.:n,g lhe smwn wl?:l'e wpl1(1morts Tony ··1 C1Kd ro ~t 11 a 3-wood H111~1 11 nd .D:m ••Lc-t me tcJl you wh)• I didn"t do bc-ltn on CX'll ho1t• B3u mk.r, .a nd f~hrnen Kurt Kocplin a nd E:trle Treplo"'·· Wilh the loss of hono~ captain '\1att v.,n Peyle"a, Tom Be:rn• h~I will ILll"'(L lo f.:lkc O\l'I' tbt h~ oe. I ~ since he will ~ the lune sc-nior. (lt •. a tnusfl job. Tom! ) HopcfuUy om ··.mt)· :: yard rcn n c311'.c"' Koeck \!Ital rmpn,\'4: his pmc a notcrl so 1ha1 tfle-Troj;s au. ch rough nc.>.t )'C'AI' nndefuted~1~¢<.'Pl rar;Unst the ~m . of couq;e.

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