NWC Yearbook 1980-1981

Page 24

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Fr11n1 rtow (1-rJ; C1 h 'l' lw1111 •Jn. H11ff. Hunt r, l\u k•1 , Di •lrn~ h1 Hir rl1 nh r, lfo&n, H<4d, nufl!d. Frey, KnlAnff,Pr. Row 2: Gi1:1~hen, l hirtmsm, 1-!:L~~, Gumm, H. Ziet.low, l.ind l<1H1 PLtr1ow, (]Qldt, Nitz, Mar~h tl l. Rt.JW ·~: Ti1n So:mkup, l'itt, Hjm~h. Lil"hl, 'l', Zi~Llow, 1\11 11rmkk. Smith, Hir. r.h , Hi lwti r, Schruool'lr. Row 1 ~ MRrtin, R11t~H~..: r, R·:>iekoff, Loe ~her, .Sti•·ft I, J\.nwgor, \'Q.11&, Ump.·r1, 'tr 1ck. Row 5: C<•11ch U 11(lt•m 11 n, C.:urlcr, Kuck.hehn, !tn11 i:lt, l'lrcws. Zimmuman, Wieliuscli , W ·gsol, . SC1ukup. Co.Ad1 11 i4.'f'C r.

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