NWC Yearbook 1974-1975

Page 43

TOP' ROW: Thii:rrliUl®l', Gurnm, Schw.:L'h. W'icakc ~ Sctu1cfer, Pope, Weinhahn, l!adncr. THIR.11 ROW~ l3ch dngt!f'jl Woll'l , Rieke, Hoffm.:r.n, Ihil'>ch, Gut:lm'Jllle.r. Se1'','e , Z,'l.rling. SECO:\D ROW: r..d\Ynrcls. Kipfmillcr, F rcl4.:r,. V~swinkol, RuRsow. lt4.lnz, Hunn111 , Huebncrr. FH.ONT

ROW: Murgt,,rrd!, Monthie, t'ischer,i, .Rut!~,, Bare , Co nnell , Kri~um. Ca.!>me r.


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1' 0P ROW: Kehl, Plagenz, 1-tistow, Mi.sd1k:e, Hetn, Na5s, Woh:it, Heard, M lone,,, .L..n b , Moldst ct, Uorn , TIHRD ROW: furl~·. Vo ' t Ht.:nko, TtJllberg.. Sprin.i,tor, Schol,:,. &--de.,. ~p~cngeler, C:tuger, ¼''tight; Alb.rec.ht, Loifcr . 5:RCOND RO\.\'= SiiTila, Schumacherrr Pa11jtzke, Wagner, Stcih, Scbtdbc, P ·td, Srhcr: rhcl. r )'llC, ~ l1oue1"lctn1 Unki:.:, B:n-g. l,..R.Of'li'T ROW: Schult.7.., Putz, Rudt.Jre, Ambor11, Kohl , Ro!:-t!noW, Britlk· ma~ Frey, .Na.um e.nn, Kruschel.

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