Missoula Independent

Page 11


Under pressure Private religious youth homes face stricter oversight by Jessica Mayrer

Dave Bingham worked as a house par- the program aired footage of one Pinehaven hibits the agency from releasing the number ent at Pinehaven Christian Children’s Ranch house parent, Ned Kent, illustrating the of complaints filed against the ranch. Despite the mounting allegations, Pinein St. Ignatius for five years. He still remem- pressure-point technique. On Feb. 14, Montana lawmakers began haven Director Bob Larsson has steadfastly bers the sounds that the kids made when they were restrained with what ranch deliberating whether to increase scrutiny of maintained that his operation uses approprivate religious youth homes like Pine- priate tools to restrain who are often unruly staffers referred to as “pressure pointing.” “That really hurts, just to hear the kids haven. While the state currently requires youth. He says that staffers have stopped screaming,” says Bingham, who worked at that all “private alternative adolescent resi- using pressure pointing. “We don’t spank, the ranch with his wife, Denise. “I watched dential and outdoor programs” achieve state we don’t use any inflicting pain,” he told a 17-year-old boy, tough as nails, but some- licensure, religious youth homes are exempt lawmakers during last week’s hearing. During the hearing, Larsson showed a body else was getting pressure pointed, and from such oversight. 20-minute slide show that featured he was screaming he was so afraid photos of smiling kids milking of what was coming after him.” cows, canoeing and woodworking Pressure pointing involves placagainst a backdrop of the Mission ing a hand on the neck to subdue a Mountains. child. Past Pinehaven residents say “We do not apologize a bit for that the sensation of being pressure being a church-run facility,” Larspointed is akin to being choked. son said, adding that tough love While the technique marks perhaps should not be mistaken for abuse. the most egregious example of al“We believe that the Bible is the leged abuses at the 1,120-acre ranch word of God.” for troubled kids, Bingham says it’s Larsson contends that constifar from the only one. tutionally mandated religious proIn 2010, Dave and Denise tections assure him the freedom to Bingham left the ranch with several operate the ranch without state inother staffers who had grown intrusion. The Montana Family creasingly alarmed by how PineFoundation’s Jeff Laszloffy agrees. haven kids were treated, Bingham Photo courtesy of Pinehaven Laszloffy told lawmakers that they says. “We got to talking, as more of us got putting pieces of the puzzle A staffer at Pinehaven Christian Children’s Ranch would be mistaken to think that intogether, the picture was getting baptizes a resident. The youth home draws from creased state oversight guarantees biblical teachings in its efforts to help troubled painless rehabilitation of rebellious ugly,” he says. youth. kids. As proof, he pointed to data Ranch residents range in age House Bill 236, introduced by Missoula that shows dozens of assaults took place at from 4 to 19 and come from all over the country. Some ranch residents have crimi- Democratic Rep. Ellie Hill, would require Montana’s two state-run youth correctional nal records themselves, while others have private religious youth homes to report to facilities last year. He noted that at Pine Hills parents who are incarcerated. It’s not un- the state how behavior is managed, whether Youth Correctional Facility, where juvenile usual for Pinehaven youth to struggle with regular communication with family mem- males are held, one staffer was disciplined bers is allowed and if residents are receiving for using excessive force. substance abuse and mental illness. “Some things, like incidents of violence Bingham says that misbehaving Pine- medication and psychological care. Supporters of HB 236 include the Mon- or abuse,” Laszloffy said, “they go along with haven residents were not allowed to speak to their parents for months at a time. Teens tana Board of Private Alternative Adolescent the territory.” Only one other private youth home with learning challenges faced penalties for Residential or Outdoor Programs, which failing to grasp lessons; Bingham recalls one oversees youth homes, Disability Rights came forward to oppose Hill’s bill: the girl who froze during tests was frequently Montana, the National Alliance on Mental Ranch for Kids Project based out of Eureka, sent to the ranch’s “bullpen” to shovel ma- Illness and Montana’s Child and Family which garnered international headlines last summer for refusing to allow Russian govnure for hours at a time. A notarized affidavit Services Division. Child and Family Services administrator ernment emissaries to inspect the facility. from a former staff member alleges children did not receive counseling from mental Sarah Corbally testified last week that the re- Attorneys for the state of Montana argue that health professionals. One former ranch em- ligious exemption leaves a dangerous regu- the Eureka ranch declared itself a religious institution to evade oversight. ployee submitted testimony that says house latory void. “There is no recourse against the facility On Feb. 22, the House Judiciary Comparents tried to control homosexual activity by locking teenagers in their rooms and or the person who works at the facility, who mittee is expected to vote on HB 236. Hill actually abused or neglected that child,” isn’t optimistic that her bill will receive supleaving them to urinate in a bucket. Since 2010, former Pinehaven employ- Corbally said. “I can tell you that there are port from the Republican-dominated comees, alumni, state lawmakers and child pro- situations in facilities where we have multi- mittee. She predicts, however, that if tection advocates have increasingly called ple ongoing substantiations, and there is ab- lawmakers don’t take action, Pinehaven resupon authorities to thoroughly investigate solutely nothing further than can be done idents and their families will. “I would not be surprised to see a class ranch operations. Pinehaven made national by our agency.” When contacted by the Independent, action lawsuit,” she says. headlines last year when CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” reported on abuse allegations CFS confirmed that it has received comthere. In a series titled “Ungodly discipline,” plaints about Pinehaven. But state law projmayrer@missoulanews.com


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