Mills Quarterly spring 2012

Page 13

Paper, video, tweet Campus journalists adopt new tools to deliver the news By Jessica Langlois, MFA ’10


wo years ago , while pursuing my

By 2003, the Weekly was online, but

As a result, whether in print, on video,

MFA, I agreed to manage the multi-

barely. Laura Cucullu ’05 became online

or by tweet, Campanil staff continue to

media lab for a reporting class taught by

editor that year, bringing with her 10

reflect the core mission of the journal-

Sarah Pollock, professor of English and

years of tech support experience and a

ism program, which emphasizes rigorous,

head of the Mills journalism program.

determination that everything printed

ethical reporting and compelling, well-

She had found it increasingly critical to

in the paper should appear online. “The

structured narratives. These new areas

include digital media analysis in her jour-

people who followed me at the paper

of expression, says Pollock, have “galva-

nalism courses, and was about to launch

grabbed that by the horns and said now

nized a level of engagement that’s critical

a hands-on lab that would support stu-

we need to add in things for online only,”

to the students’ moving on to becoming

dents’ efforts to develop audio and video

says Cucullu, who is now a senior editor

leaders in the world.”


at CNET.

Journalism graduates have gone to

Editors on the Campanil, the student

Today, the Campanil’s website features

top positions in a variety of media: Taigi

newspaper, had already begun publish-

slideshows, podcasts, and video stories,

Smith ’94 has been a senior producer

ing digital stories on their website, which

and staffers employ social media to keep

of the CBS Evening News and 48 Hours

had won an impressive second place in

up with breaking news. Lauren Soldano

Mystery; Tracy Clark-Flory ’06 is a staff

the statewide California College Media

’11 produced video coverage of the recent

writer about relationships, sex, and cul-

Association awards competition in 2005—

Occupy Oakland protests right up until

ture for Salon magazine; and Ariel Gore

beating out larger schools like Stanford,

the camp was cleared away. Cucullu,

’94 is the founder of the national parent-

Cal, and UCLA. (They would place second

who followed the those protests via the

ing magazine, Hip Mama.

again in 2010.) I didn’t hesitate to sign

Campanil’s live Twitter feed, says video

Soldano, who found camaraderie and a

on. The multimedia add-on was such a

and social media have become essential

sense of purpose in the long hours spent

success that we took the concept to the

forms of expression for journalists. These

producing the paper and website with

Associated Writing Programs conference

make written stories more accessible and

fellow editors, intends to seek work with

in Washington DC a year later, present-

immediate, and can sometimes uncover

an organization that teaches underserved

ing a panel on multimedia expression in

bias in print journalism. “You can write

youth to use video to tell their stories.

the writing classroom.

a story that says one thing, but if some-

Cucullu, too, feels compelled to serve

Pollock recalls how students “used

one’s got a video that says something

the public interest. She was spurred to

photo-sizing wheels, exacto knives, and

else, guess what triumphs? The video,”

study journalism after seeing how little

waxers to lay out the newspaper by hand”

Cucullu says.

coverage the mainstream media provided

when she arrived at Mills in 1987 and the

Pollock applauds the way students are

when George W. Bush appointed a reli-

paper was still called the Weekly. They

“taking intellectual experiences they’re

giously conservative doctor of disputed

soon graduated to using desktop pub-

having in the classroom and translating

qualifications to a reproductive health

lishing software, always keeping up with

them using these technologies.” With her

drugs advisory committee. “Journalists

industry standards to produce the paper’s

experience as a senior editor at the Oakland

are a group of really dedicated people

print edition.

Tribune and Mother Jones magazine, she

who believe that information needs to be

also pushes students to think in complex

out there,” says Cucullu. “And they will

ways about how news is delivered.

fight to the death to do that.” ◆ To read the Campanil online, visit To receive Campanil news in your email account or on Google Reader, subscribe to its RSS feed at TheCampanil. sPRING 2012


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