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Improving Features


spotting dissatisfied customers across the social web By Anja Zinchenko




Improving Features

s we all know the first step in popular ones like Facebook or Twitter and sort producing a compelling product or conversations where the company or its prodservice is to determine what con- uct is mentioned. sumer really needs. Then we design Conversations are sorted by their urgency our product to meet the consumers’ needs and and influence and are displayed to the complace it to the market. pany’s representative – brand ambassador. Now, how do we get consumers feedback Moreover, in April 2012 Brand Embassy and improve communication online? Is it launched a new product Engager. possible to know what customers really think It helps the brand ambassador not only see about our product? the post of dissatisfied customer but also be Certainly, big brands have their own cus- engaged into the conversation on the website tomer services in different countries but, after where the company or product was mentioned. all, not all of dissatisfied customers address So, the efficiency of helping a dissatisfied their complaints to the customer services. customer is claimed to be increased by 40%. Sometimes they will just complain in their Brand Embassy mentions that its product posts and conversations on is being used by such brands the social websites. So, how as Telefonica, Johnson and You can sign can we be more efficient in Johnson and Otto. finding and helping dissatisIt does not take a big brand to up for free 14 fied customers? find Brand Embassy useful. If days trial at brandembassy.com Brand Embassy, a startup you’re a startup with ambitious that launched its service in plans for growth and you care and check what 2011, offers a cloud-based about your customers this tool your customers tool that helps companies to may come in use. think about your reach out for more dissatisImproving the features of product. fied customers. They moniyour product by listening to tor 50,000,000 social webyour customer’s feedback is the sites daily including the most right way towards success.


MIEMAGAZINE June 01, 2012



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