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23 the rresponsibility esponssibility to ccare are ffor o or them,”” Dushku Dushk u says saayys that we wer weree seeing the “real “r eal R Romney.” o omn ney.” people “He sees other p eople in need as lazyy and sla slackers, laz ackers,” Dushku Dushku notes. notes. “He doesn’t do esn’t acknowledge ack knowledge that the path took was he to ok w a a privileged path, from as from parents, gave his par ents, that ga ave him distinct advantages. advant ages.” Romney say R omneey lik o llikes kes e to sa ay that his Capital was ccontroversial ontr troversia e iall rrole ole l att B Bain i C apit itall w aas to t out”” other “help out o ccompanies ompanies or “assisting them”” or “pr “providing them rovviding business eexpertise. xp x ertise.” It’s It ’s a narrative narrativ ivve that ccompletely ompletely obfuscates the Romney obfusc ates th he rrole ole that R o omneey and weree actually Bain wer a eexecuting xxecuting during leveraged buyouts their le eveeragged buy yo outs of vulnerable They weree ccorporate ccompanies. ompanies. The T ey wer o orporate pirates—nothing more thing mor re and nothing pirates—not less—in the worst sense of the term. been In what has b een the most investigative iimportant imp ortant work k off iin vestigativ i i e Romney’s journalism m dealing with R o omney’s Capital rreal eal rrecord ecord at Bain C apital ((Rolling Rolling o Stone, St toone, Aug. Aug. 29), Matt Matt Taibbi Taaibbi described described Bain’s business practices being Bain ’s busin ness practic es as b eing driven byy a “make-nothing, driv en b “make-nothing, ttakeakeeeverything, verything, screw-everyone screw- everyone ethos” Romney and R o omneey himself as a “Gordon “Gordon Gekko…without PR.”” Gekk o…wiithout the PR. Off course, manyy of the victims of O course, man Romney’s weree R o omney’s corporate corporate raiders wer women—clerical workers women— cl i all work cleric kers and d midid level administrators workers le vel admin nistrators and line work ers jobs weree vulnerable when —whose jo obs wer plundered Bain plund dered them ffor or o profits. profits. Romney’s R o omney’s leadership l team at Bain— likee the nat national leadership— lik tional LDS leadership — was all-white all-male.. w as all-whi ite and all-male Republican presidential The R eepu ublican pr esidential was nominee w as effective eff ffeective at Bain, Taibbi T aibbi a cconcludes, onccludes, but not in the way w ay that hee and his inner sanctum front tout. “Romney “R Ro om mney is the fr ont man and apostle economic ap ostle of an a ec onomic rrevolution,” evolution,”” Taibbi T aibbi a cconcludes, onccludes, “in which transactions aree manufactured transaction ns ar manufactured products, instead of pr p oducts, wealth is accompanying generated without w ac companying prosperity, Cayman pr osperity, and C ayman y Islands partnerships aree lo lovingly erected par tnership ps ar vingly er ected nurtured and nur turred while American American apart.” ccommunities ommunitiies fall apar t.”

Crushed Crushe ed Earlier thiss yyear, ear, JJudith udith Dushk Dushku’s u’s daughter,, the daughter t actress actress Eliza Dushku Dushku (of television’s televisio on’s Buff Buffy ffyy the V Vampire aampire Slayer fame), famee),, got ccornered ornered at a






OCTOBER O C TO B E R 10-16, 10-16, 2012 | me metrosiliconvalley.com trosiliconvalley.com | sanjose. sanjose.com com | metr metroactive.com oactive.com

a mist mistake. ake. In Mit Mitt’s tt’s view, view, no one else has an anything ything else to off offer. ffeer.” ff Romney—and R o omney— —and R Republicans eepub bliccaans in general—aree experiencing general—ar experiencin ng a significant significant gender gap at the polls polls this t election season,, with the most recent rec e ent poll poll cconducted onducted by by the YWCA YWCA indicating indiccaating that Obama is leading Romney Ro omney by by 49-31 percent. p ercent. In respect respect to issues issues that most directly dir ectly impact women,, this should ccome ome as no surprise. surprise i . Ass R Republicans gathered A eepublicans gath hered in Tampa Romney T aampa to ccoronate oronate R omney as nominee,, se several Republican their nominee veral R eepublican speakers mocked slogan sp eakers mo cked the Obama O slo gan “Forward,” instead, of “F orward,”” ccalling alling in nstead, as Rebecca Traister,, Salon ccolumnist R eebecca Traister olumnist and Don’t Cry, author of Big Girls Don n’t Cr ry, noted, time”” when ffor o or a “moment back in n time white,, the “only a select ffew—the ew—thee white male,, the straight, the Pr Protestant— male otestant— ccould ould ld rreasonably easonably bl eexpect xpecct to eexert xert political social p olitical or financial orr so cial or sexual power.” se xual p ower.” word Traister In wor d and deed, Tr raister observed, Republicans been obser ved,, R eepublicans “ha ““have ave b een hopee to rreturn telegraphing their hop eturn us before Roe, to a moment not just b effor o eR oe, but before birth-control before b effo ore the bir th-control o pill, b effo ore sexual before secondthe se xual rrevolution, evolution,, b effo ore sec ondwave hammered pesky w ave ffeminism eeminism hamme ered p esk ky likee ‘harassment ‘harassment’’ and ‘equal terms lik pay’ lexicon, pa ayy’’ into i our lle xic i on, to o a moment women’s bodies sexuality when women ’s b odies and se xualitty weree me men’s define,, and identities wer n’s to define patrol will. Romney, patr ol and violate at wi ill.” R omney, o appear, perfect it would app ear, is the p erfeect Republican R eepublican ccandidate andidate to t bring us patriarchal future. back to that patriar chaal futur e. Off ccourse, argue O ourse, one ccould ould d ar gue that Romney’s backward-looking view R omney’s back o ward-lo ooking vie w of limited the world is not limite ed eexclusively xclusively women’s issues.. In rrespect espect to to women ’s issues economic policies, ec onomic p olicies, he would w clearly likee to rrevert days before lik evert to the da ayys b effo ore workplacee saf safety workplac fet e y mandates, mand dates, the progressive income pr ogressive inc ome ttax, axx, the right of workers organize and work ers to or ganize an nd rregulatory egulatory institutions. ccontrols ontrols of financial in nstitutions. His doubletalk presidential doublet alk at the first pr esidential Denver debate last week in De en nver about about his economic proposals—many various ec onomic pr op posals—many directly previous of which dir ectly ccontradict ontrradict pr evious statements made—only st atements he has mad de— only help underscore Dushku to undersc ore what Du ushku has duplicity” ccalled alled his “capacity “capacity for for o duplicit y” and “his lack of a moral ccenter.” en nter.” Romney uttered When R o omney ut tttered his nowimmortal Republican immor tal ccomments omments at a aR epublic e an Boca Raton, fundraiser in Bo ca Rat ton, Florida, about percent Americans being ab out 47 p ercent of Am mericans b eing government “victims”” and ““that that go vernment has

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