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E8E4 ;0 5A0=24 osteaux Bakery (417 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg; 707.433.1913) wants to play Robespierre to your baguette’s French noble. Slicing bread with a guillotine is just the beginning of the Healdsburg bakery’s Bastille Day lineup. La fĂŞte kicks off at 8am with Eiffel Tower cookie decorating for les enfants and a croissant-rolling lesson an hour later for their more ambitious parents. The North Bay Fencing Academy will demonstrate their swordplay technique and show spectators how to win a Jacobin revolution. Play pĂŠtanque (French bocce) with bread boules and pretend they’re the severed heads of the First Estate. Travel to the Moulin Rouge when the Raven Theatre’s “Oooh La Laâ€? can-can dancers strut their stuff, and stick around when the Gloriana Musical Theatre dancers present a selection from La Cage aux Folles, the Tony award–winning show of nightclubs and entertainers in drag. And rumor has it that Marie Antoinette herself might make an appearance. Consorting with plebeians? Imagine!


Hit up the Cabaret d’Amour on Saturday night for music au Français. Held at 142 Throckmorton Theatre (142 Throckmorton Ave., Mill Valley; 415.383.9600), the show includes performances by Moana Diamond, Danny Slomoff, Craig Jessup, Briana Smolowe, the Chez Kiki Orchestra and the Chez Kiki Dancers. The sounds of Edith Piaf, Mistenguette, Maurice Chevalier, Jacques Brel and Josephine Baker ooze romance. Life is a cabaret! Domaine Chandon Winery (1 California Drive, Yountville; 707.944.2280) offers a special French menu in its Yountville tasting room. Dust off your Marie Antoinette costumes and show up très chic to win a prize.

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Bouchon Bistro (6534 Washington St., Yountville; 707.944.8037), known for its mean French cuisine, promises celebratory food, drinks and games on this momentous occasion. Bring the whole family for all-ages festivities.

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Drop in at La Boulange Bakery (5800 Nave Drive, Marin; 415.382.8594) for the sweet taste of victory and cherry an. At 11 locations throughout the Bay Area, this quaint French cafe serves actual meals along with the good stuff—desserts, bread and pastries Ă la française. Bon appĂŠtit!

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