RCCB2 Support Material Sample

Page 8

Push-Thru Bar—Springs from Below UPPER EXTREMITY

1. Scapula Isolation Refer to page 62 of the Essential Cadillac manual a. Modification 1. Unilaterally b. Modification 2. Palms toward face c. Modification 3. Full range ◗ ◗

Challenges concentric and eccentric strength of serratus anterior and pectoralis major Watch extension of neck and pressing thorax down into Mat

2. Chest Press Refer to page 64 of the Essential Cadillac manual a. Modification 1. Angle elbow toward feet b. Modification 2. Unilaterally ◗ ◗

Focus on triceps strengthening Cadillac bed provides proprioception for scapular position


1. Leg Presses Refer to page 66 of the Essential Cadillac manual a. b. c. d. e.

Modification 1. Legs hip-distance apart Modification 2. Legs laterally rotated Modification 3. Unilaterally Modification 4. Omit dorsiflexion and plantar flexion Stability Chair at end of Cadillac to decrease required range of motion of hips

Loaded position of spine and hips Contraindications: symptomatic lumbar disc, sciatica, inner-range hip flexion issues, inadequate ankle mobility to maintain foot contact with bar Indications: hip mobilization, neural mobilization, ankle mobilization, lengthen posterior hip muscles and open posterior hip capsule

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2. Hip Opener Refer to page 102 of the Intermediate & Advanced Cadillac manual ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗

Lateral mobility of leg Watch alignment of knee Encourage folding in the hip socket Encourages gliding of the sciatic, tibial and peroneal nerves


1. Midback Series Refer to page 70 of the Essential Cadillac manual a. b. c. d.

Triceps Press Straight Down Forty-Five Degrees Side

e. Circles i. Unilateral and bilateral ◗

Three hand positions


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