Meenakshi Mission Hospital Annual Report 2008

Page 92

awareness. Mr. Jawahar, Madurai collector inaugurated the programme. Our hospital received a meticulous award for its excellent services rendered. So far 1114 patients availed the services.

Community Care Centre As a Pioneer health care institution, our hospital organized a Community Care Centre by name “Mother Teresa Special Ward for PLWHAs� in

the year 1997. The centre is

provided with 10 beds with qualified medical officer and supportive staff to enhance comprehensive care and

Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (ICTC) With the support of Tamilnadu State AIDS Control Society (TNSACS), our hospital provides voluntary counselling, free testing for high-risk

support services for the PLWHAs. In addition to the regular

groups, and partners of PLWHAs, antenatal

treatment to prolong the life of the PLWHAs, other

mothers, and general public to find out the

supportive services like counselling, health education,

infectious status and Prevention of Parent to

library, referral services for ART centre, free CD4 count test

Child Transmission (PPTCT) of HIV. The unique

etc are provided. The health workers make field visit and

feature of the centre is to provide counselling

meet the PLWHAs at their homes and integrate with the

and testing in a confidential environment. PPTCT

community. This year 1223 Outpatients, 385 Inpatients

programme emphasize on nutrition, breast-

and 395 new cases have been treated at our centre.

feeding, family planning, couple counselling,

Regularly we observe World AIDS day every 1st of

antenatal care and menstrual history. This year


3418 persons were counselled and 3377 tested.

Microscopic Centre-Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) Our hospital is one of the microscopic centres and DOTS providers supported by the District TB SocietyMadurai. Under RNTCP, the TB patients are provided with free sputum test, free drugs, free counselling. This year we organized TB rally in collaboration with TB centre. More than 100 students participated propagating about TB


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