Stepping Up groep 5/6 Textbook

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English for Primary Schools Groep 5/6




English for Primary Schools Groep 5/6

Egrammatica Engelse grammatica + trainingen

1e druk

Stepping Up voor groep 5 en 6 van de basisschool bestaat uit: 1. Textbook (bronnenboek)

6. Docenten-cd met ingesproken materiaal

2. Workbook chapters 1 & 2 (groep 5)

7. Docenten-cd met uitwerkingen voor digibord

3. Workbook chapters 3 & 4 (groep 5)

8. Docentenhandleiding met werkwijze en antwoorden

4. Workbook chapters 5 & 6 (groep 6)

9. Online docentenmateriaal:

5. Workbook chapters 7 & 8 (groep 6)

10. Overhoorprogramma:

Auteur: Hetty van Esch-van Haaren © 2014 Egrammatica Organisatie en ICT: Jan van Esch Vormgeving en illustraties: Drukkerij Verloop: Henk-Jan Hoogendoorn Cees Deelen Meelezers: Ruth Green Sheila MacLeod Met medewerking van: Calvin Christian School, Lethbridge (Canada) Willowdale Christian School, Toronto (Canada) Cd opname STH Records: Jaco van Houselt

Stepping Up Groep 5/6

Ingesproken teksten behorend bij tekstboek ISBN 978-90-822489-1-3

CD ingesproken door leerlingen van de Rotterdam International Secondary School (RISS) Docenten: Jesse Bywater, International School ‘De Blijberg’ in Rotterdam Diana Van Adrichem-Smits (RISS) Leerlingen (RISS): Julia Van Adrichem Helene Duebel Leen Jammalieh Connor Moore Medhini Pathirana Edward Tollington

Stepping Up


© 2014 Egrammatica Alle rechten van de maker van de geluidsdrager en van de eigenaar van het opgenomen werk zijn gereserveerd. Vermenigvuldiging, verhuur van deze cd is verboden

Docenten-cd met uitwerkingen werkboeken Groep 5/6

© 2014 Egrammatica Alle rechten van de maker van de geluidsdrager en van de eigenaar van het opgenomen werk zijn gereserveerd. Vermenigvuldiging, verhuur van deze cd is verboden

Behoudens de in of krachtens de Auteurswet van 1912 gestelde uitzonderingen mag niets uit deze uitgave worden verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch, door fotokopieën, opnamen of enig andere manier, zonder voorafgaand schriftelijke toestemming van de auteur. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or, transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the author. ISBN 978-90-822489-1-3

Voorwoord Binnen een half jaar na het verschijnen

grapjes. De grafische vormgeving sluit

van Stepping Up voor groep 7/8, kwam

aan bij wat een leerling van groep 5/6

van een aantal scholen die al met

aanspreekt. Alle teksten zijn ingespro-

Stepping Up werkten het verzoek om

ken door ‘native speakers’: kinderen en

ook Stepping Up voor groep 5/6 te

docenten. Een aantal teksten zijn afkom-

ontwikkelen. Men vond dat Stepping

stig van leerlingen uit Canada.

Up pas echt compleet zou zijn als de hele bovenbouw hiermee zou kunnen

In dit deel wordt grammatica niet

werken. Graag heb ik aan dit verzoek

expliciet aangeboden, omdat een goede


woordenschat verwerven in deze fase belangrijker is. Bovendien is grammatica

Stepping Up 5/6 kan gebruikt worden

voor deze leeftijdsgroep nog wat te

door kinderen die nog betrekkelijk wei-

abstract. Wel worden er heel eenvoudige

nig Engels hebben gehad. Ook kan

taalconstructies aangeboden. Voor de

Stepping Up 5/6 dienen als instap. Op

docent is achterin het boek een katern

een heel effectieve manier wordt direct


vanaf het begin gewerkt aan de verwer-





ving van de 4 ERK-vaardigheden: spreken, schrijven, luisteren en lezen. De fo-

Ook dit deel heb ik met plezier geschre-

cus ligt daarom vooral op woordverwer-

ven. Op veel basisscholen krijgt het

ving. Leerlingen krijgen per luister- en

verbeteren van het niveau Engels hoge

leesoefening steeds maximaal 10 nieu-

prioriteit. Terecht, want alleen dan krij-

we woorden aangereikt. Deze woorden

gen kinderen een eerlijke kans om goed

worden, in verschillende werkvormen,

voorbereid het voortgezet onderwijs in

ongeveer zeven keer aangeboden voor-

te stromen en succesvol het type onder-

dat ermee gewerkt wordt: eerst passief,

wijs te doorlopen dat bij hun capacitei-

daarna actief. Het is de bedoeling dat

ten en ambitie past.

het idioom op school geleerd wordt, zodat er geen dan wel zo min mogelijk

Nu inmiddels in de praktijk blijkt dat

huiswerk opgegeven hoeft te worden.

Stepping Up daaraan een positieve

De methode is speels en bestaat uit hu-

bijdrage levert, is mijn inspanning ruim-

moristische, voor kinderen herkenbare

schoots beloond.

tekstjes, gesprekjes, liedjes, woordzoekers, puzzels, tekeningen, raadseltjes en

Hetty van Esch-van Haaren

Inhoudsopgave Chapter 1

About My Family and Me


Chapter 2

Today Is My Birthday


Chapter 3

School, Friends, Home


Chapter 4

Your Body, Health


Chapter 5

Wednesday Afternoon


Chapter 6

Animals 103

Chapter 7

Fruit, Food, Clothes and Shopping


Chapter 8

The World around You


Uitleg tekens: Luistertekst





Extra tekst (hoger niveau)


About My Family and Me

Chapter 1


This is father, This is mother, This is sister, This is brother, Father, mother, sister, brother Hand in hand with one another.


About My Family and Me



About My Family and Me New words

Let op! Een heel werkwoord eindigt in het Nederlands meestal op en (helpen). In het Engels niet; daar zet je meestal to voor een heel werkwoord (to play). Dat to wordt weglaten in de zin.

1. boy 2. brother 3. sister 4. name 5. daddy 6. mummy 7. friend 8. to love 9. to live 10. to play

Hi, I’m Brian. I’m a boy. I’m nine years old. I have one brother and two sisters.

Let op! I (= ik) schrijf je altijd met een hoofdletter. Ik ben = I am en mag afgekort worden tot I’m.


My brother’s name is David. He is seven years old. My sisters’ names are Elisa and Rachel. Elisa is ten and Rachel is three. I love my dad and mum, brother and sisters. We live in Cambridge. I have three friends. I play football with David and my friends.

My Family Song My family lives in my house, in my house, in my house. My family lives in my house. And so do I.

woont en ik ook

My mummy lives in my house, in my house, in my house. My mummy lives in my house. And so do I. My daddy lives in my house, in my house, in my house. My daddy lives in my house. And so do I. My brothers live in my house, in my house, in my house. My brothers live in my house. And so do I. My sisters live in my house, in my house, in my house. My sisters live in my house. And so do I. My family lives in my house, in my house, in my house. My family lives in my house. And so do I.



About My Family and Me

Hi, My Name Is Brian New words

Let op! Sommige werkwoorden hebben geen to, zoals will. (De afkorting van will = ‘ll)

1. father 2. mother 3. son 4. daughter 5. girl 6. too 7. their 8. to hope 9. to want 10. will

Becky: Hi, what’s your name? Brian: My name is Brian and what’s your name? Becky: My name is Becky. How old are you? Brian: I’m nine and how old are you? Becky: I’m nine too. Question 1


Becky: Do you have any brothers or sisters? Brian: Yes, I have two sisters and one brother. Their names are Elisa, David and Rachel. Question 2 Becky: I only have one sister. Her name is Jennifer. She is four years old. My mother is going to have a baby. I hope the baby will be a boy. Then I will have a sister and a brother. Question 3 Brian: Then your father and mother will have one son and two daughters. Becky: Yes, one boy and two girls. Brian: Do you want to play with me? Becky: Yes, I do. Come on! Question 4

Emma: We’re going to name my new baby brother after my dad. Timothy: But you can’t call a baby ‘Dad’!

Let op! noemen

Niet = not en mag afgekort worden tot n’t.



About My Family and Me

What’s Your Name? New words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

where who park to go may

Brian: Hi, what’s your name? William: My name is William. Brian: How old are you? William: I’m nine years old. Brian: Where do you live? William: I live in King Street. Brian: Where are you going? William: I am going to the park. Brian: What will you do there? William: I will play football. Brian: Who will you play with? William: With my friends. Brian: May I play too? William: Yes, you may.


Count to Ten One, two, Buckle my shoe. Three, four, Open the door. Five, six, Pick up sticks. Seven, eight, Lay them straight. Nine, ten, Do it again.

gesp mijn schoen vast

raap stokjes op leg ze recht doe het nog een keer



About My Family and Me

Ten Little Monkeys Ten little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mother called the doctor and the doctor said: No more monkeys jumping on the bed. Nine little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mother called the doctor and the doctor said: No more monkeys jumping on the bed. Eight little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mother called the doctor and the doctor said: No more monkeys jumping on the bed. Seven little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mother called the doctor and the doctor said: No more monkeys jumping on the bed. Six little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mother called the doctor and the doctor said: No more monkeys jumping on the bed.


kleine aapjes, waren aan het springen viel eraf, stootte, hoofd belde, zei

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mother called the doctor and the doctor said: No more monkeys jumping on the bed. Four little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mother called the doctor and the doctor said: No more monkeys jumping on the bed. Three little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mother called the doctor and the doctor said: No more monkeys jumping on the bed. Two little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mother called the doctor and the doctor said: No more monkeys jumping on the bed. One little monkey jumping on the bed. He fell off and bumped his head. Mother called the doctor and the doctor said: No more monkeys jumping on the bed.



About My Family and Me

Count to Twenty-Five

Let op! Er komt een streepje tussen twenty en het volgende getal.

One, two, three, four, five, He loves his wife. Six, seven, eight, nine, I am doing fine. Ten, eleven, twelve, I see myself. Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, Where have you been? Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, The grass is green. Nineteen, twenty, I have got plenty. Twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, Give the cake to me. Twenty-four, twenty-five, What time will you arrive?

Question: What did baby corn ask mama corn? Answer: Where is popcorn?


houdt van z’n vrouw

Waar ben je geweest?

Hoe laat kom je aan?




Becky’s Baby Brother New words 1. big 2. nappy 3. wet 4. bottle 5. nice 6. time 7. cot 8. to cry 9. to check 10. to change

Becky: We have a new baby. He is a baby boy. Hurray! His name is Peter. Peter sleeps, he drinks and he cries. I help my mum. I am Peter’s big sister. I love my baby brother. Becky: Mum, Peter is crying. Mum: Can you check his nappy? Becky: It is wet. Can I change it? Mum: Sure. Go ahead. Becky: Shhh Peter, I will change your nappy. Okay, be a good boy now.

Let op! Peter cries = Peter huilt. Peter is crying = Peter is aan het huilen.



About My Family and Me

Becky: Mum, may I give him his bottle? Mum: Yes, give him his bottle. Becky: Here is your bottle, Peter. That’s nice, isn’t it? Mum: Becky, give Peter to me, please. Becky: Okay, now I will give you to Mum, Peter. Mum: Well my little boy, it’s time for your cot now. Say ‘thank you’ to your big sister.

Song about the Family This is Mummy, kind and dear. This is Daddy, standing near. dichtbij This is brother, see how tall. groot/lang This is sister, not so tall. This is baby, sweet and small. klein These, the family, one and all.


Going to Granny and Grandpa New words 1. parents 2. car 3. cousin 4. aunt 5. uncle 6. granny 7. child 8. grandpa 9. How are you? 10. to look one child - two children Elisa, Brian, David, Rachel and their parents are going to Granny and Grandpa’s house. They are going by car. David: Are we there yet, Dad? Dad: We are nearly there. The children start singing: We are nearly the--re, We are nearly the--re, But not quite yet.


nog niet

We are nearly the--re, We are nearly the--re, But not quite yet.



About My Family and Me

Brian: I like playing with our cousins. David: Will Aunt Ruth and Uncle Frank come too? Brian: Yes, so we can play with our cousins Alan and Elizabeth. Rachel: Mum, can I have a drink? Mum: Elisa, can you give Rachel some water? Elisa: Okay, Mum. Here’s some water, Rachel. Dad: We’re there! Mum: Look! There’s Granny. The children: Granny! Granny! Granny: Hello children. I’m so happy to see you. Come in, Grandpa’s in the house. Dad, Mum and the children go into the house. The children: Hello, Grandpa, how are you? Grandpa: Hello children. It’s nice to see you. I’m fine. How are you? Granny: Children, here is cake and chocolate milk for you. Oh look! There they are - Aunt Ruth, Uncle Frank and your cousins.

Monica: Has your sister had her baby yet? Emily: Yes, she has sent me an e-mail, but she has not said whether it is a boy or a girl. Now I don’t know whether I am an aunt or an uncle!


gestuurd of ik weet niet



Exercise in Workbook




Exercise in Workbook

Advanced Level

My Family and Me My name is Melissa. I live in Canada. I’m nine years old. I have blonde hair and green eyes. There are six children in my family: three girls and three boys. I have five cousins. There is always somebody to play with. My little brother was born too early and he stayed in hospital for almost a year. I go to Calvin Christian School and I’m in Grade five. My favourite subject is gymnastics. I’m learning Spanish. My favourite colour is red. I love being with my family and doing activities together. I also love texting with my friends.



About My Family and Me

Vocabulary A

N/E + E/N

About My Family and Me jongen boy Brian is a boy. broer brother I have one brother. zus sister She has one sister. name What’s your name? naam daddy My daddy’s name is John. pappa mamma mummy My mummy’s name is Sheila. friend Brian is her friend and Becky is my friend. vriend(in) to love I love my mum and dad. houden van to live We live in Cambridge. wonen to play I play football with my friends. spelen Hi, My Name Is Brian too I’m nine too. ook Their names are Elisa, David and Rachel. hun their father My father’s name is John. vader mother My mother’s name is Sheila. moeder son David is his son. zoon daughter Rachel is his daughter. dochter girl Becky is a girl. meisje to hope I hope the baby will be a boy. hopen to want Do you want to play with me? willen will I hope the baby will be a boy. zullen (zal) What’s Your Name? Where are you going? waar where Who will you play with? wie who park I am going to the park. park gaan to go I go to the park. mogen may May I play too?



N/E + E/N

Becky’s Baby Brother grote luier nat fles lekker/leuk tijd wieg huilen controleren verwisselen/veranderen

big I am his big sister. nappy I am checking his nappy. wet His nappy is wet. bottle May I give him his bottle? nice That is nice! time It’s time for your cot now. cot The baby is in his cot. to cry (crying) Peter is crying. to check Can you check his nappy? to change Can I change his nappy?

Going to Granny and Grandpa parents My father and mother are my parents. ouders car They are going by car. auto neef/nicht cousin Elizabeth is my cousin. aunt Aunt Ruth is a very nice aunt. tante Uncle Frank and Aunt Ruth will come too. oom uncle granny My granny is 60. oma (grootmoeder) (grandmother) child – children Children, here is cake and chocolate milk. kind – kinderen opa grandpa Grandpa is in the house. (grootvader) (grandfather) How are you, Grandpa? Hoe gaat het met u/jou? How are you? to look Look, there is Granny! kijken



About Me and My Family

E E/N My Family and Me haar hair I have blonde hair. ogen eyes My eyes are green. iemand somebody There is somebody to play with. altijd always There is always somebody to play with. geboren born The baby was born. te vroeg too early The baby was born too early. stayed He stayed in hospital. bleef hospital My brother is in hospital. ziekenhuis grade I’m in grade 5. groep (Amerikaans) subject My favourite subject is English. vak activities I love doing activities together. activiteiten together They do activities together. samen texting I like texting with my friends. sms’en


Today Is My Birthday


I like today in every way. Today, today, today. My birthday!

Chapter 2

I like today. Today, today, I like today. No other day’s quite like today. Not tomorrow or yesterday.


Today Is My Birthday

A Let op! Is mag afgekort worden tot ‘s (it’s, she‘s, he’s).


It’s My Birthday New words 1. birthday 2. today 3. bike 4. watch 5. computer game 6. present 7. rollerblades 8. surprise 9. room 10. cage

Charlie: Today is my birthday. Today I am 9 years old. What will Dad and Mum give me for my birthday? A new bike, a new watch, or a nice computer game? Mum and Dad (singing): Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Charlie. Happy birthday to you!


Questions 1 and 2 Dad: Today is your birthday! Here are some presents for you. Mum: Dad, you must give the first present. Charlie: Woh! That present is really big. What is in it? Dad: That is a surprise. Charlie: Oh great. Rollerblades! Thank you very much. Mum: And here is my present. Charlie: A football. Thanks Mum and Dad. Dad: This present is also for you. Charlie: A book! Great! Question 3 Mum: Now we have a very special present, Charlie. You must give this present a name. Charlie: A name for a present? What is it? Where is it? Dad: You must find it Charlie. It is in this room. Charlie: Is it under my bed? Mum: Yes, and it is in a cage. Question 4 Charlie: Ooh! It’s a hamster. I love hamsters! That’s a very, very nice present! Dad: What is his name, Charlie? Charlie: Uhm … the hamster is brown. His name is Brownie! Question 5



Today Is My Birthday


Dear Charlie, Happy birthday!!

Happy Birthday Song Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear .... Happy birthday to you!

Thomas: When’s your birthday? John: July 23. Thomas: What year? John: Every year!


welk ieder

Favourite Toys New words 1. favourite 2. toy 3. truck 4. doll 5. camera 6. cheese 7. picture 8. to catch 9. to kick 10. to take

John: What is your favourite toy? Mike: My favourite toy is a football. You can catch and kick a ball. John: What is your little brother’s favourite toy? Mike: My little brother’s favourite toy is his truck. He plays with his truck all day long. Questions 1 and 2 John: And what is your sister’s favourite toy? Mike: My sister’s favourite toy is her doll. She feeds her doll her bottle. And what is your favourite toy? John: My favourite toy is my camera. I take pictures of all my friends, brothers and sisters with my camera. Mike: Take a picture of the two of us! John: That’s a good idea. Say ‘cheese!!!’ Questions 3 and 4



Today Is My Birthday

Question: Where do you find a birthday present for a cat? Answer: In a catalogue!


Hip, Hip, Hooray, It’s Your Birthday! ... has a birthday. Hip, hip, hip, hooray! And on his/her cake, he/she has … candles. What a happy day! With a puff, puff here And a puff, puff there, Here a puff, There a puff, Everywhere a puff, puff. ... has a birthday. Hip, hip, hip, hooray!




A Birthday Invitation Card New words 1. invitation 2. card 3. balloon 4. fight 5. fun 6. to want 7. to print 8. to show 9. to read 10. to sound Julia: I want to make a special invitation card. I’ll make it on the computer. Dave: An invitation card? Julia: Yes. Look! Dave: Looks good. Julia: Done! Let’s print it out. Dave: Show it to Mum. Dave: Mum, Mum, look at Julia’s invitation card. Julia: Yes look Mum, this is what I have made. Mum reads the card. Mum: It sounds like fun!

Invitation Card

What: Julia’s Birthday Party When: Saturday from 2 to 5 Where: At my house, phone number 546-64 39 Game: Balloon Fight



Today Is My Birthday



Where Is My Present? New words

? ? 30

1. bedroom 2. bathroom 3. living room 4. kitchen 5. the stairs 6. upstairs 7. downstairs 8. shower 9. piece of paper 10. door

Today is a very nice day. Today is my birthday. Hurray! I am upstairs in my bedroom. I cannot sleep anymore. I want to go downstairs. What’s that? I see a piece of paper on my door. I read my mother’s words, “Happy birthday! There is a nice present for you on the stairs.” I go to the stairs. On the stairs is a piece of paper. On it are the words, “The present is in the bathroom.” I look in the bathroom, but there is no present in the bathroom. There is only a piece of paper with the words, “Look in the shower.”

I look in the shower, but I only see a piece of paper with the words, “Go downstairs, to the living room. Your present is in the living room.”


I go to the living room. Wow! What a lot of balloons! Then I see the present, on the computer. I open it, but there is only a piece of paper in the parcel. On it are the words, “Your present is in the toilet in the hall.” In the toilet? And yes, there is the present on the floor. But when I open it, I see a piece of paper with the words, “Go to the kitchen.” I go to the kitchen. In the kitchen I see a very, very big present. I can see what it is. Ooh! Ooh! I’m so happy! A bike! A new bike! Thank you, Mum and Dad for this very nice birthday present!



Today Is My Birthday

Balloons Song


Balloons can fly. I wonder why. They haven’t any wings! I’d like to know How far they’d go, If we should break their strings!

Ballonnen kunnen vliegen. Ik vraag me af waarom. Ze hebben geen vleugels! Ik zou wel eens willen weten Hoever ze zouden gaan, Als we hun touwtjes zouden breken

Some like them red, While some instead, Prefer them green or blue. But I just find That any kind Is good enough, Don’t you?

Sommigen houden van rode, Terwijl anderen, in plaats daarvan Liever groene of blauwe hebben. Maar ik vind gewoon Dat elk soort Goed genoeg is, Vind je niet?

David’s Birthday Party New words 1. party 2. streamers 3. cake 4. treat 5. lollipop 6. candles 7. coke 8. home 9. very 10. to blow out

Uncle Peter: Hi, David. Happy birthday. How old are you today? David: Nine. Uncle Peter: There are a lot of balloons and streamers in the room. David: Yes, and Mum has baked a big birthday cake. On it are the words: “Happy ninth birthday.” And this is my birthday treat for school. Uncle Peter: Mmm. Lollipops! I can hear the doorbell. Your friends are here. The doorbell rings. Dylan and Olivia: Happy birthday, David. David: Welcome to my party. Dylan and Olivia: We have a present for you. Dylan gives him a book and Olivia gives him Lego.



Today Is My Birthday

David: Thank you very much for the nice presents. Now let’s have a balloon fight. You can win a prize. They have a balloon fight. Dylan: I’ve won! David: Then you get the prize: a chocolate lollipop. Let op! Bij he, she, it (hij, zij, het) komt er een s achter de meeste werkwoorden in de tegenwoordige tijd. Bijvoorbeeld: He blows out the candles.

Mum: Let’s eat the cake now. David, blow out the candles, please. David blows out the nine candles. They eat the cake and drink a glass of coke. Then they play more games. At five o’clock the party is over. The two friends go home. David: That was a very nice birthday party!


Liz: I see you are invited to John’s party. Neil: Yes, but I can’t go. The invitation says from 4 to 7, and I am eight.


Every Week Song Every week has seven days, See how many you can say. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. What’s today?



Today Is My Birthday

day s e n d e W


ay d n Mo

Today is … Song on CD Today is _______. (Wednesday) Today is _______. (Wednesday) All day long, all day long. Yesterday was ______. (Tuesday) Tomorrow will be _______. (Thursday) Oh, what fun! Oh, what fun!

Question: What’s the longest day of the week? Let op! Net als is, mag ook has, afgekort worden tot ‘s.


Answer: Wednesday, because it’s got nine letters!




Exercise in Workbook



Exercise in Workbook

Advanced Level

The Birthday Party Today is my birthday. I am having a big party at my house. I have invited everyone in my class. I hope that they all come. My doorbell is ringing. I answer it. Three of my friends are at the door! The rest of my friends arrive. It is time for the party to begin. First, we play games. We play pin the tail on the donkey. Jasmine wins. My mum gives her a prize. She is very happy. I am happy that my friends are having fun. We also have a balloon fight. Next, we eat cake. It is my favourite kind of cake: chocolate with vanilla icing. My mum made a special cake for me. She wrote “Happy Birthday” on it in red icing. Mum lights the candles. My friends sing the birthday song. I blow out my candles. It is time to open the presents.

Boyfriend: Why don’t you give me anything for my birthday? Girlfriend: You asked me to surprise you.

niet niets vroeg verrassen



Today Is My Birthday

Vocabulary Poem Gedicht I like today. Today, today, I like today. No other day’s quite like today. Not tomorrow or yesterday. I like today in every way. Today, today, today. My birthday!


Ik hou van vandaag, Vandaag, vandaag, Ik hou van vandaag. Geen andere dag is helemaal hetzelfde als vandaag. Niet morgen of gisteren. Ik hou van vandaag In elk opzicht. Vandaag, vandaag, vandaag. Mijn verjaardag!

N/E + E/N

It’s My Birthday verjaardag birthday It is my birthday. vandaag today Today is my birthday. fiets bike They give me a bike. horloge watch You can give me a watch. computer game My parents give me a computer game. computerspel present That present is really big. cadeau skeelers rollerblades Thank you for the rollerblades. surprise That is a surprise. verrassing room My bedroom is my favourite room. kamer cage The hamster is in a cage. kooi


Favourite Toys lievelings speelgoed vrachtauto pop fototoestel kaas foto/plaatje vangen schoppen nemen

favourite My favourite toy is my football. toy This is her toy. truck His favourite toy is his truck. doll Her favourite toy is her doll. camera My cousin’s favourite toy is his camera. cheese Say cheese! picture This is a nice picture. to catch We catch the ball. to kick The boys kick the ball. to take My teacher takes pictures.

A Birthday Invitation Card invitation uitnodiging kaart card balloon ballon fight gevecht fun leuk to want willen to print printen to show laten zien to read lezen klinken to sound

This is an invitation card. This a special invitation card. This is a big balloon. There is a balloon fight. It sounds like fun. I want to make a special card. Let’s print it out. Show it to Mum. Mum reads the card. It sounds like fun.


N/E + E/N

Where Is My Present? slaapkamer badkamer woonkamer keuken de trap boven beneden douche

bedroom I go out of my bedroom. bathroom The bathroom is upstairs. living room The present is in the living room. kitchen The kitchen is downstairs. the stairs I go to the stairs. upstairs I am upstairs. downstairs I go downstairs. shower The shower is in the bathroom.



Today Is My Birthday

stuk papier deur

piece of paper door

I see a piece of paper. I open the door.

David’s Birthday Party feestje slingers taart traktatie lolly kaarsjes cola naar huis heel/erg uitblazen

party streamers cake treat lollipop candles coke home very to blow out

Today is my birthday party. There are streamers in the room. Mum has baked a birthday cake. This is my treat for school. The prize is a big lollipop. There are nine candles on the cake. We drink a glass of coke. My friends go home. Thank you very much for the presents. I must blow out the candles.

E E/N The Birthday Party uitgenodigd invited I have invited my friends. iedereen everyone I have invited everyone. staart tail The cat’s tail is very long. ezel donkey Pin the tail on the donkey. daarna next Next, we eat cake. hopen to hope I hope they all come. eraan komen to arrive The rest of my friends arrive. vastpinnen to pin We play pin the tail on the donkey. aansteken to light Mum lights the candles.



Stepping Up The vision must be followed by action. It is not enough to stare up the steps – we must step up the stairs (Vance Havner). Stepping Up 5/6 kan gebruikt worden door kinderen die nog betrekkelijk weinig Engels hebben gehad. Ook kan Stepping Up 5/6 dienen als instap. Op een effectieve manier wordt direct vanaf het begin op speelse wijze gewerkt aan de verwerving van de 4 ERK-vaardigheden: spreken, schrijven, luisteren en lezen. De focus ligt op woordverwerving. Per luister- en leesoefening worden er maximaal 10 woorden ongeveer zeven keer aangeboden. Het is de bedoeling dat er geen, of zo min mogelijk huiswerk opgegeven hoeft te worden. Stepping Up 5/6 biedt een goede voorbereiding op Stepping Up 7/8 dat zich richt op verdieping en uitbreiding van de basisvaardigheden.

Good luck with Stepping Up!

Over de auteur:

Van de auteur:

Hetty van Esch-van Haaren is

Graag heb ik gehoor gegeven aan

jarenlang werkzaam geweest als

de vraag om ook Stepping Up voor

docente Engels in het voortgezet

groep 5/6 te ontwikkelen. Na het

onderwijs. Daarnaast ontwikkelt zij

doorlopen van de complete Stepping

als auteur materiaal voor een grote

Up methode zijn leerlingen maximaal

landelijke uitgeverij en geeft zij

voorbereid op het vak Engels in het

trainingen Engels op basisscholen en

voortgezet onderwijs.

bij bedrijven.

ISBN 978-90-822489-1-3

Egrammatica Engelse grammatica + trainingen

9 789082 248913

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