Occult Cosmology

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Virgo on the inside of. The energetic structure of the latter is what we experience as laws and limitations until we have learned the essential lesson that the symbol teaches. The word of power used is the same for all these zodiacal meditations and forms itself a type of electrical doorway between two distinctly different types of experience. On one side of that doorway the disciple is ‘under the seal’ and on the other side he now ‘wields the seal’. It enables him or her to truly ‘seal the door’. Henceforth the realm of the three worlds becomes purely a field of service and the soul no longer identifies with any of its sheaths, nor does it seek to possess or obtain anything within them. This is an important point as we are often prone to think of the externalisation of the Hierarchy or the full appearance in the three worlds of the world soul in terms of achievement of some kind. World peace, global governance, the end of hunger, restoration of the environment and so forth are worthy goals, but they represent the goals of the human kingdom and not of Hierarchy. They are in some ways a prerequisite and in others a by-product of the emergence of the soul; but the initiate after the Third Degree is no longer trying to achieve anything quantifiable in the three worlds of human endeavour. The lowest function of the world soul is to extend the dominion of the energies of Love, Light and Power so that they permeate and inform all thought, feeling and action on Earth according to the free will of all, and thus bring the ‘already completed’ purpose of the planetary life into full expression revealing the fourth quality of deity. This fact does not provide confirmation for the mystically inclined who would prefer to meditate than take action. Each member of the Hierarchy has earned his or her right to seal the door through the full participation in the life of the human kingdom and the creation of a piece of work within the field of the three worlds by which they liberate themselves, provide opportunity for other souls and generate a triadal form of karma. There is a variation of the ‘word of power’ symbol that can be used to obtain the OM, the AUM and numbers and letters of the Western alphabet. Through it much can be revealed to the intuitive mind about the origin, meaning and significance of language: 170

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