Maximum Yield USA July 2012

Page 200

naTural culTiVaTion: FusinG MoDern anD TraDiTional Techniques

"in The Middle oF The 1990s, researchers involved in aquarisTics (Fish-keeping) noTiced ThaT using The nuTrienT soluTion FroM The boTToM oF Their aquariuMs To Feed Their planTs achieved excepTional resulTs in The qualiTy oF The end producT."

transformed by the aerobic nitrosonomas bacteria into nitrites. These nitrites are then transformed by nitrobacteria into nitrates, which are beneficial to plants. This cycle takes about two weeks—the amount of time it takes bacteria to populate the organic filter—and works as a water purification system. The molecules in the aquarium are held back by the substrate and are converted by the benign bacteria into nitrites and, eventually, nitrates. The plants take up the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates and the leftover water—now purified—can be put back


Maximum Yield USA | July 2012

in the tank or aquarium without risk for fish and plants. By combining aquaristics with hydrohydro culture you can set up a simple and al almost independent system using the most advanced technology in combination with archaic organic methods of cultivation that were employed by ancient cultures in places like Lake Titicaca in Peru.


Bioponics cultivation imitates the

breakdown of organic material in the soil through the means of a specially developed fertilizer in combination with aerobic bacteria and trichoderma fungi, which are added to an organic filter. By feeding on the carbon of organic material, these microorganisms produce minerals that—in contact with water— are transformed into ions that can be directly taken up by plants. Bioponic fertilizer, which is rapidly biodegradable and

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