AMAC Advantage Volume 6 Issue 2

Page 46

★ Kathie’s Kitchen

The Big Chill I

CE CREAM is America’s hands down all-time favorite confection. Children stop crying and adults grin in anticipation when offered this irresistible treat. There is something about the cold sweetness of ice cream that comforts and soothes as few other foods do, and you'll be surprised at the delicious desserts that can be made with ease just by dressing up a simple, inexpensive carton of ice cream. This store-bought item serves as a ready-made base for any number of cakes, pies, sandwiches and bars. Prepare one of these tasty endings this summer, and you’ll be rewarded with smiles all around. • When buying ice cream, don’t buy a sticky container – it may have been refrozen. Ice cream should be the last item you purchase and the first item you put away. • Store ice cream in the coldest part of the freezer - not on the door. • To prevent ice crystals from forming when taking ice cream in and out of the freezer, cover any open container with plastic wrap. Press directly onto the surface before

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closing the lid. • Save minutes (and your poor wrist) by trading in an ice cream scoop for a knife. Remove the cardboard container of slightly softened ice cream. Place ice cream on a cutting board. Cut it into portion size pieces. • For greater ease when slicing ice cream cake or pie, use a long straight-edged knife dipped often in hot water. An electric knife also works well. • When entertaining a crowd, pre-scoop ice cream balls several hours before serving. Place them evenly on a wax paper lined baking sheet, or place individual scoops in a cupcake tin lined with paper baking cups. Cover with plastic wrap and store in the freezer for 2 hours or until needed. For an extra special treat - roll the balls in coconut, nuts or sprinkles before freezing. • Create a simple and delicious Peach Melba dessert – scoop vanilla ice cream into chilled glass bowls. Top with canned peach wedges and raspberry syrup. Voila! • Prepare attractive parfaits – in tall, clear glasses, alternate layers of ice cream with toppings such as chocolate chips, coconut, chopped nuts, crumbled

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