Electric Wiring Domestic

Page 147

138 Electric Wiring: Domestic

Power This is the product of current and voltage, hence P I V.

Relationship between voltage, current and resistance Voltage Current Resistance V I R, Current Voltage/Resistance I V/R or Resistance Voltage/Current R V/I

Common multiples of units Current I amperes

kA Kilo-amperes 1000 amperes

mA Milli-amperes 1/1000 of an ampere

Voltage V volts

kV Kilovolts 1000 volts

mV Millivolts 1/1000 of a volt

Resistance R ohms

M立 Megohms 1 000 000 ohms

m立 Milli-ohms 1/1000 of an ohm

Power P watts

MW Megawatt 1 000 000 watts

kW Kilowatt 1000 watts

Resistance in series These are resistances joined end-to-end in the form of a chain. The total resistance increases as more resistances are added (Figure A1.1). Hence, if a cable length is increased, its resistance will increase in proportion. For example, a 100 m length of conductor has twice the resistance of a 50 m length of the same diameter.

Resistance in parallel These are resistances joined like the rungs of a ladder. Here the total resistance decreases the more there are (Figure A1.2).

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