M \ A \ S \ G \ A \ L \ I \ C \ I \ A \ 09

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N. 09


In the beginning, we all were watching for the vitamins, and we grew up, oh how naĂŻve, thinking that with a lot of vitamin A in our day cream we could give light and uniformity to the skin. But that changed some two years ago, because the cosmetic revolution of 2011 was the BB Creams, cosmetic creams that join the "all in one" with the real effectiveness: they illuminate with light pigments, protect with solar factor of at least 15, hydrate with deep moisturizers and also let us win the battle with the wrinkles. And we were happy with our favorite BB Cream, because there is a wide range of qualities and prices to suit all tastes. Well, if you thought that this was the end of the story, my friend, you could not be more wrong. In recent months they began to be seen, and we are sure that in autumn it will be an invasion: the CC Cream, or Color Corrective Creams are the sublimation of BB Creams, and are queens and more chic toilet bags. What is the difference between the B and the C? Ba-

sically the second is an evolution of the first. That is, to the benefits of your usual BB Cream, you can add mainly 2: CC Creams have higher sun protection factor, which prevents further stains on the skin, and also their pigments not only illuminate, but correct the tone and undertone of the skin. And yes, although we did not know it until now, our skin has tone and undertone. That is, we are pale or dark ... but we also tend to redness, to purplish or greenish ... and the CC Cream, counting with more color pigments, unifies better and corrects these trends, giving the skin a more natural aspect than with the make-up, but more uniform than a BB Cream. Although a few months ago only big luxury cosmetic brands have launched CC Creams, nowadays there are cosmetic of pharmacy or with half price with this product in their stands ... and in autumn the mass market ones will be here. Now, you only need to prepare a good place for the new bottle on your shelf or toilet bag. \ por MARĂ?A NIETO


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