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Culture House to Mother Theresa, construction of the Memorial House to Toše Proeski, extension of the St.Kliment Ohridski National and University Library, investment in cultural heritage, investment in archaeological sites where the number of discovered artefacts has recorded the figure of more than 480,000 items, construction of the theatre building in Veles, construction of the Turkish Theatre and the Strumica Theatre, reconstruction of the Albanian Theatre and many other projects. All these investments in culture have been implemented owing to the enormous support of every single Minister in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and in particular of the President of the Government Nikola Gruevski, who is very sensitive and has great understanding for culture. Public audiences are looking forward to opening of the Old Theatre, for which you have announced 27 March as the date of its commissioning. Could you reveal some details about the interior of this building, which has aroused nostalgia with old Skopje locals? All those capital investments are very complex and we give our maximum effort to implement them in good quality. When it comes to theatre, I have to notice that we pay special attention to acoustics, scene technology, the interior etc. Nostalgia has risen high, especially with old Skopje locals, because a number of them used to go to the old building to see plays, socialise, and attend other events. Indeed, I am really happy with the fact that this very desirable building for the citizens has al-

ready entered its final phase and we are trying as much as the weather allows, to open and promote it on 27 March, the World’s Day of Theatre. We are already in a final phase and currently, the work performed on site involves the interior arrangement of the building. Over the past period, we have paid special attention to ornaments, which will be placed in loggias in the main theatre hall. The ornaments were designed and made by an expert team formed by the Ministry, and they originate from our region. They show motifs from our prolific cultural heritage, churches, monasteries, artefacts. Thus, besides its main role, which is theatre activity, the theatre will also have a museum role. Every visitor will be able to get familiar with the Macedonian culture and history through the complete ornaments represented in the interior. In parallel, our most distinguished artists are painting the ceiling of the main stage where our Macedonian motifs will be shown. The upper area of the theatre roof features 45 sculptures that were the hallmarks of the original Old Theatre. The entrance part to the main theatre lobby will also feature a central composition – a

Denes, Muzejot ostvaruva svoi prihodi, realizira razli~ni aktivnosti koi se provokacija za site negovi posetiteli. Objektot Porta Makedonija e del od proektot za postavuvawe 35 skulpturi vo centralnoto gradsko podra~je, proekt preku koj se potrudivme da im ja dobli`ime na gra|anite skulpturata kako re{enie. Ovie skulpturi, nesomneno, go razubavija na{eto centralno podra~je koe dobi izgled kako svetski poznatite metropoli. Portata Makedonija e simbol na na{ata najgolema istoriska pobeda, na na{ata nezavisnost, samostojnost. Na Portata Makedonija se naslikani najva`nite istoriski podvizi i kulturnite obele`ja na makedonskiot narod. Tokmu zatoa osobeno zna~ajno e {to i vo vnatre{nosta na objektot ve}e se realiziraat nastani koi se od domenot na kulturata i umetnosta. Portata poseduva odli~en galeriski prostor na dve nivoa so povr{ina od 200m2 i golem otvoren prostor kako vidikovec na koj ima postaveno dva teleskopa. Odovde posetitelite mo`e da gi vidat ubavinite na centarot na gradot Skopje. Portata Makedonija od otvoraweto do denes ja potvrdi i ja opravda svojata multidimenzionalna funkcija so realizacijata na razli~ni kulturni sodr`ini i nastani. Vo ovaa prigoda sakam da spomnam deka ne treba da gi zaboravime i drugite kapitalni investicii {to gi realizira Ministerstvoto za kultura. ]e nabrojam del od niv: izgradbata na Spomen-ku}ata na Majka Tereza, izgradbata na Spomen-domot na To{e Proeski, dogradbata na NUB „Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, vlo`uvawata vo kulturnoto nasledstvo, vlo`uvawata vo

arheolo{kite lokaliteti kade {to brojkata na pronajdeni artefakti iznesuva nad 480 000 primeroci, izgradbata na teatarot vo Veles, izgradbata na Turskiot teatar i Strumi~kiot teatar, rekonstrukcijata na albanskiot teatar i mnogu drugi proekti. Sive ovie investicii i vlo`uvawa vo kulturata se realiziraat blagodarej}i na ogromnata poddr{ka od site ministri vo Vladata na RM i osobeno od pretsedatelot Nikola Gruevski koj ima golemo ~uvstvo i razbirawe za kulturata. Javnosta so netrpenie go o~ekuva i otvoraweto na Stariot teatar za koj najavivte deka }e bide gotov i pu{ten vo upotreba na 27 mart ovaa godina. ]e mo`e li da ni otkriete nekoi detali za vnatre{nosta na ovoj objekt koj ja razbudi nostalgijata kaj starite skopjani? Sive ovie kapitalni investicii se mnogu slo`eni i se trudime maksimalno kvalitetno da gi realizirame. Koga stanuva zbor za teatarot, moram da zabele`am deka osobeno vodime smetka za akustikata, za scenskata tehnologija, za enterierot itn. Nostalgijata, osobeno kaj starite skopjani, e


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