The Global Africa Project: Teacher Resource Packet

Page 54

Transforming Traditions

Untitled–Quilt 2, Gee’s Bend Quilters Gees Bend Quilters Untitiled–Quilt 2, n.d. Fabric 75 x 75 in.

Extension Both Siddi and Gee’s bend quilts illustrate innovative ways of applying traditional craft skills. Compare and contrast the work of these quilting communities in vastly different areas of the world. Think about how each community’s location might influence their artwork.

“ For generations, women of the Bend have passed down an indigenous style of quilting geometric patterns out of old britches, cornmeal sacks, Sears corduroy swatches and handme-down leisure suits -- whatever happened to be around, which was never much. Quilts made of worn dungarees sometimes became the only mementos of a dead husband who had nothing else to leave behind.”54 Michael Kimmelman


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