parallel synergies

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parallel synergies

thank you

orijit gurpreet mandira aniruddh pigeons.

we walk under the sun’s stern look, guided by people who we might never see again, arrows that point into directions unknown, and when we finally arrive, the strange mix of old and new grasps us, to which we belong, to a family connected by mere thoughts, tempted by little tiny desires, shaken from the old buildings that stand strong, yet unknown, and forgotten.

time tells a true story here, a story which has many characters, way too many to count. their stories travel in many ways, tangled and connected.

the cyclists seek shelter, then provided by a gush of cold air, that comes from behind those pillars, when some big door of a big shop swings open.

the pillars stand to protect, sometimes hidden behind blue sheets, that symbolise destruction and reconstruction for them.

walking under such a structure, one enters to see new replacing old, newly-built obstructions that make people uneasy, and these old structures get weaker and weaker.

but these structures bask in the sun, long, silent shadows enhancing their charm, the pillars are my strength and support, and we have grown up together.

the place itself is unsure, of what can happen next, continuous modification, tiring out the mere foundation.

there are women with money in their blouses, and men with their golden watches, mixed with whispers and noise,

when some try to bargain, amongst the clanking of hammers and nails.

many stories take shape here, all of them true to heart, people laughing, sipping, smoking, some breaking their backs to earn their bread, while some enjoying a peaceful nap in a shadow-cradle.

this is a place of great exchange, a massive give and take, when we gather around,

the place is lifted in senses, with the people falling into a strange symmetry, in a midst of bewildering chaos.

some take time out, to care for the certain others, who,even though neglected, are almost as old as the place, and when the eye follows them,

they become immediate guides.

maanvi kapur

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