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Five-Minute Activities for Young Learners Grooming habits




I have some water and the water is mine, I wash my face all the time. Water goes splash splash, Soap goes rub rub, Brush goes swish swish, Body goes wobble dee dee.

Wash your face.

I have a toothbrush and the toothbrush is mine, I brush my teeth all the time. Toothbrush goes up and down, Water goes splash splash, Soap goes rub rub, Brush goes swish swish, Body goes wobble dee dee.

Brush your teeth.


Wash your body. Brush your hair. Wiggle and shake your body.

Wash your face. Wash your body. Brush your hair. Wiggle and shake your body.

Follow-up • Ask the children to do drawings which illustrate how they make themselves clean and fresh for school. Under each drawing, they write captions from the Actions column of Box 96, e.g. Brush your hair. • For other songs, see Activities 1.5, 2.14, 6.7.

5.5 Staying clean and healthy Level Language focus Skills focus Thinking focus Teaching approach Interaction

* Instructions, imperative, vocabulary: parts of the body, clothes Listening to a string of instructions Remembering Promote accuracy – correct errors Whole class work, suitable for large classes

Procedure 1 Ask the children to stand up. Read out one instruction from Box 97 and ask the children to mime the action, e.g. Wash your face.


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