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The Henry Clay,

a side-wheel steamer that was already old in 1832, creaked into the port of Detroit and discharged a ship’s hold of infantrymen from Virginia. The troops were garrisoned in Detroit as reserves in case Black Hawk’s Native American rebellion over in Wisconsin wasn’t successfully quashed. That afternoon, the soldiers mingled with civilians at General Lewis Cass’ traditional Fourth of July barbecue. By evening, an Army doctor diagnosed two men on

long-legged young man in a flapping black cloak rode

mediately ran away, hiding in a local hotel. Panic took

from town to town, commanding residents to burn

hold of the ship, then the city, and then the territory,

down their barricades and assist their fellow citizens.

in short order.

Though he was arrested, shot at, and wrestled to the

As the July heat set in, black and bloated corpses

authorities, who in turn restored order to their towns

the territory, fear had taken charge in place of gov-

and re-opened the roads from Niles to Jacksonburgh,

ernment. The villages around the city erected block-

and then on through Ann Arbor and into Detroit.

ades and posted armed sentries,in an effort to defend

It was on this wild ride that Mason went lost be-

against cholera. But the primary consequence of this

yond Marshall and wandered in the woods until he

self-interested defense was that the roads needed to

stumbled upon a rustic cabin. He was taken in by the

bring food and supplies to the city, and to fight the

Reverend Mr. John D. Pierce, who was then caring for

disease, were cut off. As the fragile reach of the ter-

his cholera-stricken wife, Millicent (Estabrook) Pierce.

ritorial government collapsed, the acting governor of

Mason discovered that Pierce (along with his friend

the Territory of Michigan realized he needed to ride

Isaac E. Crary) had been developing ideas for a state-

out into the wilderness and reestablish order so that

wide public education system based on the Prussian

the epidemic could be fought successfully.

model. It was just the sort of system Mason had been

years old.

LSA Magazine / FALL 2011

ground by panicked villagers, he calmed the local

were laid out in a dockside warehouse. All around

His name was Stevens T. Mason. He was just 20


And so, with his top hat jammed on his head, the

the Henry Clay with Asiatic cholera. The doctor im-

imagining when he gave his first speech as acting governor, impressing upon listeners the importance of

ILLUSTRATION Courtesy of Bentley Historical Library

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