TPP Task 4 Environmental and Social Impact

Page 260

Studies to support the development of new generation capacities and related transmission Task 4 - Site selection Volume 1 –Main report

November, 2007 Page 77 (104)

Items with cultural, historical or archaeological heritage values have not been found at a first investigation stage performed. Generally, such findings will happen by chance during excavation works, so accompanying observations by archaeologists are recommended in the construction phase of the new TPP at the sites Kosovo B and Bivolak.

The findings concerning health aspects are caused by effects assumed to be associated with heavy metals, above all originating from airborne fly ash. This will also be a legacy from the past. Based on the findings they are mainly associated with the ash dumps and not as much with specific TPP sites. So, there is no significant influence on site selection. Even if the sources of pollution will be eliminated, elevated incidence rates of some diseases will be a fact for many years, due to the specific duration of latent periods between initiation and evidence.

After exhausting the Sibovc field from lignite, the Southern Field (south of the existing mines) ) or Field D to SE of Kosovo A are the options to be mined. Assuming that Kosovo C will still be operational at that point it will then probably be impossible or at least very difficult to transport the lignite to the Bivolak site, and again a new site may have to be found in a quite densely habitated and utilized area in the proximity of the airport thus causing new environmental and social conflicts and also costs. Also the transport of the ash to Mirash mine might be problematic.

European Agency for Reconstruction Pöyry-CESI-Terna-Decon

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