Columns - Spring 2013

Page 18

F e at u r e

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Trained volunte er s from Phi Thet a Kappa Hono LC’s peer tuto rin r Society run g prog ram, held th ree evenings a week.

Chaplain Shane Benjamin with members of the Christian Life Council.

he spirit of service By Rev. Shane Benjamin, Louisburg College Chaplain & Instructor of Religion

Our word deacon comes from the Greek word diakonia, which literally means service.

Louisburg College continues in the tradition of Jesus by following his practice of serving others. It is but one concrete yet important way we stay connected by faith to the United Methodist Church.

In turn, the word service comes from servus—the slave or domestic worker in Ancient Palestine who would wash clothes and dishes, as well as the feet of guests whenever they visited someone’s home.

Whether our students are serving about fifty meals and providing music at our local soup kitchen or packaging ten thousand meals for the poor in Kenya through “Stop Hunger Now,” Louisburg College seeks to be present to its neighbors in the spirit of Christ. Furthermore, students, staff, and faculty partner with each other year round to make their positive presence felt in and beyond the Louisburg community.

The Louisburg College family demonstrates love for God by the way it is always serving its neighbors. Our students, faculty, and staff pick up litter on Louisburg’s roads, and teach neighborhood children how to have fun with a Frisbee. We recycle clothing and appliances from our residence halls at the end of the school year and donate them to a local domestic violence shelter. We “adopt” families for Easter and Christmas and provide them with groceries.

We’ve helped UNC-TV raise needed funds by participating in one of their annual telethons, and we hold regular blood drives on campus to support

The spirit of service is alive and well at Louisburg College because the loving spirit of Christ is present.

Jesus must have scandalized his disciples when he washed their feet. Such an act was reserved for the household slave or the “least ones” of society. Yet, in humility, Jesus modeled servanthood for his disciples while simultaneously saying to them, “But if I washed your feet—I who am Teacher and Lord—then you must wash each other’s feet.” (John 13:12-14)


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the work of the American Red Cross. Our softball team has participated in a charity run while other staff and students walked in support of cancer research.

The College’s Ul timate Frisb ee Club put Ultimate Frisbee on thei r fir st Cl inic at Louis bu rg Elementa The cl inic is pa ry School. rt of an ongoing pa rtner ship be Ultimate Frisbee tween the Cl ub and Louis bu rg Elementa of the elementa ry in suppor t ry school’s “Hea lthy Initiative” ca mpaign.

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LC Students Win National UMC Video Contest

along w ith all team — b ft so s ic Life ne ’Ca r Academ The Lady opa, VP fo St Ma rk n nt o e D sid h e their coac ndi, and Pr e W ife aven H w s hi the G race Jim Eck and ipated in ent ic ev rt a e p Th — . gsville, NC La Branche un Yo ing lp in n he ’ Ru nonp rofit 5K Rock ’n ce, Inc., a e in a nc Sp le o fe vi Sa ic st benefited le of dome ak the cyc families b re . a re a County the Frank lin

Roommates Ashley Britton ’14 and Riana Bowling ’14 won a national video contest in response to the prompt, “Why Your School’s Connection to the United Methodist Church Matters.” Watch the video via the College’s YouTube channel (www. Pictured: Ashley (on left) and Riana (on right) with project advisor and RCC Nicolette Stanfill (center).

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