Longwood Magazine - Winter 2011 (Volume 10, No. 1)

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and inclusive style of leadership. I’m not afraid to be the

people who are going to be the future of our country ought

leader. I’m not afraid to make decisions when tough

to be fun. It ought to be a happy experience for faculty, for

decisions have to be made. But I’m disinclined to make them

administrators, for students, and I intend to have fun and

on my own, without input from people, particularly in times

I hope that everyone here at Longwood has fun.

like this where educational institutions are challenged in monetary and other ways.

Not every day is going to be a blast and there will be some faculty members who are saying as they’re grading

You have to get, not only input from people but you have to

100 exams, ‘I thought the president said this was going to be

get buy-in from people and allow them to speak their piece

fun.’ Well, not every day is going to be like that but overall

because, first, they may have great ideas you hadn’t thought

the experience and the opportunity to work with bright,

of. Second, even if they ultimately disagree with parts of the

talented, aspiring young people ought to be fun. And we

decision at least they’ve had their say and they will feel a part

ought to make it fun for them, as well, and I think there’s

of the organization.

some great ways to do that.

Woodley: What nuances will your military experience bring

Woodley: What do you view as your own strengths

to your presidency at Longwood?

as a person, and as a leader?

Finnegan: I go back to that original saying. I really do think

Finnegan: The ability to work with people, the ability to

that leadership in the military, for me, and leadership here, is

bring people together, and having a sense of humor about

about people, it’s about caring for people, it’s caring more

things, which helps in tough times, and, I think, a genuine

about what they want to accomplish, what they aspire to,

interest in others. And a passion for education, because

and what the organization does than about yourself.

I think it’s the key to the future of our country.

This university is not about me. It’s particularly about the

Woodley: What about weaknesses?

students who are here and the focus should be on them. But it’s about having all of us work together to give the best

Finnegan: I probably try to do too much, sometimes, and

education inside the classroom and outside the classroom to

I have to be careful about that, not getting involved in too

the students. And so I think that’s organizational leadership

many things because I know there’s going to be an awful lot

that is similar to the military and that is it can’t be self-

of demands on my time and I’ve tried to learn, over time, to

focused, by me or faculty members or anybody else. You try

delegate authority and delegate responsibility and let other

and set the goals and visions of the organization. I’ll tell you

people do their jobs.

these because they’re part of my philosophy and staff and faculty and students and everybody else is going to hear

My wife will tell you I’m a horrible procrastinator. I try to

these repeatedly for the next several years. Two parts of my

overcome that, as well. And, I don’t know if it’s a weakness

philosophy, anyway, and my philosophy, certainly, at West

but it’s something I’m going to have to keep an eye on, and

Point was that our main focus always has to be on providing

that is I have spent my entire life essentially in the military.

the best education for the students who are here. And that’s

I grew up in a military family. My dad was in the Army.

educating them in the classroom and morally, ethically,

I went to West Point and I’ve been in the Army since and


so I have not worked or been in what is a fairly completely

That’s part of it, but to provide them the best developmental

there I’m not aware of, that what may seem normal to me

civilian environment before and so there may be traps out educational opportunity and that’s whether we’re thinking

is going to seem strange to other people. But I’m going to

what’s the next building project we’re going to do, the

be careful about that to make sure I’m being sensitive to

fundraising we’re going to do, or whatever it is, we have to

those issues

keep in mind that our main focus is students. If we do that, you’re not going to get off track as much. So that’s one.

Woodley: Who, within your own realm of personal experience, has most effectively demonstrated leadership –

The second part of my philosophy is this ought to be

how and why?

enjoyable. Education should be a joyful experience. It’s not a grim business we’re in. At times, right now, it’s a challenging

Finnegan: There’s a man that I worked for almost two years,

business because of money, but, overall, education of young

General Bill Garrison, who’s become a little bit famous


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