Bakersfield Wellness Magazine May 2013

Page 43

get fit workout moves

Margaret Patnode Monique Rogers-Poulton Yoga Space Instructors

yoga unwind·restore·stretch·balance·breathe

COMPILED BY hillary haenes Photographs by april massirio

For those who have taken a yoga class, you know how beneficial it is for the mind, body and spirit. You also know how great it is for toning, strengthening and increasing flexibility. And for those who haven’t attempted yoga, it’s no joke! Try doing multiple chaturangas (the challenging yoga pushup practiced in the Sun Salutation sequence), holding an eagle pose for several breaths (a balancing pose that makes legs stronger and stretches the shoulder blades), or a bridge pose (a backbend that strengthens the spine and opens up the chest). In about 15 minutes, your blood should be pumping and your body should feel awakened. Looking for a challenge? Try hot yoga! For more experienced yogis wanting to try something new — hot yoga is a fun and playful style of yoga that can be quite challenging. Because this full-body workout is done in a heated room, your body detoxes, making you feel invigorated and cleansed. The heat also helps to lengthen the muscles. Expect to sweat, and leave feeling amazing! Namaste.

Vinyasa Flow Step 1: Start in downward-facing dog. Make sure legs & arms are straight; relax head.

STEP 3: Move down to low pushup.

STEP 4: Keep thighs strong,

Keep elbows close to your side; thighs up and tailbone down.

open chest & roll shoulders back.

Press through the heels and lift chest up; straighten arms for upward facing dog.

Press thighs back to downward facing dog.

STEP 2: Come to a high pushup press with thighs up and tailbone down; strong legs.

Triangle Pose STEP 1: Stand tall with feet together. Step right foot forward & turn back foot out 45 degrees. Turn your hips & face the front.

STEP 2: Press left heel down, firm both legs & extend arms.

STEP 3: Inhale & bring your right hand to your shin or ankle.

STEP 4: Turn your gaze

toward extended left thumb; breathe & hold for 5 breaths. Repeat on the other side.

a May 2013



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