Bernard Lietaer - The Future of Money - Full Book

Page 316

Yang Effects on operation Relationships






Manner 'Fiat', created by a of Creation Central Authority participants themselves

'mutual credit', created by the

Just a reminder: 'fiat' currencies are by definition those that require a central authority to be created and maintained, and therefore require a Yang type hierarchy. Mutual credit currencies in contrast are those created by the users themselves at the moment of a transaction, and are therefore more Yin in nature. Complementary Roles of Different Currency Systems Social capital is best nurtured by co-operation-inducing Yin currencies, while global industrial trade would be best handled by competition- generating Yang currencies. This graph also illustrates the way that each of these currency systems can complement the others. Another way of using this map is by becoming aware of the way relationships will be shaped by the different monies used. Currency is always about relationships. All other things being equal, different kinds of currency will tend to induce different kinds of relationships among its users. In groups where you want to create a co-operative, egalitarian, Yin type of relationship, use Yin type currencies. In contrast, trading with

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