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LIGUORI, FRANK E. Doan of Business Administration and Technologies B.S., Unive rsity of Pittsburgh M. Ed ., University of Pittsburgh Ph. D., University of Pittsburgh



1968 BENDER, LAWRENCE P. Anislant Profenor of Business Administration 8.S.B.A., John Carroll University M.B.A., Ohio University 1968

ALEXANDER, ANTHONY J. IC.D.P.) Assistant Professor of Data Processing B.S., John Carroll University


BEUTHER, W. WILLIAM Coordinator of the Insfructional Services Conter B.S. Ed ., Ohio University M. Ed., Kent State University

ALEXANDER, JESSIE S. IMrs.) Counselor, Indructor B.S., Florida A. & M. University M. Ed., Florida A. & M. University


BIDDLE, TERRY A. Coordinator of Law Enforcem ent B.A., Kent State University



BOMAR, GUY, JR. Instructor of Law Enforcement B.A., Kent State Uni ve rsity


BANKS, JAMES G. Associate Professor of Hidory B.S., Purdue University M.A., Kent State University Ph. D., Kent Stote University

BORSZCZ, JOHN Assistant Professo r of Health and Ph ysico / Education B.S., Unive rsity of Wyoming M.A., University of Wyoming


ALACCHI, ATTILIO E. Anistant Profeuor of Biology B. S., long Island University M.A., Columbia University

BARRETT, JAMES l. 1969 Deportment Head of Bohavioral Sciences and Assidant Professor of Social Science and Sociology B.S. , St. louis University A.M., Indiana University BATE, BRIAN R. 1969 Associate Professor of Psychology B.A., Western Reserve University M.S., Western Reserve University Ph . D., Case Western Reserve University BATMAN, ROBERT H. Counseling Psychologist, Assistant Professor A.B., Indiana University M.A., Western Reserve University Ph. D. , Western Reserve University


BAUGHMAN, LARRY G. 1968 Department Hood of Health and Physical Education, and Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education B.S., Ohio State University M.A., University of Maryland


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1971 BELL, JAMES F. Auistant to tho Director of Admissions and Records A.A., Cuyahoga Community College B.B.A., Cleveland State University

BEDNARSKI, JEROME J. 1971 Assistant Professor of English B.A., Cleveland State University M.A., Case Western Reserve University



B.S. University of California

CAMPBELL, SHIRLEY ALEY IMrs.) 1971 Instrudor 01 Ar' Cleveland Institute of Art Certiflcate CARBONE, JOHN M. Coun le/or, Assidanl Professor B.S., North Te xas State University M.A. , North Texas State University


CHARNIGO, RiCHARD J. 1968 Assidant Professor of English B.A., Marquette University M.A., Case Western Reserve University

BRIGGS, RICK A. Counselor,/ndrudor B.A., Earlham College M.A., Andrt!ws University 8RYSON, ROBERT N. Counse/or,/ndructor B.A., Muskingum College M.A., Western Michigan University


BURNETTE, JIM D. Associate Professor of Allied Health B. S., Rio Grande College M.A., Marshall Unive rsity


BUTlER, JOHNNIE E. Instructor of English B.A., Jackson State College M.A., Purdu e University


1965 BUZASH, GEORGE Counselor, Professor B.S., Slippery Rock State Teachers College M. Ed ., Pennsylvania State Unive rsity CACKOWSKI, JAMES J. C')ordinator of Offico Administration and Assistant Professor of Business Administration B.S., University of Cincinnati M. Ed., University of Cincinnati

CALDWELL, LAURA R. IMrs. College Nutsel Indructor


COLOVAS, ANTHONE C. Deportment Head of Technologies and Assistant Professor of Sodal Science and Sociology B.S., Wayne State University M. Ed., Wayne State University Ed. D., Wayne State University


COLSON, LYDIA C. IMrs.) 1969 Associate Professor of German and French B.A., Western Reserve University M.A., Western Reserve University Ph . D., Case Western Reserve University CRAMER, BETTY LOU IMrs. - R.N.) Associate Professor of Nursing B.S., Baldwin-Wallace College M.P.S., University of Colorado


CRANE, JOHN D. Assidant Professor of Philosophy (Sabbaticalle avel B.S., Baldwin-Wallace College M.S., Ohio State University


CRATTY, DAVID M. Atsociate Professor of English B.A., St. Mary's College M.A., Indiana University


CRAWFORD, GARIE IMrs.) 1973 Instrudor of Graphic Communications Management and Technology B.F.A., State Unive rsity of New York at Buffalo M.F.A., State University of New York at Buffalo CSEJTEY, BElA J. 1968 Associate Profassor of Art B.A., Youn gstown University B.A., Pet. Pozman University M.A., University of Fine Arh, Budapest Ph . D., Horthy University, Hungary

CULP, MARILYN M. IMrs.) Anistant Professor of Sociology B.A., Baldwin-Wollace Collego M.A., Bowling Green University


DAVID'SON, JOSEPH A. Anodeh, Profenor of BusinGu Administration (Marhting) B.B.A., Western Reserve University M.B.A., Western Reserve University


1966 DEHN, FRANCES J. IMrs.) Associate Professor of English B.S., Bowling Green State University M.A., Ohio State University DOBER, ROBERT F. Associale Professor of Social Science and Hidory B.S., John Carroll University M.A. , John Carroll University


DOMOTORFFY, ZSOL T J. Assidant Professor of Mathematics B.S., John Carroll University M.S., John Carroll University


1965 D'ONOFRIO, MARIO l. Associate Professor of Foreign Language B.A., Kent State University M.A., Ohio Stote University DOWDING, NANCY E. Counselor, Professor B.A. , Western Reserve University M.A., Columbia University M.A. , Western Reserve University Ph. D., Western Reserve University


DRAKE, ROBERT G. Assistant Director of Stude nt Activities A.B., Ohio University


EATON, ELINOR F. Atsociate Profossor of Geography B.A., Denison University M.A., Northwestern University


1966 ENGLISH, RITA S. (M ... ) Reference Librarian, Profe ssor B.S., 51. John College M.S.LS., Western Reserve University ESTERHAY, JUDITY M. Indructor of Physical Education B.S., Cleveland State University M.Ed ., Kent State University


FRAZIER, MARTHA B. 1M... ) Associate Professor of 8usinen Administralion (Accounting) B.S.B.A., Washington University M.B.A., Washington University


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