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C Admis sion to Cuyahoga Comm unity College is open to all high school gradua tes as well as to non-hig h school gradua tes, 19 years of age or older, who demon strate capab ility of college -level perform ance. C Submi t your applica tion to the Office of Admis sions and Record s at the campu s of your choice - Weste rn or Metro. Applic ations will be processed in order of their receipt . C The general admiss ions policy of the Colleg e does not insure your admitt ance to a particu lar course or progra m. You may be reques ted to enroll in special courses to erase schola stic deficie ncies. C If you are transfe rring to CCC from anothe r college or univer sity, or if you are a former CCC studen t seeking readm ission, you may be affecte d by the Colleg e's probat ion and dismis sal policie s. C Persons under 19 years of age who have not comple ted high school are genera lly not consid ered eligible for admiss ion to Cuyahoga Comm unity Colleg e. An except ion to this policy is explain ed in this Catalo gue under ACAD EMIC CREDIT IN ESCROW. C Submi ssion of Americ an Colleg e Test (ACT) results (where specifi ed on the following pages) is not a condit ion for admiss ion, but is a requisi te for pre-reg istratio n and post-re gistrat ion counse ling. C In cases where the studen t has taken the Schola stic Aptitud e Test (SAT) rather than ACT, the results may be submit ted to CCC instead . NOTE: Please see ADMISS IONS section of Catalogue for addition al informa tion.

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