1964-1965 Metropolitan Yearbook

Page 79

HUMAN RELATIONS Students interested in studying and discussing 'nter-grgup relations in the community- in the $nation('"and in the world, find ample 0l2portunity to \do so in the Human. Relations~ ~Phlim. Tile forum is dedicf ted t~tit~e de. eJopmen of social and cultural programs designed to promote fellQwship and to \ im(rove inter('" .. I group commUlllcatlOn. !,I;!;, The neces'sity.! for man to live amicably with his fellow ' man is / the dyhamic and vital issue with wh ictl die Human Relations Forum is prima iIy;~o cerned. With a sudderi~burst~6f enthusiasm in . " orgalllZ, /'j . attlOn 路'!路., IS 路 d'ISspnng 0 f ,1965 ,/ 'th IS playing the potentiality of""a very influential club on campusy as it si}I'ves both its individual students and the college. First Row, left to right: W. Armwood, E. Cummings, J. Goerz, Secretary; E. Richardson, K. Kyler, C . Bailey, J. Cook, President. Second Row: S. Lofton, S. McDonald, L. Hudson-Bey, B. Howse, F. Appling, R. Mixon, Vice-President; B. Sharpe. Third Row: M. Moskowitz, N. Clark, E. Fleming, Advisor; G. Reynolds, C. Dent, Treasurer; R. Poplar.

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